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Everything posted by borate

  1. Voice your concerns to the developers by clicking the chevron at the top-right of the VP interface and choosing the appropriate option. They do read the suggestions and bug reports. The missing PV res options are related to processing of aspect ratios and effects. This was revamped for the better in recent releases. Caching has been considerably improved. Allow the green bar above the sequence to fully complete. Once that's done the files are quickly accessible, and editing should be fluid - in many cases without the need for proxy files... Proxy editing, also known as offline editing, is a technique used in video editing to make large files more manageable. You essentially create low-quality copies of your high-quality raw footage, then use those low-quality “proxy files” during the editing process. It is commonly utilized with higher-end editing systems. Old versions are available here.
  2. That is the first report of this seen here. If you follow the above suggestion on how to split out a clip from the bin and drop it onto the sequence results should be as intended. Yes, a video of what is occurring would be helpful. You might also uninstall completely, using this tool, then reinstall the most recent VP version. Take care to uninstall only VP entries.
  3. Not totally clear on what is happening when it "also places the unwanted rest of clip on the time line." But, to easily cut out a section of a clip, preview it in the bin. Then move the scrubber (red line) under the PV window to the start point and click the Set Start button. Move the scrubber to the intended end and click the Set End button. Then click the ADD button and the clip will be overlaid at the scrubber location on the sequence. Click the chevron to the right of ADD for alternatives on where the clip will be placed. Much has changed since the 5x series, and it will take time to learn the nuances. Of course, that version can still be used, but don't expect full compatibility with the latest.
  4. If your project does not retain effects or export correctly, link it here. That's the best way to sort out issues. Added an overlay logo still image to a track 1 video here, then used the SCALE effect to size and position it, and the transparency effect to let the background show through. Worked fine. As for automatically placing a single-clip bin import on the timeline - if that's your issue - it is a feature that may or may not survive, based on user input. Voice yours by making a suggestion from the menu above. If you reinstall the program that behavior may change. Sometimes it takes several installs.
  5. This thread may solve the problem. If it doesn't, stop by again.
  6. In order to share the project, please follow the instructions in the above link on saving as a portable project. After uploading to Drive, share the link and post it here. That would be normal. Each time a black/gray box is created, right-click on it and CLOSE GAP. After all gaps are closed, export. When deleting clips, use DELETE (ripple) and all material to the right of the excised clip will move left, with no gap.
  7. Very similar specs on the PC here. No crashes of note. In some builds (there may be several with the same version #), adding a single new clip to the bin will place it on the sequence or append it to the end. If this occurs and is not wanted, Use <ctrl-Z> (EDIT|UNDO) to remove it. The 'feature' is being evaluated. Don't recall experiencing that or seeing it reported. What were the export settings? Tested two overlays, each with a different effect, and all persisted after closing the effects window. No other reports on that, AFAIK. Betas undergo frequent revisions, even though the version # doesn't change. It's a continuous development cycle. That nice - for improvements . No so much so for bugs that can creep in. When spotted, they are quickly addressed. Before exporting, click the double-arrow, bottom-right, to display the entire sequence. Excise extraneous material. Report issues by clicking the chevron at the top-right of the VP screen. If there's a specific project that isn't playing nicely, please share it so others can troubleshoot. Here's how... http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/ If it contains sensitive material you can link it in a personal message (PM) to me, via the envelope above. Click FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS, not simply SAVE PROJECT. Then share the link.
  8. As linked above, you can download it from here. Succeeds in just seconds on this PC, but did not attempt an install.
  9. Are you saying that the 2.41 version linked above would not install on the same PC and operating system on which it was previously installed?
  10. Did you create them in 7.30? Are you reloading the project or just a subtitle file? Or are subtitle positions - top/middle/bottom/etc. not being saved? If that's the case, be sure to Apply Format To SELECTED SUBTITLES, under the Format tab. If this doesn't solve the issue, please post images. Here's how... http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/
  11. Let's take a look. Please share your project so others can analyze it. Here's how... http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/ If it contains sensitive material you can link it in a personal message (PM) to me, via the envelope above. Click FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS, not simply SAVE PROJECT. Then share the link.
  12. Perhaps the black areas are gaps. Very easily seen in Storyboard mode. Did you right-click in those areas and CLOSE GAP?
  13. In lieu of a direct VP upload, try an export as an Mp4 file, then use YouTube's uploader. See https://tinyurl.com/y38e8o39 You did not mention what recent version # you purchased? Retain the installer file while you test this version. For licensed users upgrades are free for up to six months from purchase. After that, VP will continue to fully function but a fee will be required in order to register the newest.
  14. Delete these two folders... "C:\Program Files (x86)\NCH Software\Components" "C:\Users\<your PC name>\AppData\Roaming\NCH Software\Components" Then reinstall. If that doesn't allow you to load the project, uninstall fully using this tool. Take care not to uninstall anything other than VP entries. Then install the latest VP version. If it crashes only on export, but the project loads okay, share your project so others can analyze it. Here's how... http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/ If it contains sensitive material you can link it in a personal message (PM) to me, via the envelope above. Be sure to FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS, not simply SAVE PROJECT. Report results here please.
  15. Let's take a look. Please share your project so others can analyze it. Here's how... http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/ If it contains sensitive material you can link it in a personal message (PM) to me, via the envelope above. Click FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS, not simply SAVE PROJECT. Then share the link.
  16. Check out your other thread - "Two Camera Editing" - where there's a split-track method outlined that will display (a portion of) each track simultaneously. Tested that approach here, and it worked well. There was no sync issue with simply creating gaps in track two where track one is to be shown. In fact, track one can probably be locked.
  17. Two thoughts... Under OPTIONS|EDITING, toggle the Use Hardware Accelerated Video Effects box and see if that has an impact on your result. Here is the 7.31 beta version, which is subject to change on a regular basis and may have its share of bugs. It's under development.
  18. Your original file, slowed in VP 7.31 (beta) looks to me about as smooth as one might expect. The "insert transition frames when speed is reduced" box was checked. Old versions are available here.
  19. 4 GB RAM is usable, if marginal. 8+ would be better as video editing is resource intensive. One thing you might do prior to beginning a new project is click OPTIONS|DISK tab and Clear Unused Cache Files. Loading will be slow at first, but once the clips are cached a reload will be faster. Share your project, as detailed above, and someone will check out how it exports. You might also consider upgrading to the latest Windows version. For licensed users upgrades are free for up to six months from purchase. After that, VP will continue to fully function but a fee will be required in order to register the newest.
  20. borate

    Buggy Playback

    Let others have a look... Please share your project. Here's how... http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/ If it contains sensitive material you can link it in a personal message (PM) to me, via the envelope above. Be sure to FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS, not simply SAVE PROJECT.
  21. Place your main image ride on track one. Use size, scale, transparency, position on the map and overlay it on track two.
  22. Best to start a new thread with a descriptive subject. But since we're here...check out this recent thread.
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