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Everything posted by c_major

  1. Video encoding and decoding are very CPU intensive jobs. Upgrading your PC will definitely helps a lot.
  2. @FELIX FELIX We have no problem playing H.264 with WMP here. I think @borate is right so please install the codec pack and let us know if it works.
  3. Fixed missing clips when loading projects.
  4. @FELIX FELIX Please export a short mp4 video which works in VLC but not Windows Movie Maker. Upload the file to a server so we can have a closer look.
  5. Update: We've reproduced the issue. We'll get it fixed and release VideoPad soon.
  6. @EricCawley Yes, please upload everything(including media files) if you can. @Ivan187 Could you please share your project too?
  7. @EricCawley Could you please share a project with the media files via Google Drive, Drop Box etc. that has missing clips. We'll investigate. Thanks.
  8. New: Ability to preview video clips in 360 degree mode by click on the "360" toggle button at the bottom of the preview windows. Added "Place in 360" effect which can be used to overlaying normal 2D clips on to a 360 degree video. Re-implemented how image sequences work: An image sequence are now represent a serial of images(in alphabet order of the file names) in a folder. Sub folders are not taken into account. An ISQ (file extension) file is created in the image sequence folder after imported. ISQ files can be opened and added into VideoPad as a video file. Image sequences can now be imported into VideoPad without being converted to AVI. Image sequences can now be lossless when saved as images with lossless compression (e.g. PNG). Ability to import/export image sequences with transparent background. Alpha channel of the images are preserved. Fixed: Fixed exported video freeze in between the gap of two clips with effects applied. Fixed exported DVD freeze at some point.
  9. @EricCawley We'll send free license keys to users helped (i.e. reporting and uploading project files) us fixed bugs when the new version with fix is released.
  10. The next version is in testing now. We are hoping to release a new version in the next few days. Your registration and activation code will work on any fix or new version of the software released within 3 months from the date of purchase. Our upgrade policy can be found on this page.
  11. Maybe it's at the edge of screen or covered by the Windows task bar. Have you tried uninstall and reinstall VideoPad?
  12. @andrzej1956 Did you see the export dialog? Have you got any message came up?
  13. c_major


    We aware of the feature is not working well... It's still a work in progress. We are working on it as one of the main task.
  14. c_major


    In order to export lossless, following conditions must applied: Input and output codec must be H.264 and with same codec settings. Output frame rate and resolution must be the same as input. Timeline section where effects are applied can not be lossless. Timeline section where transitions are applied can not be lossless. Timeline section where contains more than one tracks can not be lossless. We are doing a rework on this feature in order to avoid the confusion.
  15. Hi @togodbetheglory1091 Could you please provide more information. What's the frame rate that causing black frames? Please share the files if that's possible.
  16. Please share the files to us. We'll investigate.
  17. c_major


    At the moment VideoPad only supports non-destructive editing for H.264 codec with Enable lossless video exporting option turned on. We are continuously working on it to improve it and adding support to more codecs.
  18. It's fine just try Allen's build and send him the log. We both aren't in the office at the moment so we are trying the same thing
  19. It seems none of the on demand download component works on your PC. However they did downloaded and exist on the local drive... I'll PM you and send you a diagnostic build which generates debugging information.
  20. So MPEG4 still failed? It does not require x264enc7.exe.
  21. Could you please upload your test project to Google Drive or One Drive so we can investigate?
  22. Have you tried export to MPEG4 instead of H.264 (codec settings)?
  23. @lauren000 Are you using Windows or Mac? Have you login as administrator?
  24. Have you checked that you can download .exe files and isn't blocked/removed by anti-virus or firewall? There are two possible place on your local disk that the x264 encoder(x264enc7.exe) can be: C:\Users\[user Name]\AppData\Roaming\NCH Software\Components\x264enc7\x264enc7.exe C:\Program Files\NCH Software\Components\x264enc7\x264enc7.exe Please make sure at least one of them is in place. Try another codec if you don't have to use x264.
  25. We've found the problem in 5.01 which causing the freeze. If you have two clips with effect applied in the same track, and there is empty space between the clips. The sequence will freeze for the duration of the gap. A workaround would be insert an empty text clip to fill the gap. Thanks everyone for reporting the issue.
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