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Everything posted by c_major

  1. You can use 2.41 on Windows 8 by changing compatibility settings: Right Click on videopad.exe -> Properties -> Compatibility -> Compatibility mode -> Run this program in compatibility mode for: Windows XP. We can always improve the latest version so if you found a particular feature much slower then 2.41 please let me know.
  2. Do you mean preview or export? Could you tell a more detail about your comparison (for example what effects/transition in the comparison project)? VideoPad has been reconstructed since 3.00 to support much more complex editing.
  3. Hi Nat, We did some search an still have no idea why would that happens... In fact it would create a new clip and then delete the old one. Maybe for some reason the deleting was failed. It didn't happens on me though.
  4. Note: Different tutorials can be chosen from the play list menu (on top-right).
  5. Well, I admit this could has been designed better. But the only problem of running two encoding job simultaneously is run out of memory. As long as sufficient memory available, which depends on how complex the project is, there will be fine.
  6. Hi, Would you mind run a diagnostic build to help use identify the problem. If so please check your PM.
  7. Hi, It seems the audio codecs are not working properly too. Please shut down VideoPad, remove everything in these folders: C:\Users\[user Name]\AppData\Roaming\NCH Software\Components C:\Program Files (x86)\NCH Software\Components Then start VideoPad, load the project and export. Please make sure you are connecting to internet when export so the required components can be downloaded automatically.
  8. Hi, It seems the H264 codec files are not downloaded and installed properly on your PC. Please check this post out to manually install the codec.
  9. Hi, We had made adjustment according to Google's change. The fix is applied to the next release. For now, please export to a disk file and upload to YouTube manually.
  10. Hi Nat, Unfortunately we can't use the Deshaker plugin like an effect since the way it works. It has to analyses the entire input video and outputs a new video file. We still investigating the possibility to stabilize part of the video instead of the entire video. Best Regards,
  11. Hi Nat, Yes, we'll add "- Stabilized" at the end of the clip too (not only the file). The clips on timeline will still inherit from the stabilized clip. Currently replacing source file only work for Bin clips, meaning that if you stabilize the video, all split sections on the time line will change. To just stabilize a section you'll have to stabilize a copy and then replace the shaky section with the one that cut from the new clip. You might have to type in the start/end point precisely.
  12. Hi Nat, Thanks for the suggestion. I'll bring it to our product design team to discuss.
  13. Hi, VideoPad used a fast approximation to render preview. That's a common strategy while performance is more important. For example white color (R:255 G:255 B:255) will be displayed on screen as R:253 G:253 B:253. We are well aware of this issue but we decided that the performance is more important for preview. This only effect preview windows and will not effect the exported video and the snapshot feature. Another reason I can think of is that video codecs are using YUV color space. There will be another approximation when converting RGB to YUV. (See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YUV)
  14. Hi Nat, Yes, it is a bit confusing the clip name didn't change while the file is changed. Otherwise I think it's intuitive - right click on the clip and choose stabilize meaning that the clip will be stabilized. We consider the cases that the user wants to keep the shaky original clip is rare. If original clip is needed you can copy the clip and stabilize the copy. Users might also want to replace existing instance on the timeline. It would be awkward to do that if the stabilized clip is a new clip.
  15. I see, the clip in the bin was replace with the new file. I've traced the history the change was made about a year ago. We removed the "replace or not" option to simplify the editing. We'll add "Stabilized" to the clip name to indicates the video was stabilized. Thanks,
  16. Hi Nat, I couldn't remember we had made any change to to the saved file name. I just tested it and it still saved as [original name] - Stabilized.avi
  17. I've did some testing here and didn't found any problem so I'm not sure what need to be done. Have you tried exporting with the constant frame rate option on? If you still experiencing the problem. Could you please try reproduce it in a small project that only contain a few short clips? Try copy the clips around the spot that the problem appear to a new project.
  18. Is the audio clip is separated(unlinked or from a different file) from the video clip? Try select both clips (hold down Ctrl and click on the clips) and then drag and move them together.
  19. Hi Verena, Please check your PM. I'm sending you the diagnostic build which can help us identify the problem via a trace log.
  20. Which version of VideoPad are you using? Have you cleaned the cache while nothing loaded? You'll need to wait for all cache regenerated to be able to preview smoothly.
  21. After consideration we decided not to do this. Because it's confusing especially for new users. It was removed from 2.xx for the same reason. We'll always overlay clips in transitions. It is rare that anyone would want freeze frames in transitions. We'll keep the currently middle cut as an option just to compatible with old projects. If custom cut is needed it can be done by inserting screenshots as freeze frames. Please let me know if you have any thoughts.
  22. Please checkout the latest version. Recently, we have fixed a bug which causing lags on playback.
  23. PM is sent, please click the envelop icon on the top of this page.
  24. The diagnostic build is too big to fit in a email. I'm uploading it and sending you through a PM. You'll be notified when you receive it. Please check the envelop icon at very top of this page, next to the forum login user name, to receive the notification.
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