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Everything posted by c_major

  1. @malliker YouTube has changed their uploading policy recently. Please make sure your VideoPad is the latest version (v4.58).
  2. Could you upload the exported video somewhere so we can have an idea? It'll also helps it you can post a screenshot of the export settings.
  3. Before we get this issue sorted, there is a way to output correct DV clips. First of all, DV codec output resolution is fixed to 720x480 and pixel aspect ratio is 3:2. Use a 3:2 preview resolution (i.e. 720x480). Import the 640x480 source video (you will see the back bars) and apply a Scale effect stretch the video to fill up the preview frame and remove the back bars. Export using DV codec with output resolution of 720x480.
  4. Could you try check(enable) "Constant frame rate" when export?
  5. Confirmed this is a bug. Thanks for reporting this.
  6. Hi, Do you mean Motion or Motion Blur effect?
  7. We've fixed the CPU usage problem. A new version is in testing now and will be released soon. Please let me know if you get the "failed" message again.
  8. Hi Aresby, I could not repeat the error here by using your project. I've tried use other video/sound clips to recover the project. Is it possible to share the original clip files? We can also give you the diagnostic build to try on and see if we can find the problem in the trace log.
  9. It's called Audio Scrubbing. The toggle button can be found on Main Toolbar > Audio Tab:
  10. Hi Aresby, In 4.48, VP spawn as many as threads regardless the system capability. It will work well on high end machines but less smooth on the others. Also, more thread means more memory usage. We are trying to make number of threads scale with system capacity and reduce memory consumption(especially for 4K video processing). We've done a lot of testing for the new changes(that's why it took so long) but something probably still missing. Thanks for the files, we are working on it. Edit: Yes, as Borate pointed out, using hardware acceleration will also reduce CPU usage.
  11. Hi, Is it happening only on preview playback? Have you tried export the project? Have you tried clear the preview cache (open VideoPad without loading any file and select Options > Disk > Clear Unused Cache Files)?
  12. Hi Aresby, Please try export with previous version. Also, could you send me just the project file(.vpj) without the media files.
  13. c_major


    Hi, Which VideoPad version are you using?
  14. @videopaduser: This was a discussion a year ago. We've done a lot to reduce memory usage after that. Please try out the latest version.
  15. Hi, We knew that there are big changes in v4.58. Users familiar with the old version might found it difficult to work with. Therefore we provided options to go back to the same behaviours as the old version. As the previous post already pointed out: If you don't want the clips being moved when creating transition, select "Freeze clips" in "Edit" option. You can also disable automatic audio crossfade for transition in "Edit" option. Best Regards,
  16. Thanks Ivan, we'll look into these problems and make sure they are fixed in next release.
  17. Hi Maarit, Yes, please share a sample file to us we'll have a look.
  18. Hi Dalele, Yes, please share the project files to us, we'll have a closer look. If you don't want the content go public you can PM me the link. Regards,
  19. Please try Borate's suggestion. If it still doesn't work please check your PM, I've send you a diagnostic build so we can trace what's going on.
  20. Do you have internet access when you running VideoPad?
  21. Have you tried delete the component manually? After the component was deleted, did VideoPad try to download the component again?
  22. Hi Nat, That's OK, just want to confirm if it caused by the Open DML issue.
  23. Could you please send me the link by PM (click my name here and select "Send me a message")? Thanks,
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