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Everything posted by c_major

  1. Lossless mp4 transcoding is an experimental feature and a work in progress. Please turn it off if you encountered any issue when you export your project.
  2. "Failed" message normally happen when out of memory. Especially when exporting 4k videos with complex project (e.g. many tracks, effects and transitions). We aware of this issue and working on it continuously. Reduce number of tracks, effects and transitions in your project will also help with the problem.
  3. What's the resolution of the original video and the video you export to? Could you post a few screenshots see how blur it is?
  4. c_major

    Video Trimming

    Setting start/end points is all you need for trimming. There is no need to deleting sections of the video since anything outside start/end points will not be included in the output.
  5. @Aresby Yes, we are actively working on performance improvements.
  6. @DBF68 Please upload the files if you can, we are still investigating this issue. We could not reproduce the problem with @rowerfal's files.
  7. @Josh2901 Could you please describe the problems in more details, e.g. missing files or crash.
  8. Lower fps will definitely exports faster since you have less frames to be generated - the time to generate each frame is fixed regardless FPS.
  9. @EricCawley Could you please upload the project files (the .vpj file and video/audio files used in the project)? Bug fixes will be applied to the next release. We normally make a new release in 1-2 months, sometimes longer though if big changes are applied. I can't tell the exact time for the next release but we are trying to make a new release in 2-3 weeks.
  10. Update: It turned out that @Bamboo's problem was completely different to @GTCulbreth's. We've got both problems taken care of. @everyone If you encountered the same issue please upload and share your files if you can. Maybe your problem is different from the one we fixed. It will also help us to confirm that the problem was fixed. We'll return free license key of the new release to users whom provided files or information to help us fix bugs.
  11. Have you tried clear the cache (check Options > Disk > Clear all cache files on exit and exit VideoPad)?
  12. Does it still corrupted when you export again? If so please upload the file on Google Drive/One Drive, we'll investigate.
  13. Sounds like an encoding problem of the .srt file. If you are using an editor like Notepad to edit the srt file, check the encoding option when you save.
  14. @Bamboo Thanks for uploading the files. Could you please also upload the .vpj file?
  15. It seems like the file is corrupted. Please try export again.
  16. There are a few others also reporting similar issues and we are investigating the problem. Have you tried export to a disk file? You can manually upload the disk file to YouTube if succeed.
  17. Have you tried grouping in VideoPad: Select the video and audio clips by click on them when holding [Ctrl] Right click on one of the selected clip and select "Group selected clips"
  18. How did you edit the video? Do you have any effect applied?
  19. Hi @kelleytb Please read the last two posts. We've reproduced the issue (thanks to @GTCulbreth uploading the files) and working on the issue. We can't fix anything if we don't know what's wrong. It would be helpful if you could provide more information e.g. what format you exported to and the codec settings etc..
  20. For what I have tried. This issue only happens when burning to a DVD or exporting to DVD ISO disk image. Also only happen on certain players. Does anyone getting this problem when exporting to something else (e.g. a video file)?
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