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Everything posted by c_major

  1. Thanks for @GTCulbreth. We've reproduced the issue with the files and getting it fixed. @borate On me, it happens at 6:16...
  2. Yes, the latest version can be downloaded on the web page.
  3. Please try the latest version (v5.01) since Google/YouTube had recently changed their uploading process.
  4. Which version of VideoPad are you using?
  5. Hi, It's a known limitation that VideoPad does not import more then one audio tracks. To solve the problem you will need another tool to extract the second audio track to a separated file.
  6. Click on "Add File" button on the main tool bar, and then select the file. Or drag the file in from Windows Explorer.
  7. c_major


    If the video is mirrored other than rotated, you can right click the video on the media folder (bin) and choose Flip > Horizontal from the context menu:
  8. @salford1986 Which version of VideoPad are you using? If you are using a recent one please try turn off hardware acceleration. You can find the option at: Options > Editing > Use hardware-accelerated video effects
  9. @NuggetGamerMC Was the exporting from VideoPad succeeded? Are you getting error messages from VideoPad? Which version of VideoPad are you using? I think this is worth a try.
  10. I'll be grateful if anyone can upload the files of the problematic project.
  11. It sounds like you are converting a video to a different frame rate, at some point the frame will need to be duplicated or dropped. We have discussed this issue on other threads. This is a inherent video editing problem, the only way to avoid freeze frames periodically is to export the video at the exact frame rate.
  12. Just to clarify, "up raised codec output quality" actually means we've changed to use higher quality codec settings by default. There is no change in the codecs. With the same settings codecs still output to the same quality. Codec settings are available to all codecs. But different codec use different settings though.
  13. It must be created while you were using the old version. To remove it try uninstall VP from control panel and reinstall it again.
  14. Video compression are lossy. To trade off between quality and size you can adjust the codec options. The codec options can be found by clicking on "Encoder Options" in the export video dialog. There are different options for different codecs. We up raised codec output quality recently so it will take longer to encode. You can also speed it up by lower the output quality in codec options.
  15. You can choose 16:9 from the Restraint option.
  16. @borate Thanks @vpolonski Yes, please upload the project files as Borate said and we'll take a look.
  17. Could you please make sure the cache files are cleared? Please have a look at the cache folder(C:\Users\[User Name]\AppData\Local\Temp\VideoPadCache) and clear it if anything there. Note that VideoPadCache might not exist if there is no cache - that's fine.
  18. Please try clear the cache. Open VideoPad without loading anything. Select Options > Disk > Clear Unused Cache Files. Edit: Sorry didn't read you already tried clearing the cache. What's the operating system are you using? And what was the error message?
  19. There is no presets for preview at the moment. I've filed a suggestion to the team. Thanks!
  20. c_major

    Bug check

    Thanks for reporting the bugs and issues!
  21. Prizm is a one to one file converter and does not need to process the images in the video stream. It use a totally different pipeline to VideoPad. You can't have overlays, effects and transitions etc. in Prizm. We are always working on improve performance. We will make adjustments as soon as we see a chance to make it faster without breaking something else.
  22. The hardware acceleration requirement is support for shader level 2. Yes, most of the Intel chips support that. However there are still a few effects are not done in GPU, including the censored effect you've mentioned. Since they are actually more effective if done on CPU. Faster CPU would definitely speed up everything.
  23. It sounds like it would happen if you used an older version to open a project saved by a newer version. If that's the case try use the latest version open the project and the transitions will be recovered.
  24. We've found a few bugs related on this issue and working on fixing them.
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