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Everything posted by borate

  1. Assuming that the audio is a fixed length, lay it down on the audio track. Then add the still images on the video track, one by one. Drag the handles (the grey bars) of each to the desired length until the entire audio track is covered.
  2. What Videopad version? Install the latest. If that doesn't resolve the issue, please upload the flle to a free server, make it shareable (public), copy the link and post it here or to me in a Personal Message (via the folder at the top of this forum). We'll check it out.
  3. The nature of this content makes for tough analysis. By 1:08:00 (suffragette) is out of sync on the timeline, so export will obviously be the same. If that clip alone is speed changed to 92% it's pretty close. So, no real conclusions. Hardware acceleration can be toggled under OPTIONS | EDITING tab. Future versions of VP promise to better utilize GPU, for faster performance.
  4. Nothing more on that. Suggest filing a bug report, with specifics and a pointer to this thread... https://tinyurl.com/yyf27yew This may be a YouTube issue. And, of course, you can always use the YT uploader.
  5. The above info doesn't work for you? Give it a try.
  6. Tested two low-res exports of that familiar project - one H264, the other MPEG4. At 42:15 lip sync, and at 56:10, tearing the panel out, looked fine. Then a 1080 export was created and it too was in sync, or close enough to not be annoying to my eyes. If it is, to yours, the best alternative may be to first convert the TS file. So unable to replicate your result in 8.95.
  7. https://www.nch.com.au/suggestions/index.html?software
  8. Using version 8.95, took two twelve-second mp4 25fps clips, placed them on the timeline and chose Export | Video. VP automatically detected that they were lossless eligible and dispatched them in about two seconds. Please upload your two files so others can test them. Use a free server, such as Google Drive, get a shareable (public) link, copy that link and post it here or privately in a Personal Message to me (folder at top of this forum). With Google, be sure to click on "restricted" and change that to "anyone with this link can view."
  9. Sorry that your upload is slow. Without seeing the layout of the project it's only a guess that VP memory is being maxed out. The 64-bit release should remedy that (no target). Many suggestions have been offered in other threads, such as exporting as lower resolution, breaking up the project, consolidating tracks, pre-producing looping segments, and how best to apply global effects. You can test various releases, as memory handling has changed from time to time. This version has proven to be dependable.
  10. Share your project and someone will analyse it. Little can be done without seeing what you are seeing. What version of VP is being used? 1. With your project on the timeline, click on MENU at the top-left. Click FILE|BACK UP PROJECT FILES TO FOLDER. Choose a folder and SELECT FOLDER. 2. Locate the saved, numbered folder. No need to upload the export or VPJ files. Upload it to a free server - Google Drive, MS OneDrive, etc.* 3. Get a shared, public link. If using Google Drive click GET SHAREABLE LINK. Change "restricted" to "anyone with the link can view" Then click COPY LINK | DONE. 4. Paste that link here, or click the folder at the top-right of this forum and privately message it to me. It won't be shared. * Before uploading, right-click the folder, click PROPERTIES. Look at the File Size to confirm that it's not too big for the free space on the server.
  11. If VP is working well for you there's no mandate to update. Allow time for glitches to be discovered. New unlicensed versions can be test driven, and the old reinstalled. What version is being used? What is the resolution of the bulk of source files? What are the export settings? The best way to track down issues is to share your project. Someone here will check it out. It's easy and quick; just follow these four steps... 1. With your project on the timeline, click on MENU at the top-left. Click FILE|BACK UP PROJECT FILES TO FOLDER. Choose a folder and SELECT FOLDER. 2. Locate the saved, numbered folder. No need to upload the export or VPJ files. Upload it to a free server - Google Drive, MS OneDrive, etc.* 3. Get a shared, public link. If using Google Drive click GET SHAREABLE LINK. Change "restricted" to "anyone with the link can view" Then click COPY LINK | DONE. 4. Paste that link here, or click the folder at the top-right of this forum and privately message it to me. It won't be shared. * Before uploading, right-click the folder, click PROPERTIES. Look at the File Size to confirm that it's not too big for the free space on the server.
  12. Let's see the project. Someone here will come up with the fix. Sharing is easy, quick and can be private. Just follow these steps... 1. With your project on the timeline, click on MENU at the top-left. Click FILE|BACK UP PROJECT FILES TO FOLDER. Choose a folder and SELECT FOLDER. 2. Locate the saved, numbered folder. No need to upload the export or VPJ files. Upload it to a free server - Google Drive, MS OneDrive, etc.* 3. Get a shared, public link. If using Google Drive click GET SHAREABLE LINK. Change "restricted" to "anyone with the link can view" Then click COPY LINK | DONE. 4. Paste that link here, or click the folder at the top-right of this forum and privately message it to me. It won't be shared. * Before uploading, right-click the folder, click PROPERTIES. Look at the File Size to confirm that it's not too big for the free space on the server.
  13. Right-click the image to be moved from a custom bin to the Images bin and you will see this...
  14. The VTT, like the one you submitted earlier, should work, but some have failed here. So save as an SRT for protection. Those always seem to work well.
  15. "C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\NCH Software\VideoPad\EffectTemplate" "C:\Users\<username>\Documents\VideoPad Projects\Templates" AFAIK, the locations are hard coded. Even after an uninstall via Control Panel | PROGRAMS AND FEATURES | Videopad | remove data, content in both paths was unaffected here.
  16. Change your Google Drive upload from "restricted" to "anyone with link can view" or honor the request that was sent to your mailbox. Redo your upload if necessary, using "anyone..." But that should not be necessary. Go to your Google account, right-click on the project upload folder, click GET LINK and change the restriction. DONE.
  17. Caps would have to begin at 00 and end at the last sentence. Not worth fiddling with the exiting file, IMO. The resource linked in the last post does a nice job. Add it to your ten-minute video. Click the Format tab and change the font size to 10pt. APPLY.
  18. The caption file times are not correct for this ten-minute file. For example, cap # 2 begins at ten minutes and ends later than an hour. That likely explains the overlap. And no, subtitles cannot be scrolled. But text files can, should you choose to go that route. VP's Speech to Text feature won't be useful for this. To generate an SSA file from your content, explore this site, which as worked well on tests here. They may provide a free trial.
  19. Just to be clear, you can't "link" an independent music track to video, but you can group tracks. LOCK the video to ensure if working with audio. Since higher video tracks take precedent, PV will depend upon the transparency of those tracks. For example, say that three tracks contain images that are the same size. If three tracks and #2 and 3 are transparent, PV will display them all. But if only track 3 is transparent, PV will show only track two. Track one will be hidden, since it's not transparent. Double-clicking on a track will preview that track. A track, or several tracks, can also be soloed (icon at its left, with three 'people'). Click it, then click the timeline. It's unclear what is "hidden", or why clicks don't respond as they normally do. With multi-layers, some tracks won't be seen unless the track area is scrolled, bringing them into view.
  20. Same result, AFAIK, just different language. Suggest sticking with a stable version that does the job for you and not chase the latest update. Let it 'simmer' for a month or two to weed out any quirks. Test unlicensed updates for free when you feel like playing. The version that you purchased can always be reinstalled. If you come upon a replicable fault, by all means share the project that exhibits it.
  21. Not seeing that here, Nat. The video below was made using H265. Image is 2560x1920. Size does seem to matter. Zoomed a 5472x3678. More lag, but still workable. Expect better GPU utilization in the future. Zoom_test.mp4 For best continuity here, please begin a new thread with a descriptive subject when the topic changes, or tack onto a recent, pertinent thread. More on ZOOM responsiveness here... https://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/33135-zoom-effect-changed-after-update-to-v895/?tab=comments#comment-89965
  22. Share, so someone can see what you see - perhaps.
  23. Using 8.91, ran an H265 mp4 Export All on three very short sequences, each containing multiple tracks and one with multiple track audio. No failures...
  24. Using 8.91, exported (all) three sequences, two with multiple audio tracks, and nothing was lost. Check back if you do pin this down.
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