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Everything posted by c_major

  1. I just tried it works for me. If you select Score->Set Time Signature Repetition->First System Only, the time signature will only appear on the first system. Not sure if you need the time signature only appear on the first staff of the system though. Regards, Sam
  2. From the tool bar, select Score tab, click on Settings, a dialog will pops up where you can change Staff Size. Everything on the staff, including notes, clefs and signatures will become larger as staff size increased. Hope this helps. Sam
  3. Sharp symbols are graphics elements and they can not be used in text. When you editing text, you can copy and paste unicode character from here:http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Unicode/List_of_useful_symbols#Music You can find the shap/flat/natural symbols from the music section.
  4. Dots can be added when you clicked on the note (turned blue), and then you can toggle one, two or three dots from the tool bar - Note Tools. Or right click on the note when it turned yellow, from the popup menu select Dots and then select the number of dots. Current version does not include staccato etc.
  5. Thanks for bringing this up, Carlos. Opinions and suggestions are welcome here, they will help developers sort things out.
  6. Hi Carlos, Copying and pasting is a bit awkward for the moment. All you can do is copy/paste the whole bar(s) with all staffs. I think Crescendo will be improved over time. Best regards Sam
  7. Hi Stefan, Pressing F3 will only plays the selected bar(s) if you selected any, otherwise it plays the entire score. There is no auto-repeat at the moment. You could simply export it to a MIDI file and use any MIDI player to play it.
  8. The repetition options currently are only available in Main Menu, not the tool bar. Main Menu is located on the very top of the window, above the tool bar. Also please make sure your Main Menu is not hidden. There is a small button looks like ^ or v located at top-right of the window after the social network buttons which can show/hide the Main Menu. Regards
  9. Hi nightflier, This should be done with a second voice on the same staff. However Crescendo is not supporting multi-voices for the moment as it still under developing. If you do not care about the printing result so much and just want to get the sound right, there is a way to do it without adding new staff: Divide the full note into 1/8, 1/8 and 3/4 note. Make them into chords with the other notes or replace the rest. Tie the note you want to hold on each chord. Please note that notes in a chord can be tied individually. Hope this helps.
  10. To change the time signature to 6/8 simply right click on it and choose "Number..." on the menu. A popup dialog will shows up and let you type in the upper and lower digits. You can use right click to bring up the menu for clef and key signature as well. To hide unwanted time signature, from the main menu, choose "Score" then "Set Time Signature Repetition" and choose the repetition mode you want. Hope this helps.
  11. I've found that this problem can be 100% reproduced by changing the clef sign before appending new bars, it's definitely a bug. It should be fixed in the next version if we can narrow down the problem like this.
  12. Hi chensa, I think I understand what's going on and will try to explain it here. Normally, Crescendo will append the new bar to the same line if the line still have space left. However you can't see the space since the last bar must be stretched to fit the whole line. For some reason, or maybe a bug can change the space size without noticed. Therefore the new bar can no longer be fitted in the line and must be put into a new line. However the same thing happens so the next new bar creates a new line again. One thing I've notice was that this could happen if you selecting one of the note tools. Try cancel the tool (by right click or press ESC) before you appending new bars. Also, something you can do if this happened - in fact, you can still change the actual size of the bar manually even if the bar is stretched to fit the whole line. You can changed the bar size of the last bar by dragging the bar line, as any other bars. When you holding the mouse button, a dashed line will indicates the actual size of the bar. Just that when you release the mouse button the dashed line become invisible. In this case, you'll have to shrink the bars on both upper and lower lines until they small enough to fit in a single line. Hope this helps. Regards
  13. Point the mouse to where you want to look at and rolling the mouse wheel is the best way to zoom in/out.
  14. You can use Text Tool and just type it in like this: rit.
  15. Hi sparkenhoe, Hmm...you can't just insert bar lines into a bar. A bar contains only one bar line which is fixed at the end of the bar. However in Crescendo, there is no restriction for number of beats you can input to a bar - not necessary consistent with the time signature. Therefore you can put beats in separated bars if you want to divide the bar into separated beats. There is no dashed line style for the bar line though, which normally used to separate beats in a bar. Is this what you want? Regards
  16. You can create new bars by press CTRL+B. To insert an empty bar, right click on an existing bar and then from the popup menu select Bar->Insert Bar Before or Bar->Insert Bar After.
  17. All pages in the same score will have the same number of staves. You can have different number of staves in a new Score.
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