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Everything posted by borate

  1. borate


    Transitions do not function correctly. The first is usually OK, but most of the rest are not. Problem persists in 3.01 Beta. At the in point the FROM video may jump a frame or so and then freezes for a portion or the duration of the transition. Occurs with dissolves, wipes, etc. Know the reason, and how to avoid the problem? Thanks
  2. Query has been resolved
  3. borate

    Overlay text

    Fine Nat, I was about to conclude that my eyes were prematurely failing. Located a YouTube tutorial for 3.0, likely just posted, and found the answer. At its simplest, text overlay is added as track two. It appears as an insert over track one. Thanks
  4. borate

    Overlay text

    Hi Nat, As mentioned, the latest BETA 3.0 version is what's being used here. There is no gray box with the word "overlay" and the tab labels read: Sequences, Video Files, Audio Files, Images, not Media list, Effects and Transitions. Perhaps this is where our communication is breaking down. As I noted, the attachment in the earlier message from the moderator is not downloadable or viewable. I guess someone who is using 3.0 will have to update us on where "overlay" lies. Click HERE to see the screen that I see.
  5. borate

    Overlay text

    Thanks for the feedback. Unfortunately, when your attachment is clicked ... "You do not have permission to view this attachment." (Using the latest BETA free version.) The OVERLAY will be text. After creating a short text clip I can locate no + sign anywhere on the screen. Nor is there any reference whatsoever, under any drop-down menu or submenu, to "overlay."
  6. borate

    Overlay text

    In tutorial #2 at http://www.nchsoftwa...d/tutorial.html I see the following tabs: Media list, effects, transitions and overlay. However, in the UNregistered VideoPad user interface the tabs are: Sequences, video files, audio files, images. Why the discrepancy? Where's the OVERLAY choice? Perhaps this is a limitation of the free version of the program. Gracias
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