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Everything posted by borate

  1. You have an unearthed a bug that dates back some months. It's been reported. What version CREATED the project? Use this version to export it. Despite a warning that "some effects won't be loaded" it appears to be complete.
  2. Ut multum absint ab insania.😆
  3. borate


    For a brief time, in a 6.x version there was an anti-snap toggle button. The lines are apparently an as yet unexplained change. There's nothing wrong with your installation... Make your feelings known about these issues by clicking the chevron at the top-right of the VP window and submitting a bug or suggestion.
  4. Put in a request by clicking the chevron at the top-right of the VP window. Send improvement suggestion or feedback.
  5. borate


    Yes, vertical lines in the audio track on some clips. No explanation seen for that. To avoid a 'snap' when moving a clip, hold down the <alt> key. Not aware of a sync problem in v7.39, unless it is with certain VOB clips, which is an issue being worked on. That may be overcome by first converting them to Mp4. If you share your project, someone will have a look... Here's how... http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/ If it contains sensitive material you can link it in a personal message (PM) to me, via the envelope above. Be sure to FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS, not simply SAVE PROJECT, and don't forget to share it.
  6. Your licensed copy doesn't expire. But, if after six months you feel the need to license a new version, then there is a fee. The latest can be tested without charge. NCH also offers a subscription, where you pay as you go. This model is becoming more common. Don't be shocked if Windows goes that route in the future.^_* New VP versions are released on a regular basis. While that shortens the beta period to work out bugs (which are soon addressed), it does provide valuable enhancements.
  7. You might want to double check that - AFAIK 7.39 is the latest version, as linked above.
  8. Your https://youtu.be/M-74OhI0D2A link is private and cannot be viewed.
  9. Provided all sources - video and audio - were sync-locked when recorded they should stay that way once synchronized at the start in VP. You might lay down the audio track and lock it (lock symbol at the left), then add video tracks in sync as editing progresses. As for cutting between video tracks, remember that higher numbered (overlay) tracks take precedence over lower tracks. Thus, if a portion of track two is split out and deleted, then track one will be seen in that gap. In the latest version you may find some helpful effects shortcuts under the OPTIONS|SHORTCUTS tab.
  10. Adding tracks will reduce the thumbnail size, owing to available space. But it should still be usable... Click the little cbevron to the left of the track to toggle size.
  11. What Videopad version is being used? Here is the latest, that you might want to try. For licensed users upgrades are free for up to six months. After that, VP will continue to fully function but a fee will be required in order to register the newest.
  12. What version of Videopad is being used? Let's take a look at your project, to see if results are the same here. Share it in this forum or privately. Here's how... http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/ If it contains sensitive material you can link it in a personal message (PM) to me, via the envelope above. Be sure to FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS, not simply SAVE PROJECT, and don't forget to share it.
  13. Video on track one. If it has unwanted audio, mute the audio track by clicking the speaker icon to the left of the audio track. Or right-click the clip in the sequence and UNlink audio from video, then delete the audio track. Drag the audio clip to the sequence area that reads: "drag and drop your audio clips here from the file bins." Now you can slide/manipulate the audio track, to sync it with video. If it snaps back, hold down <alt> while dragging.
  14. If the clips have been exported then the text is embedded and cannot be removed. When creating a project text overlaying video is added on a higher (overlay) track. So, if you saved the project, reload it and delete the text clips. UNlink, via the right-click menu, doesn't usually apply to text clips.
  15. borate


    You are correct that there is no option to revert to the white UI unless you install an earlier version.
  16. Free servers can be used for uploads. Google Drive, MS OneDrive among others. Sign up for a free account, upload the images and video. Make them public (share). Copy the shared link and post it here. As for your query, this page may help ... https://www.nchsoftware.com/videopad/support.html
  17. Right-click in the preview screen area and check out the options. Perhaps one will change your view??
  18. Upload your images and someone will play with them.
  19. It's unclear what you mean by "combine." In tests here, a 3D image overlaid a 2D image, picture-in-picture style - and both looked fine. Then the 2D was overlaid onto the 3D and it too displayed well. Perhaps you can upload a few examples to a free server, and link them here. Give specifics on what actions you want them to take.
  20. Take your pick from the drop-down menu.
  21. Select (highlight) all the desired audio clips, then bring up the EQ effect box. Click the fourth icon from the left on the toolbar, which will apply the effect to all the selected clips.
  22. Humm... Noted the ZOOM and SATURATION effects on many clips, but there was no hint of what you describe, even after adding a Color Curve to a clip with Zoom and Saturation. At your default 1280x720 resolution the display is full screen.
  23. Works well here, in version 7.39. In the audio effects box, click Configure Equalizer. Select your saved curve from the Select Preset drop-down box and click on Apply. Though the line may still look flat, when Configure Equalizer is clicked again you will see that the preset has been applied.
  24. Can't replicate that in 7.39 here, testing with virtually all the color effect choices. What version of VP is being used. Try the latest. For licensed users upgrades are free for up to six months. After that, VP will continue to fully function but a fee will be required in order to register the newest. Try colorizing first, then zooming or pan/zooming. If you share your project and give specifics on which clips are to have what effects and their parameters, someone will check it out. It's not difficult. Just follow the steps here... http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/ If it contains sensitive material you can link it in a personal message (PM) to me, via the envelope above. Be sure to FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS, not simply SAVE PROJECT, and don't forget to share it.
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