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Everything posted by c_major

  1. Hi Nat, What do you think about making the button(s) displayed at the horizontal position of the mouse (when right mouse button is up)?
  2. The preview will need to be re-generated to reflect any change. Storyboard and timeline mode sharing the same preview cache. However thumbnails will not be generated if they are not visible. So yes, storyboard might take less work since there are less thumbnails. No, there is no way to suspend cache re-generating at the moment.
  3. Try the zoom slider located at the bottom-right of the screen. You can move the cursor by 1ms (0.001 second) while the zoom is maximum.
  4. I think they are correct...though they could be confusing. They should be understood as: Horizontal - rotate around horizontal axis Vertical - rotate around vertical axis
  5. I couldn't reproduce the problem in v4.48. Which version are you using? Could you share the project files to me?
  6. We've implemented most of the effects by using GPU for the next version. That's one of the reasons why it takes longer than usual to be released.
  7. It is the same codec but different container format.
  8. Sorry, not quite understand what you wanted to do here. In VideoPad the minimum transition duration is 0.002 seconds. However on export, it can be easily dropped if it falls between two output frames. So it would make sense to at lease have a few frames in order to appear in the output.
  9. Which VideoPad version are you using?
  10. Hi, Thanks for the suggestion. In fact there is an item for this issue already on our to-do list. We'll get to it as soon as we finish things currently in progress.
  11. Hi Ivan, Thanks for the suggestion, we'll look in to it.
  12. Hi Jerry, The mp4 you've uploaded is in 720p. You need to compare them in DVD resolution which is 480p. Here's a side by side comparison for mp4 and DVD both in 480p (click to view in full size):
  13. Hi, VP only exports known formats namely srt and ssa. To remove the mark up language tags you can use a text editor with regular expression capability (e.g. Notepad++). Here's an example for how to do this.
  14. Confirmed there is a bug where the volume control points out of position after speed change. Thanks for reporting and clarifying this bug.
  15. The button can be found here: No, clips in the bin would not have any effect on export.
  16. Hi, It shouldn't last longer then a few minutes for a 82.5M mp3 file. Please clean up the cache and try again (Options -> Disk -> Clear unused cache file). Is that happen only for that particular file? If so please upload the file on to a file sharing server (e.g. Google Drive, DropBox etc.) and share it to me via PM.
  17. Please try the latest version, I remember we've solved a similar problem not long ago.
  18. Hi Jerry, Could you upload the screenshot for comparing an image before and after export to DVD? Please note that native DVD resolution is 720x480 for NTSC, and 720x576 for PAL. You'll need an image in the same resolution to compare.
  19. We have reproduced this problem and are working on it. It caused by the mp3 (native) codec component. If you still getting this problem please choose another format (e.g. mp4) to export.
  20. Hi Sui, Could you please check your PM and try the diagnostic build?
  21. Hi Nat, Thanks for the testing. I think I've fingered out what happened. The recording was started right after you press the record button, but the video playback takes sometime to start (depends on the speed of the computer and the complexity of the video). Therefore some extra recording was recorded before the video playback actually started. I've filed a bug for it and it will be fixed for next release. For now you can trim out the extra sound at the beginning by setting the in point of the sound clip.
  22. The testing is not a suggestion. It is to find out if like Nat pointed out, the software delayed because generating the sound samples, there will be the equal amount of silence at the beginning of the recording. If a loud and continuous sound is playing when the recording begins we can easily spot that silence and know how long it is. In my own testing, there are nearly no silence at the beginning of the recording.
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