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Everything posted by borate

  1. What VP version is being run? Look at the start-up screen or the VP window left-bottom corner. Here is the latest. For licensed users upgrades are free for up to six months from purchase date. After that, VP will continue to fully function but a fee will be required in order to register the newest. Retain your old install file and registration info. What is the format (file type) of these videos? Share one if possible and someone will check it out. Just upload it to a free server, such as MS OneDrive or Google Drive, make it public, copy the shared link and post that link here or privately to me in a Personal Message. If using Google Drive, be sure to change "restricted" to "anyone with the link can view."
  2. To be precise where new content is being overlaid, use the buttons (or <Shift>+<Right or Left> shortcuts to have the scrubber (red-line) land at the joint between clips. Then right-click the new clip in the bin and OVERLAY ON SEQUENCE AT CURSOR. That way, the overlay should be just above the intended clip. If this doesn't do the job, what version of VP is being used? Upgrade to the latest. For licensed users upgrades are free for up to six months from purchase date. After that, VP will continue to fully function but a fee will be required in order to register the newest. Retain your old install file and registration info.
  3. If you simply installed the unregistered trial version, there's nothing more that you need to do. If you paid money, try the two links above, and the links that they contain, to get in touch with NCH.
  4. Place the scrubber (red-line) where you want the new content dropped in. To locate the precise split point between clips use the buttons under the preview window or shortcut keys. In the bin, right-click the new clip and PLACE ON SEQUENCE AT CURSOR. Another approach.... Select all clips to the right of where the new one is to be added, then drag them to the right. Don't press <ctrl>. If they snap back, hold down <alt> while dragging. Drop the new clip into the gap that is created. If there's a gap left over, right-click in it and CLOSE GAP, To select all those clips, click on the first one, hold down <ctrl> and click on the last. All clips in that range will be highlighted.
  5. If the clips were imported from the PC into Videopad and the project was subsequently saved, then VP should know where they are. When reloading a project, if VP can't find clips it will prompt the have them manually located. Have never witnessed 'red exclamation points or triangles' here. Take a screen shot, upload it to a free server, get a shareable (public) link, copy the link and post it here. Perhaps that will jog someone's memory. Of course. Save Project File AS routinely, giving it a unique # or name, so as not to overwrite prior saves. Using Save Project Files (no AS) will overwrite. Then you can restore a project to the state it was in when saved. Just double-click the VPJ file (which isn't playable).
  6. Let's see the video of you. Upload a brief sample to a free server, such as MS OneDrive or Google Drive, make it shareable (public), get a link and share that here or in a Personal Message to me, where it won't be seen by others. Click the envelope at the top-right of this forum and search for "borate." Addressed in a private message.
  7. If a link is broken, tie audio to video by selecting both, then right-clicking on either and GROUP SELECTED CLIPS.
  8. They all work. Select the text in the editor box first, then make the "doesn't work" changes.
  9. Try using the REPLACE instead of the APPEND icon.
  10. Export using mp4 instead of AVI. What version of VP is being run? Upgrade to the latest VP version, which may solve the issue. For licensed users upgrades are free for up to six months from purchase date. After that, VP will continue to fully function but a fee will be required in order to register the newest. Retain your old install file and registration info.
  11. If you first unlink A/V, then drop the audio clip to the next track it can be dragged without affecting video. Untitled.mp4
  12. What VP version are you using? Try the latest. For licensed users upgrades are free for up to six months from purchase date. After that, VP will continue to fully function but a fee will be required in order to register the newest. Retain your old install file and registration info. The lightning port mic is apparently recording only the left channel. If the issue isn't solved by updating VP, or Nat's suggestions, convert the MONO file to stereo (center-channel MONO) in Wavepad (free trial). At the bottom of the Wavepad window click on the word "stereo." Choose to convert to MONO and click on OK. Save the file and import it into Videopad.
  13. Project 1 is on the timeline. It has one sequence. Click the Menu item (top-left of the window), then FILE, then IMPORT CLIPS FROM ANOTHER PROJECT. This will add that project as Sequence 2. If you want to combine them into a single sequence... Click the Sequence 1 tab above the timeline, and from the bin add Sequence 2 to Sequence 1. Or click the Sequence 2 tab and from the bin add Sequence 1 to Sequence 2. Do this by dragging or via a right-click on the bin sequence, which will drop down a menu that offers several timeline placement options.
  14. Nat's analysis is right on. Proxies might pep up editing but likely not affect export, as the original large files would be in play. If you must have 4K, try this... Install version 8.45. Ignore any virus prompts. 1. Open a new VP project and add your 'candles' file to the sequence. 2. Right-click | COPY the clip. 3. Press <ctrl-v> to repeatedly paste the clip to the sequence nine times. 4. Export Sequence 2 by clicking the LOSSLESS button on the toolbar. 5. Close VP. Launch your original project, lock all but the 'candles' track, replace its content with the lossless clip, trim as necessary and add fades. Unlock all tracks. Export as AVI format, using the MPEG4 compressor at 15fps. Another approach, not tested here, would be to export without overlays. You might even export this intermediate step at 1080. Then bring the export into a new project as a clip and add the clock, snow and text. Create the final export at 4K if desired.
  15. No further insights since https://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/33138-64-bit/?tab=comments#comment-89897
  16. Your timing may be good as hardware en/decoding should be improved in the most recent version. Whether that extends to exporting - can't say - but developers are targeting performance enhancements, which should ramp up considerably when the 64-bit version is released, No target date.
  17. If a speed change is applied to an UNlinked clip it will affect only the track to which it was applied - video or audio. Sometimes it is best to independently export a speed-changed clip, then insert it in the timeline and add other effects. Worthy of consideration. In some cases, the order in which effects are applied can make a difference.
  18. This has been broached before. Vaguely recall that it's a H264 limitation. Use MPEG4 or H265 and you should get your CBR. Tests here confirmed that result.
  19. The 'bit bin' was just checked and absolutely nothing that you have submitted to this thread has been deleted, much less any of your content in other threads, though occasionally posts are consolidated for easy reading. Perhaps you didn't save your response??
  20. With that method, yes. Simpler still: drag the left bracket (red) to the start point and the right bracket to the end point (blue). Click ADD. 3 steps. See... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npLB0leypn8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0uQBZnUrsQ https://www.nchsoftware.com/prism/index.html
  21. There a several ways to trim clips. One of the easiest is essentially what you describe... Import clips to the bin (top-left) and select the one you want to trim. Move the scrubber (slider) that's under the preview window to the start point and SET START. Move it to the end and SET END. Click the ADD button and click where it's to be dropped onto the timeline.
  22. Bug. Install this version. Ignore any virus prompts. Please leave your project link on the server for a week or so, if possible. Thanks. If a release is working well, it's wise to stick with it for a time There's no mandate to upgrade. You can always test drive newer releases to see if useful features appear. And revert if problems surface. Just save the installer and registration info. For licensed users upgrades are free for up to six months from purchase date. After that, VP will continue to fully function but a fee will be required in order to register the newest. Retain your old install file and registration info.
  23. Resolved via a Personal Message. Not a VP fault.
  24. If you saved your project after creating the text then they certainly should be there. Are they missing on the timeline, or just in the exported file? Share the project. Someone will check it out. This is easy, quick and can be private. Just follow these four steps... 1. With your project on the timeline, click on MENU at the top-left. Click FILE|BACK UP PROJECT FILES TO FOLDER. Choose a folder and SELECT FOLDER. 2. Locate the saved, numbered folder, NOT the exported or VPJ file. Upload it to a free server - Google Drive, MS OneDrive, etc.* 3. Get a shared, public link. If using Google Drive click GET SHAREABLE LINK. Change "restricted" to "anyone with the link can view" Then click COPY LINK | DONE. 4. Paste that link here, or click the folder at the top-right of this forum and privately message it to me. It won't be shared. * Before uploading, right-click the folder, click PROPERTIES. Look at the File Size to confirm that it's not too big for the free space on the server.
  25. Video editing is resource intensive and a gaming-class PC is often recommended - no matter what editing software is used. Some folks get by with lots less for simple projects. If you can find a small shop that builds custom machines, they may be able to advise you on the 'sweet spot' for your specific needs, and furnish components of higher quality than a store-bought unit that often comes bundled with unwanted bloatware. The independent business folks don't want returns. Take a look here (and at similar sites you can search)... https://www.desktop-documentaries.com/computer-for-video-editing.html While a powerful machine will speed things up, compared to an I3, it doesn't guarantee freedom from export issues. They may be caused by software memory limitations (VP is 32-bit for now) or by how a project is constructed.
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