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Everything posted by c_major

  1. VP uses more then one process. For example If you export to x264 you will see x264enc7.exe running when you export. It depends on your project. For example, if you export a video without effects and transitions you will see x264enc7.exe taking 7x% of the CPU and VP only uses 2x. But if you have a lot of effects and multiple tracks, the codec process would only take a small amount of the CPU. Also, don't forget we recently put many effects on GPU to reduce CPU workload. So it's normal the VP main process dose not occupy 100% CPU and it does not mean it's slow. I would say it should worth the money to have 16GB RAM. Although VP is built 32bit, which means the main process can only access maximum 4GB of RAM. However most of the video and audio codecs run on different process. Also the OS and other processes would use fair bit of RAM too.
  2. @WTF I tried subtitle editing myself and found it is working okay. The cursor stop at the end is actually intended for adding continuous subtitles since new subtitles are always inserted at cursor position. The only problem I can see here is that the text didn't show up when you click on a subtitle. I can't see this happen in the latest English version. I just noticed you are using a non-English version which is not updated as often as the English one. Please try the latest English version. This issue might already been fixed.
  3. Can I also see your export settings please?
  4. The vpj file doesn't seem to have complex editing. So yes, I think we need to check the video files used in the project.
  5. Yes, you can delete and rename saved templates by clicking the "Edit effect chain template" button which next to the save template button (looks like a pencil).
  6. Sometimes we want to keep the number of threads limited. More threads means more resource(mostly memory) required. We've added a mechanism recently to detect if memory is running low, VP will reduce the number of threads to ensure the export can be finished. Also, when you say 30% - 70%, do you meant the overall CPU usage or VP process only?
  7. We increase the major version number each year. In fact there were always been big enough changes for a new release. Sometimes the changes are more on the underlying engine and less noticeable by users.
  8. This is a polished version of the last release with various bug fixes and performance improvements.
  9. Hi Grumbo, Is it possible to share your project files to us so we can find out what happened? You can upload them to Google Drive or One Drive etc.. PM me the link if you can do so. Thanks,
  10. Yes, it will be fixed. Thanks for the suggestion!
  11. Can't see that happen here... My best bet is to try clear the cache. It could be some cache files from the old versions causing that.
  12. Hi Nat, Yes, it's under development. In fact we are working on themes and templates which in a more manageable manner then just Random.
  13. I think the main difference is the license. Home edition is supposed to be used at home only. It covers everything you need for making home videos.
  14. To mute a region you can split it as a separated clip (cut from left and right) and make it muted. Click on the clip's speaker button to show the Clip Volume dialog. In fact you can apply any effects (video and audio) to a region of a clip in this way.
  15. Are you using the latest version (4.58)? Please try it if not. There was an issue for long audio files but had been fixed sometime ago.
  16. There is a current limitation for VP which will downsize input media before processing. So the 4k video will be downsized to 1080p before zoom in. We are working on remove this limitation.
  17. For good quality we should avoid zoom in too much. Otherwise it will become blur and pixelated.
  18. We don't have this feature in VideoPad but I can see how auto-splitting could be useful.
  19. You can add fade points to mute only part of video: Select the sound track you want to edit (on the Timeline). Click on the blue line to add fade points. Add two points on the left and right of the region that want to mute. Add another two points in the middle of the region. Drag the fade points in the middle to the button and close the the edge of the region as much as possible (see the screenshot below). The screenshot below shows how to mute the audio between 6.0 ~ 7.0 second:
  20. Hi Aresby, I can't tell what happened now but I'll try to reproduce the problem myself. Please let me know if you have any new findings.
  21. Hi Nat, Yes, I saw that. Thanks. What I'm thinking is a generic way to do text effects (not only for shadow). A text effect can be shadow, blur, grow, fade etc. or a special kind of animation (e.g. Starwar title).
  22. I agree with Borate that we must be very care about adding new features. I also agree with Nat that we do need so nice looking text effects. In fact it is a high priority to-do item. We'll find a way to minimize the impact to the learning curve and experience when adding new features. Thank you both for the suggestions!
  23. Which version are you using? Free version is OK.
  24. c_major

    DVD titles

    You can't use VideoPad to create a multi-chapters DVD at the moment. The bookmarks now are only used for playback seeking. We already have a plan to implement bookmarks as chapters.
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