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Everything posted by borate

  1. borate


    Use the TRANSPARENCY effect, applied to the overlay (higher) track. Click the fx button on the clip in the sequence. Then click the large green + sign to see the effect list.
  2. When a title clip is selected in the bin, under the preview window you should see this ... Or double-click a title clip thumbnail in the sequence.
  3. borate


    Series 5 is years old. Check out the current version.
  4. Confirmed: sync drifts in AVI output. Should be fixed in the next version. In the interim, use Mp4 instead. There was a black flash (upon export) between the opening slide and first video, which can be overcome by inserting a short blank, black clip at the head and transitioning from it to the slide.
  5. Don't believe changes have been made to how the mask works. This has nothing to do with 'home' vs. 'pro.' If the effects window is invoked, either with the fx on the sequence clip or via a right-click|VIDEO EFFECTS on the bin clip, the mask should appear in Clip Preview.
  6. The link is not an .exe, but simply a URL of a FAQ page. https://www.nchsoftware.com/videopad/kb/1772.html
  7. First time this has been mentioned. Check this out, though 'crashing' isn't your issue. For a Mac, see if a reinstall helps, or reverting back to an earlier version. File a bug report by clicking the chevron at the top-right of the VP window. Keep in mind that licensed upgrades are free for up to six months. After that, VP will continue to fully function but a fee will be required in order to register the newest.
  8. First suggestion...try the latest version. For licensed users upgrades are free for up to six months. After that, VP will continue to fully function but a fee will be required in order to register the newest. If that doesn't correct the problem please share your project. Someone will check it out and find the fix. Here's how... http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/ If it contains sensitive material you can link it in a personal message (PM) to me, via the envelope above. Be sure to FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS, not simply SAVE PROJECT, and don't forget to share it.
  9. Unaware of books, but this PDF may help. Click the 'hamburger' menu at the top-right and Find In Page. As for the barking... during the rest of the pan there's undoubtedly background noise (room tone). First, save the project. Right-click on the audio track and UNLINK FROM VIDEO. Now Lock the video track, using the lock icon at the left. If it's missing, right-click and LOCK TRACK. Position the scrubber (red line) at the start of the bark. Then click the chevron to the right of the SPLIT button and click on AUDIO TRACKS|SPLIT AUDIO TRACK 1. Do the same for the end of the bark. You have now isolated the bark as a clip. To make it easy, shoot for an even number for this newly defined clip, such as three seconds, make note of it. Hovering the mouse pointer over the clip displays a pop up that lists the length. Now delete the bark clip by selecting it and pressing the <del> key, which will leave a gap. In another area of the pan, when the dog wasn't barking, use the same procedure to split out a segment that is slightly longer than the deleted dog bark clip. Select (highlight) this clip, and press <ctrl-C> to copy it. Or right-click|COPY. Using the ||< and > || buttons under the preview window, move the scrubber to the leading edge of the gap where the dog bark was. Right-click in the gap area and PASTE (overwrite). That should fill the gap with the clip that was copied, substituting room tone for the bark. If you make a mistake, press <ctrl-Z> to go back, step-by-step.
  10. Assuming 7.39 was used to create the project, let's take a look and figure this out. Please upload and share.
  11. What VP version is being used? Many improvements have been made. Test the latest.. For licensed users upgrades are free for up to six months. After that, VP will continue to fully function but a fee will be required in order to register the newest. If that's not the fix, please share your project. Here's how... http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/ If it contains sensitive material you can link it in a personal message (PM) to me, via the envelope above. Be sure to FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS, not simply SAVE PROJECT, and don't forget to share it.
  12. Video editing is resource intensive, so the fan ramps up to cool the PC when it's under a heavy load. A quieter fan or higher-end PC might be the fix, though that's likely not what you want to hear. Takes a bit of prep, but you might try Proxy Editing, which uses small clips while editing, to lessen Videopad's workload.
  13. Nat is correct. But, to a limited extent, text font size and positioning (not the font itself), can be adjusted. Worth a test. Select (highlight) all text clips, then click the fx button on any one of them to open the effects window. Click the green + at the top-left of the toolbar and choose the SCALE effect, as an example. Scale and position the text to taste. Then click the 6th button from the left on the toolbar ("replace effect chain"). The changes will be applied to all selected clips. If the result doesn't please, simply click the X for the effect, to delete it.
  14. Usually no need to uninstall, just install over the top. You may or may not need to re-register/pay an upgrade fee. Retain your old installer. It's likely stored in "C:\Program Files (x86)\NCH Software\VideoPad". For licensed users upgrades are free for up to six months. After that, VP will continue to fully function but a fee will be required in order to register the newest.
  15. Save As Portable is a dated folder that contains all project files, but they are not zipped. Open the folder to view them all.
  16. There should be no incompatibilities between 7.3x and 7.50, which is a test beta subject to change. Can't definitively answer your other queries; you will just have to test. But do recommend that you click the 'hamburger' menu (top-left), FILE, then SAVE AS PORTABLE PROJECT - perhaps to a USB thumb drive. That project should load into any compatible version, irrespective of the PC, as it contains all files and the .vpj control. It's meant to be portable.
  17. No reason comes to mind why a project created in 6.29 won't load in that version, whether registered or not. Try installing 6.29 on the laptop - see the link below. As for exporting your new project with a non-licensed version: that should be possible, though certain file types may be restricted. Video AVI usually succeeds, using the default settings. If the purchase prompt did not offer a 'lite' version choice, first save your project. Then attempt an uninstall via Windows Control Panel|PROGRAMS AND FEATURES. The choice may appear. If still thwarted, test the free 'lite' version, which has some limitations, but should do the job for you. It may allow an Mp4 export as well. Eventually you can register it or its successor.
  18. Just got around to viewing the video file and can confirm Nat's observation about what appears to be an empty SRT. But these are Swedish titles and my guess is that either Notepad can't display them or that the font isn't on the PC. The subtitles display nicely in Videopad 7.5 and in MPC-HC/BE here.
  19. If the slide is a still image, simply drag its edges. Or double-click it on the sequence, and set a new length in the box under the preview window. If it's a video that contains a still, take a snapshot of it. Use that instead and set a duration. If it's moving video, perhaps slow it down via the right-click menu on the clip.
  20. Play the sequence. Each time narration begins and ends split only the track containing music by clicking the chevron to the right of the SPLIT button that's under the preview window. Or, with the music track selected, press <shift-L> to split that track at the scrubber (red line) position. This creates individual audio clips for each narration segment where music volume will be dipped. Then hold down <ctrl> and click on each of those new music clips, to select (highlight) them all. Now click the fx button on one of the audio clips, click the green + at the left of the toolbar and choose the AMPLIFY effect. Create a graph with audio lowered to about 75%. Each time you drag the line of the graph a keyframe (dot) is set. If the dot doesn't set itself, click the small green +. Dots can be dragged. To remove one or all, right-click on it. The greater the space between dots plotted at different audio levels, the slower will be the transition between them. For example, if the space between dots one and two below is increased, the fade would be longer. The graph should resemble this. Audio starts at 100% and smoothly fades to 75%. Then it ramps back up to 100% at the end of narration. Now click the fourth button from the left on the toolbar to Replace Effect Chain. This will apply the audio dip to all selected clips. Check out this thread. This is a feature that's in the VP pipeline.
  21. Snap is a work in progress. Remember, 7.5 is beta. The audio slider bug has already been reported. On the isolation issue, here an isolated clip retains the left edge position whether its left handle is dragged right or the right handle is dragged left. I.O.W., the leading edge of the clip is static, no matter how it's sized. This strikes me as being the correct behavior. But <alt> will overcome it if it's not the result you prefer. Hopefully, the drop-down menu issue soon will be remedied. As for delays, test both states of the Use Hardware Acceleration checkbox in OPTIONS||EDITING tab. And yes, a higher-end CPU may help. Be sure that the video driver and Direct-X are up-to-date. https://www.nchsoftware.com/videopad/kb/1772.html Submit a project that lags and someone will check it against their PC. Here's how... http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/ If it contains sensitive material you can link it in a personal message (PM) to me, via the envelope above. Be sure to FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS, not simply SAVE PROJECT, and don't forget to share it. While these issues are vexing, personal experience demonstrates that programmers for NCH are more responsive than are those for some other companies. Two cases that come to mind are certain legacy features that were broken with the advent of Windows 8. It was years before they were corrected, despite the fact that a simple fix for one failure was published early on in MS support groups. Recently, a broken critical app in a popular Android emulator took six-months to fix. When you spot problems not discussed above please begin a new thread with a descriptive subject.
  22. Reinstall the latest VP version and see if that makes a difference. Won't hurt.
  23. Aye. After more experimentation, the behavior you describe seems due to the change in handling of effects by later VP versions, and the order in which they're applied... Take a 4:3, add the letterbox (or crop, if preferred) A/R effect, then apply the mask. Lastly, choose an insert effect - NEGATIVE in this example.
  24. borate


    Try a reinstall or install of the latest. For licensed users upgrades are free for up to six months. After that, VP will continue to fully function but a fee will be required in order to register the newest.
  25. Is your sound set up correct? Go to SOUNDS in Control Panel (Windows). Right-click anywhere in the window and check SHOW DISABLED DEVICES. Right-click on the microphone item and SET AS DEFAULT DEVICE. Double-click on the microphone item and, at the bottom of the window that appears, Use This Device. Double-click the microphone item again and then the LEVELS tab. Be sure the mic volume is not too low, though that wouldn't cause an error message.
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