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Everything posted by c_major

  1. I've tried but hardly notice any delay. It could be an audio driver related problem. Please try this: Make a continuous loud sound or play some music and keep it going before you press the record button. Press the record button while the sound/music still playing Stop recording see if there are any silence at the beginning of the recording (which shouldn't)
  2. Font size in VideoPad are in percentage of the vertical frame height. The reason is to keep the text in same size relative to the screen regardless the output resolution.
  3. Hi Nat, VideoPad currently can't export multiple titles - the sequence is exported as one title. You can use bookmarks to create chapters though. The list templates are used in Express Burn.
  4. Please check your PM. I've send you a diagnostic build which may help us to find the problem.
  5. Yes, this can be done. However current workload on developers is heavy. We'll keep an eye on see if other users want this feature so the work is justified.
  6. Please try this: Delete C:\Users\[user Name]\AppData\Roaming\NCH Software\Components Delete C:\Program Files\NCH Software\Components Restart VideoPad and import the files. Make sure stay online so the components can be downloaded on demand. Let me know if it works. We'll do further investigation if it doesn't.
  7. I've PM you with my email address. Please send the screen shots to me and I'll post them here.
  8. I can not reproduce what you described. Are you getting this on sequence preview or exported clip only? Could you please upload a screenshot of how the project is arranged and the export settings?
  9. I think this can be done by having the same clip overlaying the original clip, having start position offset by one frame, then move together with the original clip.
  10. You can disable audio fading uncheck Options->Export->Other->Fade out audio for 500ms at the end of sequences.
  11. Hi Ivan, I'm not quite sure what you wanted. Do you mean when the frame movies, the portion that moved outside of the edge will be wrapped to the other side like a loop?
  12. Please make sure the original clip don't has black screen at the beginning. If so you can move the Start point to remove the black frames.
  13. Hi Nat, Yes, that was what the Backup feature designed for - to move the project to another machine or upload it on internet. Also yes, I think backup works best with a new folder.
  14. Yes, we'll review the way that do the auto-detection and fix the issue. All the best,
  15. Hi Nat, Thanks for reporting the issues. Yes, we should prompt to overwrite the existing files in the backup folder instead of making a copy. However the backup project referencing the original file is intentional - so you can use the backup project to replace the working project. When you copy the backup project to a different machine with the other backup media files, the backup project will then reference to the backup media files (in the same folder) since the original file could not be found.
  16. VideoPad always use it's own codecs. Installing 3rd party codecs will not effect VideoPad. Codecs are downloaded on demand and stored in Components folders.
  17. Hi Vellora, It seems the automatic frame rate detection wasn't accurate. It has no blank frame when I export to 29.970 fps.
  18. Hi Vellora, Have you tried match the output framerate with the input video? You can use the "Detect" button in the export dialog to automatically do so.
  19. c_major

    Can't export

    Could you try delete VideoPad component folders and redownload components: Delete C:\Users\[user Name]\AppData\Roaming\NCH Software\Components Delete C:\Program Files\NCH Software\Components Restart VideoPad and import the files. Make sure stay online so the components can be downloaded on demand.
  20. Hi Serafin, The next release is delayed. There will be a few more weeks since we are working on some new features. The one that you reported was fixed though. Thanks for keeping up with us.
  21. Could you upload the MTS file (the one that imported to VP as audio) to a file sharing service (DropBox, Google Drive, One Drive etc.) so we can have a look?
  22. Have you tried open that file with another software (Windows Media Player or VLC etc.)?
  23. Have you tried switch to Sequence Preview by click the tab on top of the preview window?
  24. Hi, Is it possible to share your project (and the media files) on Google Drive or One Drive etc.?
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