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Everything posted by Nationalsolo

  1. Hi Assuming you have a clip on Video Track 1 then you load your still image onto a higher track; let's say Video Track 2.and you adjust its position to be on top of the video clip. Position the red cursor line so it passes vertically through both clips. Now look at the Sequence preview screen. Initially your still image will probably cover the video and that is all you will see. If you now click the FX at the start of the Still image clip you will open the effects pane from which you can select the Scale effect. reduce the scale values whilst monitoring the result in the Sequence Preview pane. You should now see your video. You can also position the overlay still image using the Position effect. Credits (Text images) are automatically created against a transparent background (although you can make this opaque if you wish. They behave like images in that you can apply effects to them.(Scaleposition etc. and you can animate them using keyframes) By default they are created at the cursor position on a higher track.You can animate Titles and even simple text can be scrolled and positioned basically in the frame. Nat
  2. Hi Using vp 7.30 I can't reproduce your synch error. Using a 30 second clip specifically shot for synching problems (a tapping pencil) a 1 minute mp4 export stayed exactly in synch. This was extended by repeatedly adding sequences together to produce a 10 minute timeline. preview (as expected) remained synchronized. The full 10 minute timeline was then exported as a 1280 x 720 mp4, The synchronization remained exact throughout the replay. Working in a slightly different way and playing a timeline of repeated short clips the preview synchronization DID get out of step but exported OK. Nat
  3. Hi Have you tried stepping along the timeline using >II or II< buttons under the sequence preview screen to jump the cursor line to the edge of a clip and then dragging the text on the track above to the cursor line? (or doing this before creating the text.) The text will automatically jump to the cursor line and shouldn't overlap. Nat
  4. Hi Do you mean 4:3 AR or 3:4 AR ? If your original video clips are 16:9 the and you export with an AR of 4:3 you will have black bars at the top and bottom of the frame. You can obtain an idea of what you will get if you select 4:3 as the AR of the Sequence preview screen... (Click the chevron for the menu) The image area will remain 16:9 but the frame will be 4:3 The only way to get a 14:3 image is to use the Zoom effect. with a 4:3 restraint. Obviously this results in a cropped image but it will be 4:3......... You can export this at any of the 4:3 AR formats The exported clip in VLC is 4:3 ( below) .....is zoomed to the 4:3 AR ......and there are no borders. If you don't want to lose any of the image and still require a 4:3 frame then you don't need to zoom and you can simply export with a 4:3 AR.... You will end up with a 4:3 frame containing a 16:9 image...... and black bars at top and bottom... Take your pick.. Nat
  5. Hi Why not put all the texts onto the same track? Nat
  6. Hi This is quite an old thread (2016) but the question was How to make a panning video from a panoramic photo... like this. (From the iphone site.) Note...This an image..not a video and the question was how can this be panned using VP? . Although the description given may seem to have a number of steps. In practice it is fairly simple. Loaded to VP it looks like this.(below) .. Just an image...but it is long and thin...(Its a panorama) VP fits it into the centre of the 16:9 frame. That being so there has to be blank bars at top and bottom.. The simple answer to how to create a panning video of this image is to use the Zoom effect retraining the AR to 16:9. You can now select a start frame for the pan and set it with a keyframe You then select an end frame and set that with a keyframe. The images below show that I am going from left to right but you can change the order of the frames to set the direction of the pan the other way around..... START FRAME. Below left is the start Zoom frame set up on the left end of the image. This is shown in the Clip preview window. The resulting image is shown in the sequence preview screen on the right. A keyframe is now created for this zoom position. END FRAME. The zoom frame is moved horizontally to the right hand end of the clip image and a second keyframe is set. Depending on the duration set for the still image which will affect the pan speed, the "video" will pan smoothly along the image from the START frame to the END frame. As the frames are zoomed in there will be no black top/bottom bars although depending on the resolution of the image the final zoomed in result may not be quite as clear. . And that was the answer to the question. Nat
  7. Hi "....... I am trying to change the Preview format settings, under the tab options, like it says in the following link: https://www.nchsoftware.com/videopad/kb/1852.html However, there is NO preview format settings tab. Either It simply doesnt exist or I cant find it. ...." These notes appear to refer to an older version of VP. In older versions it was possible to reduce the preview resolutions to make rendering and caching faster so reducing the occurrence of the "Building Preview" message. AFAIK In later versions due to changes in the way VP ran, developers opted to make the preview resolution a compromise "middle" value. This seemed to work OK but with the advent of bigger format video and without enhancement of PC to faster speeds the problem is coming back. One way around this is to use Proxy files. The principal is this.. Make lower resolution copies of the video clips to be used Use exactly the Same name for these clips Put the original "big" clips in a separate folder out of the way Edit the project using the low res clips Save a project vpj file Swap the low res clips for the "big" clips so the "big" clips are where the low res clips were. (Or you could swap the names of the folders around...They must be in the same place however.) Re-open the project from the vpj file The project will be re-loaded with all the edits but will now use the "big" clips from what VP sees as the original folder. Export the edited video made with the "big" clips. As the editing is done with smaller files the incidence of "Building Preview" should be much less Nat
  8. Hi Deni Still not sure regarding your problem... from your video clip it seems you want to overlay the facebook text image on top of the Beast man image.....(to the left of the man). Is that correct?. So, first....... If your main image is not 16:9 at the out set..(i.e. is it a vertical image. say from a camera..like on the left, you will need to "extract" the image.. Apply a ZOOM effect to make it full screen Keep it 16:9 if you can. (Looks about that.) Place this on Video track 1. Whatever the size/AR etc of the Facebook text image, from your video it looks like it should be usable as you have it. i.e. It's not on a background. (If so you may need to crop it.) So place this on Video Track 2 above the clip on Track 1 It may entirely cover it for a start but it's not a problem....... Now apply the SCALE effect to the facebook image on Video track 2 to reduce it to a suitable size...You can monitor the result in the Sequence Preview window on the right (Dual previews are set up) Use the sliders but maintain the AR..... The overlay should now be somewhere in the centre and the main clip should now be visible. Now add a POSITION effect to move the facebook text to the required place......... (You can also do this with the Black spot control in the Scale effect window shown on the right above but using the Position effect seems more intuitive..) The result is shown above. Does this now work for you? I think your problem might have been the intitial AR of your Track 1 image. It may not have been full screen or in a vertical format and consequently dragging the overlay to position it put it outside the frame of the main track image. Anyway, try the above scenario and see how that pans out.. Nat The
  9. Hi Yes, this sounds very odd. I might suggest, (and I know you seem to have done this.) is that you convert your original RAW images to jpg as you are doing but rename them. Do any editing of the images and re-save them. Transfer the RAW images to a separate external drive if you have one and delete the old folder. They cannot now get mixed up with the jpegs. Now clear out the cache to remove any references to the RAW files (if there were any) and start your VP project. There should be no way the RAW files can get inserted as VP can only refer to the jpgs you use. Weird one. Nat
  10. Hi Deni ".... allows me to simply insert any kind of picture of any size and resolution into my video, and place and resize it freely anywhere on the screen without losing any part of the pic. ..." There shouldn't be a problem with this. Use Scale to resize your overlay image and then Position to place it. So... I like to see dual preview screens myself but the sequence preview is where you see what you have. (See image below) Place the main Clip/image on Video Track 1 Place the overlay clip/image on Video Track 2. The size/resolution/AR of the overlay does not matter. If the overlay is 16:9 it will cover completely the clip on Track 1. If it has a different AR then you will see some of the underlying clip/mage. Click the FX box for the overlay clip on Track 2. Select Scale effect from the list. Scale just reduces/enlarges the image/clip inquestion. It does not crop or in any way lose part of the image. Tick the AR restraint to prevent the image being stretched and then slide the vertical (or horizontal) slider to the left to reduce the overlay image in size. (e.g. to 0.5 which will reduce all the image to half size.) If you have the red cursor line positioned across both tracks you can monitor the result in the Sequence preview screen. The overlay image will however, remain in the centre. Now click the Green + in the Effects window and select the Position effect. Select Track2 and grab the reduced image in the Clip preview window and drag it to the required position. If you have dual displays set up in Options you can monitor the result. As in the image below Here is a 1/2 sized image placed on the left of a larger image..... The limitation to your conditions with this is if you are ENLARGING the image or moving a reduced image out of the frame partially . This logically "cuts" off some of the image, If you feel this HAS to be done (i.e. if your subject matter within the overlay is too small and you feel you have to enlarge it then Crop the image first to isolate the subject matter followed by the Position effect... Here are the same clips but the Cat has been cropped to isolate the eye area and then positioned at the lower left... Hope this answers you question. Nat
  11. Hi gdog Your image shows that you are Clip preview. It seems you have the Clip Preview cursor line set at the start of the clip. ....... As you have added a fade-in to the text clip the Clip Preview cursor will be in the fade area If this is so then the clip preview will not show any text. Note that the two red cursor lines do not necessarily show the same image. In this instance if you were to display dual screens or switch to Sequence preview you would see your text as the timeline cursor is positioned between the fade-in and the Fade-out markers. Try moving the Clip preview red cursor line (arrowed) to the right and see what happens. Note that If the duration of the fade-in is set close to, or as long as the text image duration, you will not see any text in the preview at all.(but this not the case here) Nat
  12. Hi Effects only act on the clip selected. (Note that each clip on the timeline has an FX box) You can select and link multiple clips using the method Borate suggests and apply the same effect to them all, but it will be the SAME effect on each clip. Something like Crop will work in this way....but it's not much use if you want an effect like zoom to progress from Clip 1 to Clip 8. To acheive this you must "join" the clips together to form a single unique clip and then apply the zoom. One way would be to simply export your 8 clips and then reload them back as a single clip. However VP can do this transformation by creating a Sequence of your 8 clips. With just your 8 clips on the timeline Click the + sign that follows the text Sequence 1 x + on the left below the Clip bin, indicated here.... This will clear the timeline Open the Sequence clip bin and you will find a clip there labelled Sequence 1. There will also be a Sequence 2 but this is a dummy clip usually shown by a clapper board icon. Drag and drop Sequence 1 to the empty timeline. It will be a single clip of all the 8 clips but with one FX box ... Now click the FX and apply your zoom out effect. (Set the AR restraint to 16:9 if required.) The sequence will zoom out like the single clip that it now is. Hope this helps Nat
  13. Hi You have posted just the finished video. In order to better understand what you have done and how to get around your problem you need to send all the component files as well as a VPJ file. You can do this by loading your project to VP and then selecting .. The option Save Portable Project As.... Select a folder to save to and all the necessary files will be saved to a dated folder within this. It is these files you need to post to your dropbox or 1drive etc. account. Someone will then be able to reconstruct your project and see what problem there is. However I can see where you MAY have gone wrong... I assume you have cropped your portrait clip to show the central area with a AR restraint of 16:9. Don't do that.. you end up with with this....... which is similar to your example. Try this instead..... Place the clip on the timeline Click the FX and select the Zoom effect. Set the AR restraint to 16:9 Adjust/Position the rectangle to outline the area of interest in the clip. The image will now fill the 16:9 VP preview screen.....as shown here...... I assume this is what you were after? If so, you can now add your scrolling text... Export the result a1920 x 1080 -1080P HD (You could also choose Custom and set the V/H parameters required) This is the result of the above test exported in this way and viewed in VLC....... Nat
  14. Hi Admittedly VP does not provide the resolution in pixels that your cropped image will have, although as you say it can be worked out from the crop position values. If you want a centered image of a Cropped image then simply use The zoom effect...... Original image........ Here is the same Image with a un-centered freeform zoomed area....The AR is not known but VP centers the zoomed area..... The result in this case will always have bars since the AR of the cropped area is not 16:9 like the frame AR. However.... There there is a list of ARs that you can you apply to the Zoom effect, one of which may be close to the crop AR you are looking for.. . As an example I could select 21:9 and center it on the yellow duster....... There will still be black bars top and botton since it is not 16:9. But I can change the setting of the preview to 21:9 as it also has a list of ARs...Selecting this removes the black bars from the preview... Exporting this with Auto Match produces a border free clip of 21:9 AR..in this case 770 x 324..... This is an image of exported clip in VLC at 21:9 AR This might be as close as you will get. Nat
  15. Hi "...I understand your point of view but I don't want to upscale or black bands If my video is 1920x1080 and I crop 25% 25% 25% 25% I want a video half the width and half the height so 960x540. If I crop off some margin I want a smaller picture size video It's possible to obtain that?...." VP 7.30 YOU DON'T NEED TO CROP....(per se) Here is the reason... Here is a 1920 x 1080 clip on the timeline......... If apply a CROP effect 25/25/75/75 (Not as you state in your post 25/25/25/25..as this wont give a 1/2 size central image) You will now have cropped the image to leave just the central area of 960 x 540 pixels (It is now 1/2 the size but not all the original image. as it has been cropped) The parameters chosen place this cropped image in the centre of the frame which remains 1920 x 1080..... If you export this using Auto match , VP exports a 1920 x 1080 image.....and the cropped area will be in the centre of the frame just as it was on the timeline... Exporting as a Custom 920 x 540. Gives the same result but in a smaller frame.... If you try to scale it up to fill the frame it wont work correctly ....(At least here it didn't)......So don't crop...do this..... Place the 1920 x 1080 clip on the timeline SCALE it up to twice the size keeping the same aspect ratio Export it (either 1920 x 1080 or Custom 960 x 540.) This is the original 1920 x1080 clip image..... This is an image of the "cropped" (or scaled up) clip exported at 1960 x 1080 in VLC.... The resolution suffers since the image was scaled up to twice its original size in step 2 above... Below is an image of the "cropped" (or scaled up) clip exported at 960 x 540 in VLC.... Is that the effect you want? Note again This image is "cropped" and the outer part of the image is lost. If you want all the original image area but only half size then export at custom 960 x 540. Nat
  16. Hi It goes without saying that you should be able to add a second audio track to your project. However it may not be readily visible due to the sizing of the Track/preview area.... Here the preview is large at the expense of the track height........ But in fact, a second audio track is actually present. If the circled white lines are are dragged upwards, the Video and Audio tracks are made wider at the expense of the preview area with correct adjustment Audio track 2 will come into view.... However with multiple tracks their height will only grow to a small extent. If the "Drag and Drop" prompted area is visible the track you add should be visible at the outset. Nat
  17. Hi This has not been a reported problem. In tests with VP 7.30 I only see the particular timeline clip with that effect rendered as 2-Tone. All other clips were normal in the exported test. A saved sequence within VP loaded back to the timeline still only 2-toned the selected section, even though it was now a complete new clip. This also exported with no problem. What is the export like when you have NOT added the 2-Tone effect anywhere? (I expect it will export normally.) If you add two clips to the timeline and add the 2-tone effect to the first clip do they BOTH render in 2-Tone? (Your post seems to suggest that might be happening.) How are you checking the Sequence Properties? If your timeline plays OK in the preview (2-tone where the effect is applied on particular clips...FX blue) and normal where it is not applied on other clips (FX grey) , it should export as such. There are no controls on the export screen to alter this. Nat
  18. Hi To check the whereabouts of Tracks 2 and 3 pull the White bar under the preview screen up as far as it will go and pull the white bar beneath Video Track1 down as far as it will go. You should now be able to see Tracks 1 to 6 at least. (Monitor resolution affects to some extent the number of Tracks visible....I see 6 with a 1024 x 768 monitor screen) As you seem to be getting a black background for your insert in some places check that at those places you do not have a black blank clip/image on one of the lower tracks.. This would allow your insert (on a higher track) to be seen but would block out the video clip on Track 1. If that looks OK check you haven't inadvertanty clicked the EYE icon at the left end of a track with lower clips on it as this would prevent that track from being output. Nat.
  19. Hi Well..Yes that works but isn't it simpler to use .. Scale to suitable size Position/keyframe...........Position/Keyframe etc. Monitoring the result is quick and easy in both Clip Preview and the Sequence preview. (Particularly with dual preview). No figures to think about and WYSIWYG Nat
  20. Hi Kayakbill ".... I don't see any options that tell the software not to scale up to fill the screen on placing an image. ...." There isn't and that was my point. You can scale any image up (and down) yourself using the Scale effect and keeping AR unchanged. (Moving that up-sized image however, using Position doesn't work as the Scaling UP also crops the image) My point was Why does VP automatically scale up the small image? After a little thought...I suspect it's because the VP preview screen does not now have a user defined size...only AR. In effect ALL clips and images with the same AR whatever their resolution are now scaled to fit the preview screen. (Not logical IMHO) Although I can't run your UT video (old browseron Vista) from what you say you just need to scale down your overlay/s and then use Position effect with keyframes to create your movement. The overlays can then be moved completely in and out of the background image. Nat
  21. HI Related problem here.... I place a 1280 x 720 (16:9) clip on Video Track 1. I then place a 192 x 108 pixel (16:9) image on Video Track 2. My question is Why does this small image completely cover the clip on Video Track 1???..... This is not logical as what I expect is...... Where is the logic for scaling the small image up? Nat
  22. Hi You can get a RBG split with VP using the Colour Curves effect but there is no provision to add the RGB images on different tracks using colour addition or subtraction As an example for 1 channel (It's similar for the other channels..) You will need to add your clip/image to Tracks 1, 2 and 3..(synched) ..One each for RED BLUE and GREEN Click the FX button for Video Track 1 and select Colour Curves effect. (You may need to enlarge the pane to see all the squared area.) To leave just the RED channel in the clip on Video Track 1...... Choose the Blue option and drag the right top corner of the line down to the bottom right......Removes blue from clip Choose the Green option and drag the top right corner of the line down to the bottom right....Removes the Green from the clip The clip on Video Track 1 will now just display the red channel in the image..... To leave just the BLUE channel in the clip on Video Track 2...... its similar but suppressing the Red and Green To leave the GREEN channel in the clip on Video Track 3.......it's similar but suppressing Red and Blue. The problem now is that although you can offset each image using position you cant add the tracks together by colour addition or colour subtraction as you can with RBG images in graphics programs and making the overlay tracks partially transparent is not an option. Nat
  23. Hi ".... . not possible to record a .vpj : nothing occurs ...." Check these steps...... Open VP and add a single clip/image to the timeline Click "Save Project as" Give it a name and note the folder where you are saving the project. Close VP Open the folder you noted above and double click the named file you saved...it will be a .vpj file. This should open VP and re-display your project at the point where you save it. If it doesn't there is something wrong. Sound files should at least display, both in the Audio clip bin and when dragged to an Audio track. If that doesn't happen then there is a problem. Nat
  24. Hi To re-enforce Borate's reply.....2 or more tracks (and you have 2 in your image) will be limited in height at a certain point even when the white bars are dragged apart to the maximum. It leaves the dark grey overlay addition area inordinately wide. I would much prefer to see the WHOLE video track area used for the tracks that are in use. i.e. Shared between 2 tracks, shared between 3 tracks etc. The dark grey area each time remaining as just a narrow band sufficiently wide to contain the text. In this way all tracks will be as large as possible. In response to your query re the usefulness of multiple tracks.... You are correct when you say the higher tracks are overlays which obscure the lower tracks, but only when they are the same size....The upper clip can be made smaller., As an example, the upper video clip(s) can be scaled down in size which would allow them to be viewed as smaller clips playing as an insert on top of the main track. (Called PIP...Picture in Picture.) Areas in the upper clips can be masked off or rendered transparent by using a Green screen and animated on top of the main clip. Text, which is generally created automatically with a transparent background is an obvious example).Another use of the upper track clips is in cut-aways which are short segments of video placed on an upper track that play and replace sections of the main track video by covering it up. This means the main track remains complete and any audio associated with it is not interrupted. This device is often used in interview filming or music filming . In general a couple of upper tracks is generally all that is required for most applications. More than this and it can become somewhat complex. (And can slow things down considerably.) In the same way as the main track Transitions can be applied to clips on any track but to work the clips must be "touching" However in some instances a transition can be used even when a following overlay clip is not present. e.g. A Fade transition can be added to the end of an overlay clip for example and will have the effect of dissolving the overlay into the main track video. There are many uses for overlays so experiment with a few clips on a couple of tracks for a start and see what you get. Any problems or questions, come back to the forum. There is generally someone who will reply. Nat
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