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Everything posted by borate

  1. Import the clips to the bin, then select a clip and under the preview window drag the scrubber (red-line) to the start point. Click SET START. Drag to the end point. Click SET END. Do this with each clip, until they all display the trimmed content. Different trims can be made to the same clip. Right-click a clip in the bin | COPY. Right-click a blank area in the bin | PASTE (clip). Set new INS/OUTS. When done drag the trimmed clips to the timeline in the order desired.
  2. Not on a MAC here, but chances are that it's working just as it should. Take a look at this thread... https://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/31872-recording-mono-but-output-in-stereo/?tab=comments#comment-84732 The likely solution: convert the Mono clip to center-channel Stereo, using Wavepad.
  3. Can't replicate your result. Overlaid the image, added scale and positioning via the MOTION effect and it looked great. The default transparency did not change.
  4. Upload the image and someone will check it out. Use a free server such as MS OneDrive or Google Drive, get a shareable (public) link, copy the link and post it here. If using Google change "restricted" to "anyone with link can view."
  5. The envelope at the top-right of this forum looks like . Do a back up. If it's more than 3GB don't bother to upload the folder. Instead consider exporting each sequence - one at a time - as an mp4 or AVI file. It's then simply a clip. Later, merge the exported clips, adding bookmarks between them. Then burn the DVD. Or in the DVD movie export dialogue choose ISO instead of the burner. An ISO is a DVD image that can later be burned to disk using Express Burn. This can help assess whether the size of the project will fit onto a disk. Owing to capacity, multiple disks, each containing several of the exported sequences, may be needed. Should one of the sequences have the sync or processing audio issue, please follow the instructions above to share it.
  6. That's two different scenes at the time of the vertical squeeze. Program a SCALE effect with the "keep aspect ratio" box unchecked. Start with a keyframe at the head. Move the scrubber (red line) to where you want the effect to start and move the vertical slider to the left. When satisfied, click the small green + to create a second keyframe. Here's an example with the effected video on track 2 and a grey gradient clip on track one, which is revealed when the effect takes place. http://help.nchsoftware.com/help/en/videopad/win/effects_animating.html Squeeze.wmv
  7. That's a four-minute clip. Precisely at what time does it demo what you want? One route to a static A/R change: right-click a clip in the bin (top-left) and Change Aspect Ratio. Many options are shown in the sub-menus.
  8. Here's the scoop on chapters. If you need more extensive authoring check out Express Burn. Hard to say without seeing the project. Share it as instructed below. It's easy, quick and can be private. Again, we need to see it. Using as few sequences as practicable is suggested. Try using a single sequence, with bookmarks, as suggested in the link above. Or do one sequence at a time, to lessen the processing load (though a lower-res one-hour project should be no problem). Save each sequence with a unique name by using Save AS. Click the chevron to the right of the SAVE button on the toolbar to see that choice or use the Menu at the top-left and click FILE | SAVE PROJECT FILES AS. To share the project... Back up --- With your project on the timeline, click on MENU at the top-left. Click FILE|BACK UP PROJECT FILES TO FOLDER. Choose a folder and SELECT FOLDER. Upload --- Upload the saved, numbered FOLDER. Use a free server - Google Drive, MS OneDrive, etc.* Do NOT upload the individual VPJ or export file. Get link --- Get a public link. If using Google Drive click GET SHAREABLE LINK. Change "restricted" to "anyone with the link can view" Click COPY LINK | DONE. Share --- Paste that link here, or click the folder at the top-right of this forum to message it privately to me. It won't be shared. * Before uploading, right-click the folder, click PROPERTIES. Look at the File Size to confirm that it's not too big for the free space on the server.
  9. Loaded quickly, looked great, exported @ 1920x1080 in less than :15, using default mp4 settings. Even ran it up to YouTube @ 1280x720. So unable to replicate your result. Download again and install the latest.
  10. That's the idea.😉 But in recent versions the behavior has changed. Added effects now apply immediately to all selected clips, without the need for the APPEND button. That button is useful if present effects are to be appended to other selected clips.
  11. In years of licensed usage here there's never been a prompt - except when a project is incompatible with an older version being tested. Backwards compatibility is often okay, but isn't assured as there have been numerous changes under the hood. A video clip dropped from the bin onto the timeline winds up on track one if nothing is competing on that track. There are also a number of placement choices available by right-clicking a bin clip. A transparent image, on the other hand, will go to track 2 in recent versions as it's to be used as an overlay.
  12. Familiarization takes time and patience. Good basic tips here. There's also HELP. Click the ? at the top-right of the VP window. Click <ctrl-F> to FIND. New image length is set under OPTIONS | MEDIA tab. 3:00 is the default. To change the duration of multiple images on the timeline, it usually succeeds to first select those that are to be changed. Then double-click the video track and select the time entry in the box under the preview window Input the new duration. Press <enter> or click the video track.
  13. Expand the timeline a bit with the slider at the bottom-right of the window. Make a split. Press the right-arrow keyboard key or use the "next frame" button under the preview window and split again. Expand the timeline enough to see the newly split out area and click (select) it. Right-click it and <delete|ripple> or press the keyboard DEL key.
  14. The save file location should never change on its own, of course. Save AS to the location desired and report back if it does it again. What version of VP is being used? If the program isn't following your instruction to Always Freeze, then perhaps something has become corrupted. Tests okay here. Under OPTIONS | DISK tab Clear Unused Cache Files. It's wise to do that before starting a new project. Install the latest version. For licensed users upgrades are free for up to six months from purchase date. After that, VP will continue to fully function but a fee will be required in order to register the newest. Retain your old install file and registration info. If registering within the six-month period is an issue, slightly older versions 8.45, 8.84 and 8.91 are alternatives. They're available here.
  15. Select all the effected clips on the timeline. Click the FX button on any clip. Delete all effects. On the toolbar, click the "replace effects chain' icon.
  16. Save Project File AS routinely, giving it a unique # or name, so as not to overwrite prior saves. Using Save Project Files (no AS) will overwrite. Specify the SAVE location when you do this; it should never change on its own. To access the Save AS dialogue click the chevron to the right of the SAVE button. The transition default behavior is set under OPTIONS | EDITING tab. ASK ME is your current setting. But it can be changed to either Freeze or Overlap. The reason you have not seen the pop up before is likely because prior transitions always had sufficient video at the end of the FROM clip and the head of the TO clip to cover the transition duration. Then you worked with one that did not, so it prompted whether to freeze the clips or to overlap them (which can alter sync). A freeze often works well on short transitions and does not alter sync. This is the correct behavior. Transitions require 'leftover' video - after the FROM and before the TO. If it doesn't have it, it asks what to do, or it follows your default settings. This forum is your first line of help. Folks here often come up with solutions. And when a true bug is verified they pass it on to the developers.
  17. What are your export settings? PC or a MAC? Share your project. Someone will take a look and come up with a fix. The process is easy, quick and can be done privately. Just follow these steps... Back up --- With your project on the timeline, click on MENU at the top-left. Click FILE|BACK UP PROJECT FILES TO FOLDER. Choose a folder and SELECT FOLDER. Upload --- Upload the saved, numbered FOLDER. Use a free server - Google Drive, MS OneDrive, etc.* Do NOT upload the individual VPJ or export file. Get link --- Get a public link. If using Google Drive click GET SHAREABLE LINK. Change "restricted" to "anyone with the link can view" Click COPY LINK | DONE. Share --- Paste that link here, or click the folder at the top-right of this forum to message it privately to me. It won't be shared. * Before uploading, right-click the folder, click PROPERTIES. Look at the File Size to confirm that it's not too big for the free space on the server.
  18. Perhaps due to the TV having a much bigger screen? Drop in on the Express Burn forum. And test a direct Videopad DVD Movie burn.
  19. After further testing, the sound cache seems to be working as intended though it may not always clear older audio content until a new project is loaded. Delete the files manually if it's an issue.
  20. Two ways... Drag the clip to the desired location on the timeline OR First lock the video track - right-click to its left for that drop-down menu choice
  21. One would think so, but it doesn't. Bug? File a report by clicking the chevron at the top-right of the VP window.
  22. An NTSC ISO was created in VP, then burned with Express Burn and another program. Both results played fine on a Samsung BR-DVD player. If you create your own ISO, or burn directly in VP, try specifying NTSC, instead of PAL. For your tests, use a DVD-RW rewritable, so money isn't wasted on duds.
  23. The unnecessarily ultra-high definition stills are causing the problem. They need to be reduced - perhaps to a reasonable 1920x1080. When VP 64-bit is released (no target date) this likely won't be an issue. This image editor can batch process images to any size. Takes only seconds.
  24. As the fault can't be replicated here, it hints at a local PC issue. If possible, try another machine. To empty cache, click OPTIONS | DISK tab and Clear Unused Cache Files.
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