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Everything posted by Nationalsolo

  1. Hi Alternative........ Grab the red cursor line by the block at the top and drag it to the right until the time position beneath the Sequence Preview window reads 0:01:30.000 (or as close as you can make it).......Use the I> button beneath the screen to step a frame at a time. When you release the cursor line you will see a small popup with scissors and red and blue brackets. Click the Blue bracket to truncate the sequence at the cursor line position. (0:1:30.000) If you make a mistake click the Redo arrow on the top toolbar to reverse that step. Nat
  2. Hi I recently noticed a TV documentary that used a crossfade between clips that didn't simply just dissolve but dissolved through a change of colour. You can do this in VP using the following steps... Place the first clip on Video Track 2 Place the second clip on Video Track 3 Pull the second clip on track 3 to the left so it overlaps the end of the first clip. Make the overlap around, say, 2 seconds Add a 2 second Fade Transition to the the end of the first clip on track 2 Add a 2 second Fade in to the start of the first clip using the f at the start of the clip. At this point the clips will dissolve in the normal way when the sequence is played. Click Add Objects a add a Blank Clip . Set this to the desired colour...e.g. Orange Place the blank clip on Video track 1 and adjust the length to be exactly the same as the overlap and the fades (e.g. 2 seconds) The timeline will look something like this..... The clips will now dissolve through orange in this example....... Obviously you can select any colour for the blank clip. Some users may find this useful. Nat
  3. Hi Put your colour clip on Video Track 1 Move the red cursor line to the place where you want the text to appear Click Add Text on the toolbar Enter your text into the text editor. It will automatically be loaded to the timeline onto Video Track 2 (or the highest unused Track) at the cursor position. Normally the text will have a transparent background (chequered area) and the Video clip on Track 1 will show through as in Borate's example image. Nat
  4. Hi Russ ".... Then it is a matter of just saving all the files once they are stabilized. ....." The stabilized files are automatically saved to the folder you designate in Options/Disk/Save converted files to.. There are two possible ways to work with this.. Create a folder on the desktop called Stabilized Files Set the VP Options/Disk/Save converted files to to your desktop Stabilized Files folder Load all 100 clips to the clip bin. Do Ctrl A on the bin to select them all Right click the bin and select Stabilize Videos Go and have a cup of coffee while VP stabilizes them all. When complete all the files in the bin will have been labelled stabilized and copies will be in your desktop folder. Drag files to the timeline for project editing. (Original files remain unstabilized in their original folder.) Alternatively.. Add the unstablized clips to the clip bin Drag to the timeline for film editing When the editing is finished do Ctrl A on the clip bin to select them all Right click the bin and select Stabilize Videos Go and have a cup of tea while VP stabilizes them all (If there is hundreds then have another cup of tea!) When complete all the files in the bin will have been labelled stabilized and copies will be in your desktop folder AND all the files on the timeline will have been replaced by the stabilized version. Any edits/effects/titles etc you made will remain unaltered. It is well to mention that even though you may have stabilized the clips, a very shaky clip may show borders where the shake movement correction moves the frame outside the preset zoom parameters. You will still need to check clips for this (they can be fleeting) and add a further zoom to the clips concerned to eliminate the borders. The stabikize parameters could also be set to different values but these are fairly complicated to set up and it's probably much easier to use the default values set up for this plugin by VP. Nat
  5. Hi Swiss With regards the scrolling text being jerky. The smoothest I got using your colours/font size (about) and black border was with an .avi export at 60fps and a text image duration of 5 seconds or so. The text was created without any scrolling at center bottom of the frame and previewed in VP to check it looked OK regarding colour/size etc. . I then took a snapshot of this to use in the video. This was then "scrolled" from right to left using the Position effect. An mp4 export lat 60fps looked a bit "blurry" but an avi export a 60fps definitely looked smoother. Your black frame appears between two shots. Either... You have a gap between them if they are on the same track. Remedy is to go into Storyboard mode, find the gap and then close it. Or zoom into the timeline sufficiently to see the gap and then close it. If the clips are on different tracks you have a gap between them . Remedy is to extend the lower track OR the upper track so they overlap. The gap should then be covered. One clip or the other has a black frame at the end (or start). This may not necessarily be seen when you step frame by frame along the clip(s) . Remedy is to trim the end/start of the offending clip and then ensure there is no gap between them. I think there was a problem with earlier VP versions where this happened when the clip was split.If that is a similar case then trimming probably won't work. The only way to "remove" it in that case is to place the offending clip on a lower track and overlay the ends. As an interesting test would might be open the project and place a blank clip on a lower track in a bright colour..eg yellow at the point you see the black flash. If it is a gap you will see a Yellow flash and you will know it is a gap and not a black frame. Nat
  6. Hi John 1) "...... When I use the stopwatch via add text, it is alsways positioned in the center of the screen ....." 2) "...... "is it possible to relocate the resultant stopwatch "timer" on the video screen". ...." Ah! That's clearer.....You want to position it in the preview image..not the Screen ! The answer is Yes! The answer's in Borate's post....... Note that all texts/titles etc are generated by VP as an image clip. You can therefore add effects to these clips, (including the Position effect.) The Timer Texts displays are all rather similar however. You can create a proper clock face display with a second hand moving round but would take a bit of setting up. Nat
  7. Hi Must be your Windows setup or Windows version. I have a Blue border on the Text Timer edit window......... (VP 8.00) .....but whatever the colour of the bar the same principle applies.Grab it and drag the window to the desired position. It's not a permanent solution though and I have asked NCH if the last coordinates (the ones you position it at) could always be remembered by VP ..perhaps in a registry entry like other positions and sizes. Nat
  8. Hi The Add Text Counter text box will always come up in the same position when invoked and this can't be changed AFAIK..., but you can grab the blue bar at the top of the window and move it to a more convenient place. Nat
  9. Hi If you right click the Audio Track where it currently shows Audio Track 2 (3,4 etc.) you will see the option to rename the track..... ....but it will refer to the whole track and the track only. e.g. Audio Track 2 becomes ON THE TOWN. Names of individual clips though will appear with the mouseover action described in the previous post. The rename of the particular Track(s) is conserved with the saved Project. Nat
  10. Hi ".... This ultra-annoying small-pop-up timeline window, the one with the scissors and the brackets, should go away. I really do not see why the programmers introduced such a pain in the butt! It pops up at almost every click, JUST UNDER the mouse pointer, and it is clicked by mistake all the time! ........" This particular pop-up only appears when you have moved the red cursor line and always to the right of the line. It is useful when you want to split the timeline at the selected point. It doesn't actually come up at every click. However, It will not appear if you drag the cursor line with the Ctrl or the Shift key depressed. But why would you click the pop-up after moving the cursor line anyway as you seem to be doing? I do agree with you though, that the Start/End brackets could be annoying if you did click them as they act on the complete timeline and not just the clip holding the cursor line. This results in losing all the project to the right (or left) of the cursor line. It might be better if the brackets were removed leaving just the split option. The Start/End brackets are always present in the Clip Preview screen and only function on the Clip and leaves the rest of the timeline intact. ".... Last beta (v8) is sound-looping during playback. ....." I have seen this happen in earlier versions of VP (but not yet in v8.00) I am fairly sure it only happens when the audio track in a long project is being "re-assembled" so to speak, after the timeline has been edited. The adjustments to the audio are not instantaneous and if the project is previewed before the new configuration is cached, VP replays the audio of the section concerned. That's my impression. "..... I am looking forward to a flawless version! ......." Hmmmmm! .....It's getting better........ Nat
  11. Hi ".... I saved my video to 'save as', gave it a name but now it has disappeared when I went to open it. ...." It should be there.......Remember that when you use Save Project or Save Project File As, VP only saves a .vpj file and NOT your video per se. The .vpj file is a text file saved to the folder you designate when you carry out this task (or the default folder set up in Options/Disk ) and that is where you should look. If you used Save Project, the previous save will be overwritten as Borate explains and there is no warning message. Using Save Project File As allows you to use a different name and will, (provided you do use a different title) save another .vpj file. Opening the .vpj file should reconstruct your project provided the clips/images/audio is still present on your PC. "..... Also I want to save the video to a flash drive. ......" That is not difficult. Just insert the flash drive and designate this when you use the Save Project or Save project As options but again, remember that this only save the .vpj file....not the video.If you are going to use this flash drive every time then set it as the default in Options/Disk If you want to save the whole project then designate the Flash drive as the destination and use Menu/File/Save Portable Project As. This option (which does not appear under the Save Project tab) will copy all the clips/images/audio to the drive/file designated plus a.vpj file. This means that everything is saved that will enable the project to be transferred to another PC running VP where it can be reconstructed. Of course you can also export your project to a connected flash drive (provided it has enough capacity) if you designate this as the Save to Folder on the export window.... Nat
  12. Hi Start a new topic. This thread is years old. What related to 2015 is not relevant now. Nat
  13. Hi Before you add the intro does the timeline preview correctly? If it does then save the project. This will ensure that you have a copy to re-open if this doesn't work for you. Now reload it and once again check there is still no problems. Make sure that the green bar is fully processed. One thing you could try now is to to create a sequence of the working timeline. Click the + sign that follows Sequence 1 X that you will see at the left end of the timeline. This will clear the timeline and place a single clip copy of your work in the sequence bin With the timeline now empty create your intro. When that is done move the Red timeline cursor to the end of your intro. Open the Sequences clip bin and, as you do for clips load Sequence 1 to the timeline cursor position. You should now have your intro followed by your animation project. Note that the added Sequence 1 will not appear to have a soundtrack but in fact it will be present. Further, as it was saved by VP as a single clip from the original the synch should have been retained. Make any adjustments to the join and export. Nat
  14. Hi ".... I'm trying to find out if I can change the aspect ratio for individual clips. Right now I am using still photos with some video.However if I change the aspect ratio on one clip, it changes it for all clips. ...." This is perfectly possible as Borate describes. Obviously if your timeline consists of separate clips/images the effect you are seeing should not happen. But my question is..Are you wanting to get all the clips/images to the same AR (e.g. 16:9 ) because they are different to start with and you want to get rid of black borders that are inevitably present? If this is the case then it is quite easy but it means that some images/clips will have to be cropped down the required AR and then scaled up to fit in the VP frame. For those clips/images some of the area will be lost. If you still want to see the whole clip area and not crop then the only way is to stretch it...probably not the best option. If this is the case and you don't want to stretch anything but have all the timeline the same AR do this for each clip/image...... Move the Red cursor line to the start of the clip/image Click the FX box at the start of the clip In the Effects window click the large green + at the top left. Select the Zoom effect. This places a rectangle on the Clip preview screen. Click the down button on the Restraint option Select the required AR from the drop down list. (e.g.16:9 Adjust the size and position of the rectangle in the clip preview window so as to outline the area of interest. The rectangle will remain 16:9. If the clip is already 16:9 then nothing need to be altered; it will appear in full frame. Close the effects window. This effect will only affect the clip in question Repeat for the next Clip/image When played now all the clips treated will be full frame images with no black border or bars. Selecting a different AR to 16:9 will introduce borders or bars. (but all clips can be made identical in this respect without any stretching.) Nat
  15. Hi Although transitions are intended to be used between contiguous clips on the same track, certain ones can be used at the end of a clip on any track. However, whatever you do with the tracks the transitions should still be visible when the timeline is played in the Sequence Preview screen as this duplicates the result seen in the export. It would be useful to know what transitions you are using, where and on which track so if its not a long project or you can set up short example that displays this behavior then share it by saving it as a PORTABLE PROJECT as explained here and someone will take a look. http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/ Nat
  16. Hi Think of the text having to scroll from right to left in a certain time. The shorter the time, the more jerky it will be as less frames can be used in that time and the text still has to cross the screen. Increasing the frame rate will smooth the text movement out to some extent but still may not be really effective. A better solution is to increase the duration the text clip so it takes more time to scroll across the screen. The number of frames used will correspondingly increase and a smoother action will be seen. Just drag out the ends of the text image until it looks better. Of course the duration of the scroll should also be chosen so that the text can be easily read. Nat
  17. Hi Crop is OK is some situations but the resulting area has to then be enlarged using Scale if a full frame is required. Instead of Crop use Zoom.... Click the FX on the clip in question and select Zoom Set the Restraint to 16:9 Set the red Clip preview cursor to the start of the clip (Left) In the Clip preview screen drag in the corners of the zoom rectangle to outline the area required. The outline will remain 16:9 and can be dragged to the required position The clip will now play with a full screen zoom of the area outlined. This is the same result obtained with Crop + Scale. Nat
  18. Hi Further to this topic..You can export 3d anaglyphs (Red/Cyan) and left/right and right/left or over and under 3d videos..... HOWEVER.....Although these worked in earlier versions of VP..(Like VP 6.00) it seems that in the latest reincarnation (VP 7.53 (or 8.00) 3d export does not seem to work although the options are there. Part of an Red/Cyan Anaglyph from VP 6.00... Same clip exported from 7.53 (8.00)...It's still a 2d image although it's marked as 3d in VP. Bit of a pity really as, with a bit of additional programming 3d export of 2d clips could be quite effective. (e.g. a user setting to make the Red/cyan separation bigger or smaller which enhances the 3d........(although NOT in true depth..just position relative to the image frame.(behind or in front of the screen.) But there are also some algorithms which will produce pretty good 3d even with 2d images. These use spacial distortion for the generated Red/Cyan images to make it appear as though each image is viewed from a different direction by each eye. If you have red/cyan specs try this one.......It IS a 2d image! (Red lens to the left eye) So where has it gone? Nat
  19. Hi Just to reinforce Borate's post above.... Any CLIP that you have not already shortened cannot be made longer except by altering its speed. If it has been shortened then it can be re-extended by dragging out the end of the clip to the limit of its original length. IMAGES, on the other hand have no fixed duration and will appear on the timeline with the default duration set up in Options. This means that they can be manually extended to virtually any length by simply dragging the ends out on the timeline, or changing the duration shown in Storyboard mode, or changing the duration from the right clip menu when on the timeline. Obviously this is the easiest way to go if you have added in some audio and you want the timeline to match the new audio length.....Deal with still images. eg. Original timeline with clips and images. The images don't have audio under them in this example, but the principal remains the same if there was a separate unlinked audio track... Some new audio is now dropped in under the images. (but it could be inserted anywhere.)...Depending on exactly where you add it, it will push the timeline to the right..In the example below it was dropped at the start of the first image...at the cursor..... The timeline from this point has been pushed to the right..... Note that LINKED audio on the right remains linked and will just be pushed along, along with the associated clips.. Using the white handle on the image, The left hand end of the image can now be dragged to the left to fill up the space created when the audio was added... . Indeed, the two image clips in this example can be adjusted individually to completely fill up any gaps created so as to leave a complete (but extended) audio track... Does this help at all?? Nat
  20. Hi If you deleted it..Isn't it in your Dustbin? If it is you can restore it. If you kept your activation code you can re-download the program from the NCH site. You can also check the Program files for NCH software. If you saved vpsetup from the popup window you might also find it in your download folder. Nat
  21. HI Glad it's working OK. NCH is based in Australia as you say and also in the US. **Not employed by NCH at all, we are just users of the software who like to offer advice and like problem solving on the forum (If possible). We can pass problems to the developers if required though. Thanks for your wishes and a Happy new Year to you as well. Nat
  22. Hi ".... What is the difference between version 6.29 and 7.53? Where can I find the release notes that explain the differences. " There is a list here with various changes listed.... https://www.nchsoftware.com/videopad/versions.html Nat
  23. Hi Check out the tabs under the Sequence preview screen. and Clip Preview screen..... .. I< Goes to start of Clip/Timeline etc. Nat
  24. Hi A you have noted, the fade in f seen at the start of a clip has a default duration of 2 seconds. There is no option to alter this default value globally. When the f is clicked the Fade In Duration box opens and it then possible to change the value of this effect by simply entering a new value. However this option ONLY appears on individual clips or on the first clip of a group of clips. It's not something where the default would be regularly changed. You could set up a template using the transparency effect but IMHO is more trouble that its worth as it would in essence still be a single value. Nat
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