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Everything posted by Nationalsolo

  1. Hi Your photo (2D non 360) is being seen (at least in the YT video as a 360 image. I can't reproduce this as both the 360 immersive image (dolmen) that I have and the 2d Info board image are straightfoward ...IMAGES ... Info board image Dolmen (inside)360 image ...the Dolmen (inside) is not a video clip (for me), and they don't therefore have the Up/Down/Right/Left control circle that appears in the YT example. For me the dolmen (inside)is a distorted very wide angle 2d image. I have no experience of this and I may be totally wrong..(probably am)... but I suspect that the 360 camera takes a series of flat images and then stitches them together to produce a 360 degree (flat) image, like the panoramic cameras do, but also having up/down views so as to cover the whole sphere. As a flat image it is distorted in a similar way textures are that can be placed on a globe. If exported as a film it gets the addition of the control circle and the effects to un-distort it. Perhaps YT is doing this and adding the control circle but to the whole video meaning that the 2d info board image which is present is also treated in the same way. Consequently it now appears distorted whilst the actual 360 image being distorted at birth so to speak, is rendered normal...... Is your dolmen (inside) a video clip or an image? In your link it is a 360 degree image If it is a 360 immersive video clip does it play as expected with the control circle when loaded to VP? It's an interesting problem but is it VP related or YT related? Nat
  2. Hi Haven't looked at your project yet but were you applying the effect to images? In VP 7.39 (latest) the Shake effect doesn't seem to be working either when applied to images. Nat
  3. Hi Version 7.39 The Shake effect works on mp4 clip exported as mp4 The Shake effect is not working on a png image exported as mp4 The Shake effect is not working on a jpg image. exported as mp4 I haven't tested other formats but seems to be a bug when images are used. It's been reported. Nat
  4. Hi That was just the vpj file for your project. You need to upload ALL the files not just the vpj file. With your project loaded use the file option... Save Portable Project As. This will copy all the necessary files to a dated folder. Upload all the files in this. Nat
  5. Hi Those controls are not available. (AFAIK) 360 degree Panorama images are no problem as you can either view all of the image as a narrow strip....(not too useful) or by adding a zoom you can pan right or left across the image. Your 360 degree spherical immersive image is 5376 x 2688 as it stands and is compressed towards the top and bottom. Played in VP it will not include the up/left/down/right controls and you would have to animate the movements you require. First you would need to add the View in 360 degree effect. This will to zoom in and un-distort the image. You can then use keyframes with the Horizontal and Vertical controls for this effect to animate the image. i.e. You incorporate the up/down and horizontal movements as a fixed animation for the clip. The raw images tend to be large and processing speeds can suffer. I used your 360 image of the Dolmen interior but reduced it to a more compressed jpg file. This worked very well. Panning left to right and at the same time moving up vertically to show the roof and then down vertically to the floor and then back to the exit/entrance. If you want to "go around" again with a different animation then you can add the image to the end of the timeline and use the View 360 effect again. However as the image is zoomed in it defaults to 0 horizontal which is the centre of the image even though the clip preview cursor line is set at the left (start).. Change the horizontal value to -180 and the clip will continue where it left off. Nat
  6. Hi I appreciate that your example video shows the 360 degree photo working nicely but I have never seen the Up/Down/Left/Right controls incorporated in a VP generated video. I don't do 360 degree clips but are these controls automatically a part of the exporting process for 360 (immersive) clips or they generated within the camera.? I am rather interested to know. Nat
  7. Hi I agree. It's annoying actually, as pulling up the white bars to reduce the preview window will not expand multiple tracks to fill the space made available as it does with a single track. It just widens the "Drag and Drop your Video here " bar. I am sure it would be quite possible to always expand tracks to fill that wasted space. Best option currently is to monitor the tracks using the Sequence preview screen making it as large as possible. Nat
  8. Hi You can correct it.. (see below) Note: If you have placed the clip on the timeline and then attempt to rotate it using a 270 deg rotation effect, the top and bottom get cut off as they effectively rotate out of the frame. Scaling down unfortunately does not work as the clip has, in effect, been cropped. SO... You need to apply a Scale effect FIRST to reduce the size of the image (make it a bit too small so you can see it will rotate in the frame). NOW add a 270 deg rotation. The reduced image will now rotate OK. Readjust the scale to fill the frame height. Alternatively... and simpler.. Before you add the clip to the timeline right click it in the clip bin and select the Rotate Clip option. Pick.270 degree. (depending on the actual orientation) The clip will now rotate without the need to scale it down. Drag it to the timeline. Nat
  9. Hi As Borate says..If you have loaded a clip which already has text then that text cannot be edited....It's part of the clip. You may however, if it seems convenient simply cover it up with a black bar and add some new text,.... Load the clip incorporating the text to Video track 1. Create a blank image clip and make it black. Place the black blank clip on the overlay track (Video track 2) so it covers completely the main track clip for the duration of the text. Click the FX for the blank clip and add a Position effect. Drag the position rectangle down so the blank black area just covers the text. Monitor this placement in the Sequence Preview window. Create a new text clip with the text at the bottom of the screen and place it on Video track 3 above the Blank clip. Use a contrasting colour to black. ..... ORIGINAL CLIP WITH TEXT The text is part of the clip and cannot be removed unless you crop the frame. BLACK, BLANK IMAGE POSITIONED OVER TEST This now covers the text with a full width black bar. Although this appears a bit like a crop..it isn't as you can add new text NEW TEXT IN YELLOW ADDED A line of new text can be added to the sequence. Now....Depending on the width of the original text it might also be possible to omit the use a the black blank image and set a background colour to the new text (one of the options in the text editor,) and make the text the same length and height of the text to be covered.... In this example the black blank image which formed the background strip has been removed . The background colour of the text has been picked from the sequence preview image using the pipette tool. This gives the text only a background colour closely resembling the image colour around the original text The black bar is not present and the image of the original clip is only affected where the text is located. Nat
  10. Hi Alternatively.... Create your text. It will normally posted as a static image to the overlay track Use the Position effect with key frames at start and finish to move the text from any starting point (even off the screen......Keyframe 1) to any other finishing point (even off the screen.....(keyframe 2) . The movement can be in any direction, even diagonally. If you are not sure regarding using keyframes come back on the forum. Nat
  11. Hi I think you mean the image in the Clip bin and not the preview. The option to change clip speed is not available from the preview screen........ only the Clip bin thumbnail and the Timeline clip. Changing the speed of the clip bin thumbnail does not alter the speed of the same clip already on the timeline.However if the same clip is now re-added to the timeline the new speed is used for that clip. Anyway...When you select either of these options do you actually get the Speed change dialogue window.If so, at what point does the clip disappear? (Obviously it shouldn't) If you have had to re-create your project from scratch Save it before you continue with trying to change the speed of a clip. If it then still crashes, completely empty all the cache files, either manually (if you know how to pull up your cache folder,) or from the Options page as Borate describes. But do this BEFORE you reopen the .vpj file to rebuild your project. This will ensure that ONLY the project files actually used are loaded to the cache.Normally a crash should be followed by a crash reporting screen when VP is restarted. so send a report. The problem may point to a faulty installation so you could try reinstalling. VP 7.39 works fine here when a clip was tested with speed changes varying from 1% up to 500%. Nat .
  12. Hi Hi What version does it say it is at the bottom left of the screen and also on the title bar at the top? When you click the FX box on the video clip and then scroll down the effects page, do you see these in the Artistic section? Which ones are greyed out? Nat
  13. Hi Switch to list view Click sequence to rename. Press F2 and rename sequence. They will automatically relist in order Click the name box at the top of the list and order will be reversed (remember the last sequence is a dummy) If you want to use a specific name to describe the sequence that would otherwise put it out of order, start with aa-(name) bb-(name) etc. Nat
  14. Hi all I've been checking this a bit more and reloaded VP 7.34 Loaded a 6 minute in synch mp4 with numerous audible reference points. This played perfectly in VP 7.34 Exported this to DVD Movie disc. This was out of synch when played with Windows Media Player and even worse when played in VLC, Extracted the VOB from the disc. Played in VLC the audio was around 1/4 second in front of the visuals and worse towards the end of the 6 min clip. Loaded and played the VOB in VP 7.34 Similar problem made worse if the preview screen was enlarged. This seems to confirm AW finding,,,,,7.34 is out of synch with VP and exported mp4. For me VP 7.30 was OK and I have repeated the test with 7.39 and that also seems OK. Later... Just reloaded 7.39 and played the mp4 ....It seemed OK Played the VOB from the DVD created with VP 7.34. With the preview screen expanded it was out of synch.! .. Nat
  15. Hi If you have already exported some videos you can easily combine these together in a new project(video) as they are, in effect just new clips. So not entirely sure where the problem is. As you are trying to combine videos you have already edited and exported that editing cannot be undone per se as it is simply a new clip you have added. But you can edit it just as you can with any clip.....if you see what I mean. A background image would be placed in Videotrack 1 and your portrait video on Video track 2 (or another higher track.) It might need scaling or cropping to enable the image below it to be seen however. One thing you can't do, at least not without a bit of preparation, is to add an old project (vpj file) to the current project. You can add the component files if you still have them of course but as you have found out more editing would be needed. Clarify precisely the steps a little and someone will try to come up with an answer. Nat
  16. Hi Check again.. START/My Computer/HDD(C)/Users/your user name/AppData/Roaming/NCH Software/Components Nat
  17. Hi all Would that behave in the same way? I am sure you would simply end up with an out of synch avi or mp4. (if the VOB was out of synch in VP) Probably the best way would be to export a short in-synch clip to a DVD disc ,check the disc clip is still OK and if so, reload the VOB from the disc to VP. Check if it IS now out of synch and if so post the VOB from the disc. In that way we would get the VOB ourselves to check out. It would be easy then to see if VP is at fault Nat
  18. Oh! Let him in! Let him in! 😀 With regard to the preview and the "Buffering" message. I use a Vista machine with pretty much the same specs as your own. In general this works OK but testing a few things associated with Aspect ratio recently I noticed that if you alter the sequence preview to show a different AR, a clip which previously played OK in preview will now show frequent, sometimes very short regular "Buffering" messages. This might not occur with a faster PC but I think it's something to bear in mind. For maximum speed it;s probably best to select Match content. for the preview screen. Nat
  19. Hi Putting censor and making it move.... Put main clip on Video track 1. You will get the best (easiest to set up) result if the object to cover up moves in the video clip in a straight line or at least doesn't change position too much. Set up Dual preview displays from Options/DisplayShow dual previews. You can more easily show effects and results Click the FX box on the clip and select Censor effect. I shall use an easy example clip where a dinghy sails from left to right and I shall censor it out out for the duration of the clip. To make it more easily seen on this example I have selected a black rectangle. Initially this appears in the centre of the frame.... Move the red Clip preview cursor line to the start of the clip. You will see that in the Effects window (right hand side) the red line also moves to the left... If you don't see this graph pane click the button I have circled in yellow.... Now adjust the censor shape and position by dragging the points etc in the Clip preview screen so it covers the area required. In this case the left hand dinghy...... Now create a Keyframe by clicking the first button above the graph area....the SMALL green + This sets a Keyframe at the cursor position. In this case the start of the clip, fixing the cursor over the object at your starting point Now move the red cursor line along the clip preview to a point where the object leaves the screen or changes speed . In this example the dinghy keeps a straight line across the screen and doesn't change speed but I will create a second keyframe half way across the screen .... Now drag the cursor along so it once again covers the object....... You may have to alter the censor size if the object gets larger or smaller in the frame...... Create a second keyframe by clicking the small green + This again fixes the censor over the object at that point in the clip. Continue to move the cursor line along the graph (or clip preview screen) covering the object with the censor each time you feel the object is deviating or changing size. In this example I covered the dinghy from one side of the screen to the other with 3 keyframes. The Effects window then looked like this.... You can preview your result by playing the Clip preview and if at any point the censor is not in place due to unexpected speed changes you can simply stop the playback and adjust the censor in the effects window and create another keyframe. You can create as many keyframes as you wish to ensure a smooth movement of the censor. When finished your censor should follow the object for the duration of the clip. Obviously if the object has numerous changes of speed and direction you will need more keyframes fix the censor position.. Hope this helps Nat
  20. Hi Are you referring to the exported video as a DVD? If so, it may play immediately in some players if you have not added a menu. So to prevent this happening add a menu to the export. The menu will then auto play and await your input. Depending on how you have set it up you can then click on the area or button you have designated in the menu to play your video. If it's not this then can you clarify what you mean exactly by auto-starts? Nat
  21. Hi To check on your synch problem I made a 6 minute mp4 that contained many audible synch points,,, Loaded from the camera to my PC the clip played absolutely correctly in VLC from start to finish without any problems. Loaded to VP 7.30 the clip played absolute correctly and remained in synch all the way through. From VP I exported the sequence as a DVD Movie The resulting DVD played with no problems in VLC. Extracted the VOB file In VLC this remained in synch until I jumped along the time bar when synch appeared out,,.but in a few seconds it automatically ajusted itself and became normal again. This may have been my PC or VLC taking a second or two to "catch up" after jumping along the time bar .Otherwise no problems Loaded the VOB file to VP 7.30 and waited a short time for the green load bar to complete.This VOB clip played perfectly in synch from end to end. Even when dragging the cursor line to a point further along the timeline and releasing it the clip was in perfecty synchronized Conclusion.....Couldn't find any fault here. On the basis of this I don't think your problem lies with VP. Nat
  22. Hi Aussie ".... Was this a .VOB file to start with? ..." No this was an Mp4 clip specifically shot to check synch problems..My test VOB files only have background sound.but I have lots of VHS copied to disc some with proper direct voice so I'll have a play with one or two of these and see what happens. Nat
  23. Hi Borate explains the parameters pretty well but if you set up Dual preview screens under Options/Display you can see better what happens, both to the timeline sequence you are working on as well as the Clip preview screen where you can see the Effect visual controls like the Scale rectangle or the Zoom rectangle etc. When changing the size of a clip or image using Scale just click the Maintain AR box. You can now move the horizontal OR vertical slider left or right to alter the size of the clip/image without distorting it. Sliding either to the left makes the image smaller and sliding either of them to the right makes it bigger. That's about the gist of it. You can use the other values or try dragging the black spot about to move the image about within the frame but it's easier to add a Position effect to do this as it's a bit more intuitive. e.g. Here is an image scaled down and placed in the bottom left corner of a background clip... The effects pane shows I have used both the Scale effect and a Position effect to do this. Nat
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