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Everything posted by Nationalsolo

  1. Hi While it true that you cannot open two projects at once......There IS a way of adding a project to an already open project but .. it means using a project that has a Placeholder in it. Check out the use of Templates.. Currently it has bugs and causes VP crashes Works in unexpected ways...........(Mixes up the projects...may be linked to placeholder size.) I'll try it out a bit and see if there is a work around to add two simple projects together.... Don't hold out too much hope... Nat
  2. Hi "... The funny thing is I never moved the missing files anywhere but remained in the same file location.... " It seems odd that VP can't find a file (or thinks there is one missing for that particular vpj) if you never moved any of them. Just tested the whole scenario with 7.51 and it all worked correctly. It might be too late in this particular case but I would suggest following this scenario...... It keeps everything together... Create your project Select Save Portable Project As from the File menu. This places ALL the files used and a vpj in the same dated folder. As these are file copies you can if you wish delete the original files to regain the memory space. If you subsequently reload the project from the vpj file nothing will be missing as they were saved all in the same place. There is no problem even if you move the dated folder. If you reload and re-edit the project and then Save Portable Project As again you can simply transfer the new vpj file to the first dated folder and delete the newly copied files (If you added new clips then do the reverse.....delete the old files. Using this method you will always have unique folder containing a complete set of all the clip[s/images/audio used plus vpj files from every stage of your project. Nat
  3. Hi Mark ".... PS: another glitch that was was frustrating is that if move photos used in the Videopad project to another folder (but still on the same computer), VideoPad no longer can find them. (Fortunately, I was able to regain access to the photos once I put them back in the original folder that Videopad was referencing, but it would be nice to be able to have the project keep all photos, audio and video files that comprise a video in the vpj. project folder.) ..." In the normal manner of working VP keeps a note of where your files are on your PC as you work. When you save your project the vpj files keeps this record so you can load it back at a later date. If you have moved any of those files to a different location VP can't find them (as you have noticed,) and then you have to resolve the problem by relocating them. However, VP CAN save all the photos; audio,clips and a vpj file to the same folder. Create a folder on your PC and give it a name Load your project to VP and check it is running OK Click the Menu button and select File. Select Save Portable Project As Navigate to your named folder and select it. VP will save a copy of all the clips; photos;audio etc and a vpj file to a dated folder within your named folder. They will be altogether in one place. Note that these are copies so all the original files will also be on your PC so you could delete them if you wish. Nat
  4. HI This is a function of different players. Some will automatically play separate files from a USB, others will treat them as separate files. VP exports a project as a single item (a video file) and they play back on a PC from a USB stick as single items. You have to run (open) each file individually. From an exporting point of view, a 15 minute project of all your files, exporting as a single file in 40 mins is not bad actually as the process is quite labor intensive. You could save them to a Video disc though .Assuming you have 4 individual projects (Files) (Aug/Sept/Oct/Nov) and you place them one after another on the timeline you could separate each one with a Bookmark. Step the red cursor to the join at the start of each individual file. Right click the dark grey band just above the video track and you will see a prompt to create a Bookmark. Select the option......Set a colour and a title for the Bookmark. VP will place a vertical dotted line of that colour at the cursor position. Set a Bookmark at each start point. Export the VP timeline as a DVD movie disc. You should pronpted if you wish to use the Bookmarks as Chapters. Accepting this option, the Bookmarks should then act as Chapters and be read by the player. (which vary in their ability to do this) Use a re-writable disc to check things work as you want first. An alternative is to export each months file to your PC and then together into a burn program like NCH Express Burn which lets you set up a menu for them.. Nat
  5. Hi Spiritualb "......... Yes, there is. Check the very last file. ....." Sorry, all I could see listed was........... ....so I assumed that was all there was. As it happens I just tried a download but my PC indicated a transfer time of around 4 hours for the 1.4 GB zip! As the total shown was 555 MB I assume there are other files not visible. Nat
  6. Hi Your Wetransfer files do not have the vpj file so it's not possible to recreate your project here. If you use the VP File option.. Save Portable Project As all the necessary files including a vpj file will save to a dated folder and these (or the folder) can be uploaded. Nat
  7. Hi Can't checkout your dropbox file as it isn't there any more.... Nat
  8. Hi You should have a vpsetup.exe (or a vppsetup.exe ) file on your PC for your current version and the code for registering it. Open https://www.nchsoftware.com/videopad/versions.html and upload the latest vp version. This will be a vpset.exe file of 2.7 MB. Simply run this exe file.(no need to enter any code) It will install over your current version. Snapshot problem...... It might help going to Options and click Show Dual Previews. The right hand preview is the Sequence preview, left hand is Clip Preview. Any selected clip is shown on the left, the image being the frame at the clip preview cursor line position. The right hand pane shows the frame at the timeline cursor position. Consequently both can be different. If you have only one clip on the timeline they MIGHT be the same if you haven't played the sequence. In the latest versions of VP you can capture either image if you Right Click the relevant screen and select the prompt shown. If you right click the Sequence preview screen the prompt is......Take Snapshot of Sequence with further options as regards the size. If you right click the Sequence preview screen the prompt is......Take Snapshot of Clip with further options as regards the size. Check it out with two different clips on the timeline with the first clip selected. The snapshots come up in the image bin and WILL reflect the cursor position for both previews. e.g. Note this is VP 7.51 Nat
  9. Hi "..... I cant figure out how to create a copy of a multi track multi split final audio track. ...." Do this..... Complete all the editing so timeline plays will all the sound tracks as you wish. Save your project in case you want to come back and make changes to the edit. With the timeline as you want it to play Click the + sign that follows the Sequence 1 X at the left end of the timeline..... This will create a Sequence 2 in the Sequence bin and at the same time it will clear the timeline. Open the Sequence bin and load Sequence 1 back to the empty timeline. Audio Track 1 will be blank although it will hold the sound track for your project. Right Click Video Track 1 and select Save Sequence Audio as a New File from the menu. This will save the combined audio as a .wav file in the default save folder you have set up in options for audio. (It also places a copy in the Audio bin.) Nat
  10. HI ".... Basically, I'm adding a fade out to png images at the end of my video as well as in- app text. ....." How are the png images arranged? On the same track? One after another? How you have them arranged would be useful to know. How are you trying to fade them? There is no problem here when fading out png images using VP 7.51 or in the exported result. If I understand your post correctly you are fading IN a text following a fade out of a png??? If so then just place the text after the png and then crossfade the join. Nat
  11. HI Split/Start/Stop........Just click above the Timeline .....it goes without altering the cursor position or messing up the timeline Lock Track options.....Just click the left end of the timeline under the Track label........Options menu will appear. Beat White lines.......... Click the Audio track and select Scan or Show Beat marks.. Un-tick option to remove beat marks. This is not a particularly useful feature as the beat marks are not always accurate. Using NCH Metronome app, it's not too bad.... But with a decidedly "beaty" sound clip the result is not so good........... The actual beats are here (yellow lines)....... The program seems to pick up on sound volumes more than beats. (Must try a Beethoven symphony!) So this aspect needs a bit more work. Clips can be resized only from left to the right. ..Sorry..Agree with Borate. All clips can be shorted from either end. First clip does not have the handle but dragging the cursor line using the Horizontal double headed arrow will highlight a section in blue which can be deleted. The handles on all the other clips in a sequence can be dragged left or right to shorten (or re-lengthen) a clip. The ALT problem....I don't find this is particularly annoying BUT what IS annoying is that when I drag a clip to the right (with or without ALT pressed) it overwrites anything that follows instead of simple pushing them along as one might expect.......OK ..so it does it..but more annoying is that when I drag it back again it leaves the following clip truncated and a gap. Obviously I could INSERT a clip but the behaviour outlined above does not simulate what one would do with actual film. Nat
  12. Hi The background audio on Track 2 is the problem. Without it things should work as you expect and images and audio should move up if an image is inserted.......as here..... Track 1 with images and unrelated, unlinked audio below (Could be narration but in this case it is short music clips each the same duration as the image. It may be that your narration is NOT associated with a single clip and may extend over several clips...or it may be shorter than the specific image it applies to. That might cause additional problems.....Anyway.... Assuming you want to insert a new image between existing images, use the >II button below the Sequence Preview window to step the red cursor line to a join where you wish to insert the new image.... Now right click on the new image in the bin and select to Place on Sequence at Cursor. The new clip will be placed at the point indicated and all the images to the right as well as their unlinked/independent audio will be moved up..... Now..If you have a second Audio track do not lock it. If you do then VP will not split/insert and move the track up it will place the new image at the cursor position but on the overlay track.... So here is the same scenario with a further audio track containing background music.... Do not Lock this track. So with Audio track 2 unlocked, jump the red cursor line the insert point and select to place the new clip on the Sequence at the Cursor. The image will insert and move ALL the other tracks up leaving a gap..but also a gap in your background Audio Track 2...... Now right click the gap in Audio track 2 and select to Close the gap in Track... The gap in the track is now closed and your new image is now inserted and the background audio is complete once more. Of course relative to all the later images, (which retain their narration) the background audio on Track 2 has effectively moved left by the duration of the inserted image(s). Nat
  13. Hi Why not put in a suggestion that the Clip Properties should include the frame rate of the clip? (I mentioned this some time ago but to date it hasn't appeared.) Otherwise try Mediainfo. This will show full details of a clip............ including frame rate..... https://mediaarea.net/en/MediaInfo/Download Nat
  14. Hi I think you may be confused regarding Clips; project files. Project files are not clips..... It seems that you loaded an incorrectly taken clip into VP and corrected it. You then saved it as a project. If you wanted a corrected clip you should have exported (or stabilized it) Normally you open VP and (if you haven't stopped it appearing) a screen asking what you want to do appears. ...... RECENT PROJECTS are listed on the left and are generally projects that have been saved to the default folder set up under options. These are vpj files. (see below) Clicking one of the vpj files listed (e,g, zzz.vpj in this example) will simply open the project as it was when it was saved. If you select a NEW PROJECT VP will simply revert to the empty GUI. You can now add clips/images in the normal way prior to editing. As you are loading the clips/images there will be no messages re. missing files.. If you select OPEN PROJECT then VP will allow you to navigate to a folder where you have saved your previous projects. ....... As stated, these projects are vpj files and contain details (names/locations etc) of the clips that make up those projects. Essentially vpj files are text files. Whenever you save your work (your project) a vpj file is created. They do not contain any clips or images etc, just the data required to enable VP to re-create your work. If you select one of these vpj files, VP will read the data and attempt to find the clip files/images etc. that were used to create the project in question. If any of these files have been deleted or had their names changed or have been moved to another folder VP will post a message indicating that the clip/image could not be located in the expected folder and will then ask the user to manually locate it on the PC and load it. i.e. the user will be asked to resolve the problem. If the clip/image has been deleted from the PC the user will not, obviously find it either. In this case VP will load what it can find if asked to. If you deleted your faulty clip and it was a part of your project VP will post the message. As you seemed to have saved the corrected clip as a project, VP will obviously not find it as it is no longer an image. A record of its presence will nevertheless still be present in the vpj file. If you don't actually want it, then ignore the resolve message so VP can load everything else and then Save the project again with a different name and delete the original. Nat
  15. Nationalsolo


    Hi Follow Borates advice but remember that if the Upper video clip (the overlay) is the same size (AR) as the lower main track clip it will cover it up. If the upper clip is the clip that is made transparent, the lower clip remains normal but will come into view at about 70% opacity. The effect is rather ghostly and may not be what you want. Often the transparency effect is used with keyframes to create a dissolve between tracks. What final effect are you after? Nat
  16. Hi You have a clip already on the timeline on Video Track 1...OK..... Now add a Title.... (or Text) Load clip to VP Drag/drop (or load) the clip to the timeline. Click the Add Title tab on the toolbar.(or Add Text) As an example...Select Simple text Overlay This will open the Text Editor window with "Title text" displayed. Set all the parameters and enter your text. (You will need to play a bit with this to see how they all work) Close the text editor and your Title/Text will appear as a text image on the overlay track (Video Track 2) at the cursor position. Editing the text.... Left click (select) the Text image in the Image Clip Bin This will display the text image in the Clip Preview window. (See image below) Underneath this preview window you should see a small Text Editor box with some of your text visible.... Left Click this box to open the Text Editor full size. Re-edit the text. It will update on the timeline. Nat
  17. Hi You haven't selected the track to split first. Select the clip you wish to split.(Left click on the clip Slide the red cursor line to the split point As you release the cursor line you should see the START/STOP/SPLIT (scissors) tab... Left click the scissor icon. The selected clip will then be split (along with any attached audio.) Alternatively... Place the red cursor line at the split position Left click the down arrow to the right of the Scissor icon under the Sequence Preview window to open the split menu.. Select the track(s) you wish to split at the cursor position. Note: if you are displaying Dual previews then you may not see the Split button under the sequence preview window. To the right however, you should see a chevron. Click this to open the concealed options. (What you may see also depends on the PC display setting and the degree of track enlargement but the chevron should be visible at the very least.) Nat
  18. Hi Version 6.29 works in exactly the same way as described except that there is a single arrow in a box top right to undock the preview window. Nat
  19. Hi VP 7.5 Beta After clicking FX for the clip in question and when you set up a polygon mask it only appears in the Clip Preview window.not the Sequence Preview window. (See below) If you go into the Options you can set up Dual Display. which you may find more useful. Clip Preview will be on the left.... If you want to more accurately place the mask then click the two arrows at the top right of the clip preview window to enlarge the preview window. Nat
  20. Hi In pictures......... Here a section of a timeline with an unwanted sound ; in this case wind noise.... To the left of the noise is a section containing the ambient background sound. The noise will need to be taken out and replaced by the ambient sound..... Step one is to UNLINK the audio from the video track. Right click the Audio track and select Unlink from Audio Move red cursor line to Start of the unwanted sound and Split the Audio Track Move the red cursor line to the End of the unwanted section and Split the Audio Track again. You have now isolated the unwanted sound. Grab the unwanted section and drag it vertically down to Audio Track 2... Now drag it to the left so it lines up with the replacement section. It will jump into place when it reaches the join when a white dotted line will momentarily appear..Now release it there.... Click the II< tab under the Sequence preview screen to step the red cursor line left until it lines up with the start of the newly placed unwanted section...... Now Split the Audio Track again. This will cut off a section of background sound the same length as the unwanted bit. In effect you are using the unwanted bit as a template.. Right click the section you have created from the background sound and select Copy Click the >II tab under the sequence preview screen to step the red cursor line to the end of the background sound section.(Which, of course the start of the gap that was created when you removed the unwanted sound.) Right click the separated background sound section and select Paste (Insert). The copied section of soundtrack will now be inserted at the cursor position. As it will be exactly the same length as the unwanted section it will fit exactly into the space created..... The last step is to click the unwanted section of Audio track 2 and Delete it.. The sound track will now be complete without the unwanted noise....... Although there will be three splits evident they should play seamlessly throughout. Nat
  21. Hi Have you thought about opening up the case and dusting the fans and the CPU? Check the CPU temperature. You could use a program like Piriform SPECCY. Typical results for my old Vista machine.... What % is the processor usage running at when you are editing....100%? My old PC runs around 85% % when loading and caching files with VP7.5 Beta but its not particularly noisy Nat
  22. Hi I am afraid that is not possible. Each of the texts will have to be changed individually. The properties are associated with each text. You can change effects for a series of text clips but not the text properties. Subtitles properties however, can be altered en masse by highlighting them all in the subtitle list and then clicking the Format box. Sorry Nat
  23. Hi The SRT file you have used does not contain any subtitles for some reason. It has only the Start and Stop times for the text. Open it in any text editor and you will see what I mean. ........ If you open the file in, say, Windows Notepad, (as above) you can add a line of subtitle text after each line of timings........ Re-Save the file and it should then open in VP with your subtitles at the stated times....... Nat
  24. Hi Provided the clips have the same AR as the mask then it works. Set the timeline out as shown... Clip 1 on Track 1 and Clip 2 on Track 2..... Add the mask to Clip 2 with mask inside clicked. Add Transparency effect with Opacity set to 0% Add scale effect starting BIG and finishing at end of clip SMALL setting keyframes (use the rectangle corner opposite the dot to enlarge and reduce the size of the mask image. The sequence should now show a closing Track 1 and an opening Track 2 A perfect circular transition...... Nat
  25. Hi For those having a look at this technique; I stated... "........ This has worked entirely successfully....... " Well, Yes it has....But there are provisos. Borate has correctly pointed out that if the AR of the template used to create the circular mask is not the same as the AR of the image/clip it is to be used on, the mask will be stretched into an oval. The template..the black circle in this case IS circular but by AR, I am referring to the AR of the template image . The mask is circular after the template is removed, but when used, VP stretches the mask frame to match the background clip. If they are not the same then the circular mask is stretched into an oval. "....... The circular mask can be used now at any time. ...." Absolutely correct! The circular mask can be used on any subsequent clip/image........The proviso is that the clip/image must have the same AR as the mask. In my example 16:9 (Always something isn't there! ) Nat
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