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Everything posted by Nationalsolo

  1. Hi Just confirming Borates finding. (Your latest link had two files + the vpj - Exercise 05 and Exercise 05 modified) The Save Portable Project As should be used when... You have loaded your project to VP You have checked it plays correctly in VP with all your edits/transitions/titles that you have used. Only then should it be Saved as a Portable Project. The dated recipient folder will then contain a copy the constituent clips as well as a.vpj file which will enable other users to reassemble the work completely. Nat
  2. HI ".... My Question is..... is there a faster way to make it done? with same quality? ....." I think the answer is basically No (or at least Not a lot) . Rendering is inherently a labour intensive exercise for yor system and is dependent of several factors. Speed of your system Complexity of your project Format of the output. I think the last item will have the most effect on rendering time... As an example I exported what may be the simplest form of a project...A Single..timeline track of a 1280 x 720 Image with a 10 minute duration. There was no audio. The specs of the System... Windows Vista Home Premium 32-bit SP2 Intel Core 2 Duo CPU E4500@ 2.2GHz, 2.0 GB RAM NVIDEA GeForce GT 730. So nothing dramatic. Exported as an mp4 1920 x 1080 at 60fps took 43 mins. Exported as an mp4 1280 x 720 at 60fps took 17 mins Exported as an mp4 1204 x 576 (WS TV) at 60 fps took 10 mins Exporting as an avi 1024 x 576 (WS TV) at 60 fps took 12 mins Clearing the cache of unwanted files might speed things up a little but unless you are prepared to lower the resolution I don't think you will dramatically reduce the export times. As a further example. The export time for a more typical 10 minute project consisting of 42 variable length mp4 clips of 1280 x 720 with a single sound track and transitions between each clip plus start and end titles was...... Exported as an mp4 1920 x 1080 at 60fps ...... took 2.5 hours So yours is pretty actually pretty good.. Nat
  3. Hi You can also simply grab the image you are inserting and drag it down to the timeline. Drag it left to right along the track . .....and at the designated join between clips you should see a white arrow appear...... Release the image when this appears and it should insert between the clips..... If you drop it ON a clip it will replace that clip. (But you can click the Undo arrow at the top left to try again.! Nat
  4. Hi Skyfly The VP sequence image looks reasonable here........ Bearing in mind that THIS screenshot image (in this post above) is a copy of YOUR screenshot image that I downloaded. However despite that, the VP text/labels on buttons and tabs etc are quite clear so it's pretty representative. IMHO the contents of the sequence window looks OK A thing to bear in mind is that if your graph image is actually HUGE and SHARP in its original form...e.g. 4480 x 2520 , it has to be reduced in size when used in VP. In effect it's a low resolution copy that is used in the preview screen and this in itself will make it appear less clear than a full size image. (Although, as I said, this sequence preview screen area doesn't look bad) The original image resolution is retained in the cache and it is THIS image that is used during export. If the image was big and if it was left at full resolution (but squashed up for preview in real time,) it would slow down the playback enormously which would be unacceptable. (Visions of nothing but Waiting for Preview messages.... ) In old versions of VP you could set the resolution of the preview screen but due to changes related to caching speed and replay speed the preview resolution was changed to a fixed intermediate value. (Can't remember exactly what though.) How big IS the graph image you have used? .... If the resolution was moderate or low the preview might not look that sharp when undocked but OK during editing. e.g. Low res (224 x 126) and high res (4480 x 2520) images side by side in the sequence preview window......In my opinion both are acceptable and shouldn't prevent editing. ...and which is which? Although the Hi res image appears marginally clearer obviously as it has only been reduced in size to fit the preview resolution. The lo res image has been enlarged by VP to fit the VP frame and has suffered more but the difference is minimal Even so they are usable. Undocked of course the difference is easily noticeable... The answer most probably to your problem is to use as high a resolution as possible to ensure a clear export result but preview is limited to a fixed resolution.....but even a small , lo res 224 x 126 image should look OK. Undocking the preview to Full Screen I believe uses the full resolution of the original but as well as covering the editing screen, playback in this mode will be VERY chunky if the images are big. Nat
  5. Hi This subject has come up before....At the time with earlier versions there was a problem with left-right order of texts and editing the same. However is is quite possible.. Use Google Translate to create your text.... Copy the Hebrew text and paste into the VP text editor........ I'm not a reader of Hebrew so I have to assume it says what it is supposed to say. If you have to edit the text you may not be able to do it in the VP window as I'm not sure that hebrew syntax is supported although you may have the font available in the list if it is on your PC. Checking that would be up to you. Copy/paste is probably the best way to go. Nat
  6. Hi Your test video downloaded correctly and loaded to VP 7.51 with no problems here. The audio track displayed normally ........ It seems that the problem may lie with your setup. First thing to try is to navigate to User/AppData/Roaming/NCH Software and delete the Components folder. Re-run VP. The folder will regenerate and may sort the problem You could also try a reinstall. Assuming you still have the vpsetup.exe file and your initializing code uninstall VP and then reinstall again from square one. Nat
  7. Hi One way to grab the screen is to simply press the Ctrl with Print Scrn keyboard keys. This places a copy of the screen in memory. (Although this is not obvious). Open a suitable graphics package and then use Paste as a New Image. (or similar) The contents of the memory dump should now be displayed from where it can be saved in a suitable format. (Obviously it may have to be compressed and this will obviate the purpose of copying it ) If it is the preview you think is poor then..... Load a hi res image to VP and drop it on the timeline. This example here is a 4480 x 2520 image. (A video clip might not be entirely suitable for this as individual frames may show motion blurring. ) Undock the window to display it in a bigger screen. Right click the enlarged window and select the option Take snapshot of Sequence. (In earlier versions VP this option may be seen below the window.) Select a suitable resolution (e.g. 1920 x 1080) This copies the sequence image to the clip bin but also places a png copy in the default folder you have set up in VP Options/Disk Here is a typical result Upload that image to a server and supply a link as in Borates instructions. Note: if the original video (or image) has a low resolution in the first place then it may in fact look unclear in the preview window and worse when undocked and enlarged. As a matter of interest what is the resolution of the clips you are using? Nat
  8. Hi Glen Further to the previous post. If your image is 9:16 ("Dorothy" in the middle.....as seen in the Clip preview (left)) it will load to VP like this...... ...and will appear in the sequence preview as shown on the right. This is similar to your uploaded file. Adding the text to this is as usual and in VP will appear like this..... I think you got your result by exporting at a 9:16 resolution. This will certainly export the IMAGE but will crop off the text.... If you export at a 16:9 AR (Preset: Custom Wide screen TV for example) it should come out OK... Happy New Year!! Nat
  9. Hi Glen Your film downloaded (but didn't show the image I posted above,,,,,which I find a bit weird. What I did get when it had downloaded was a small picture of Dorothy overlaid by truncated text.......The sound track was Prose.... Is this your project or a download/upload cockup by Google?? Whatever...... If you research Google images you can get the original and load it to VP. The one shown above is cropped. The original is 16:9 (298 x 169 which may be a bit small for full screen) VP loads this full frame....... You can now add your text........ You can monitor this in the Sequence Preview window. Export as mp4 Custom Wide screen TV..........(or select one of the 16:9 formats) As seen in VLC Is this the sort of thing you are aiming at? For full screen images try to get a 16:9 format. If you can't then you can use the Zoom effect on the clip restrained to 16:9 to get rid of any black borders. You can move the zoom area to outline the required bit. If it is the text you are not getting correctly then let us know.. Nat
  10. Hi Glen We don't change anything.....We are just users like yourself...... "... PS How do I "save Portable Project As" ? ..." Click the Menu tab at the top left... NOTE: Depending of which VP version you are using you may have a File option here...(This is 7.51) If not.... ...this opens a further Menu... Select File....... and then Save Portable Project As Give a folder name (or just click Desktop) and VP will save a copy of the project along with its files to a dated folder and display a message..... (I have nested desktops......you won't) It's the contents of THAT folder you send to Dropbox etc. Nat
  11. Hi Glen ".... The left hand side disappears and so does the right hand side leaving a thin narrow column of the video. ..." I presume this is what you see............ Unfortunately your link just points to your actual video. (above) which on my old system I can't play direct,) not to a dated folder with the constituent clips as Borate describes, but It gives an idea of your difficulty. From what I can see at this moment you have clips that are in portrait format.(9:16?).. (i.e. vertical) These are displayed vertically in a 16:9 frame (i.e. a Horizontal frame). VP will always (usually) fit the portrait format vertically leaving black areas to each side. Texts are created by VP in a 16:9 format which, when overlaid, match the VP frame horizontally. If the text however, is made wider than the 9:16 vertical image area then it will naturally spill over into the black areas to each side. I am currently downloading what you posted above so I can run it here so I will have a better idea shortly. Get back to you.... You may have to apply a zoom effect to get a full frame 16:9 video........ P.S.... If you Save Portable Project As VP will create a dated folder that contains a copy of everything in your project....That is... all the video clips; image clips and audio clips PLUS a vpj file. These data can be used to recreate your project and determine where you may be going wrong. Nat
  12. Hi Glen Please post a link Nat
  13. Hi Best option is to upload your project to Dropbox or similar and somebody will take a look and advise... Here are the instructions....Post the link you get to the forum.. http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/ In the meantime,,, What is the format (AR) of your Video clip and the size (pixel x pixel) of the image that you are using? Nat
  14. Hi Railfan Your video download OK here (Old Vista system) and loaded with no problems to VP Professional 7.51 where it played perfectly. (GOSH what a long train!......Neat, no frills video) I exported this as an mp4 1920 x 1080 Default quality H264 Video clip which played perfectly in VLC. Exported as a DVD video. All 91 wagons passed without a hitch! It certainly sounds like you have a problem at your end. Have you tried a re-install of the setup file? Save your project file and clear unused files from the cache. Nat
  15. Hi Luba Your project downloaded OK and looked OK in VP.here. Export as an mp4 but select a 16:9 resolution e.g. 1920 x 1080. (Even 3840 x 2160 (4K) The exported result looks fine. For future videos it's best to choose an export resolution that closely matches the original contents. Here is a screenshot from the 4K mp4 export as seen in VLC... Re-setting the Resolution to Custom and then using 1616 x 1080 for the values.....the original size of this image the black border can be largely eliminated... Obviously different sized images will show various borders unless selections are made to stretch or crop/zoom which may not always give a good result. I know it's not always easy but its best to use consistent image sizes and AR for the project. Modern wide screen TVs are AR 16:9 (1.777) so try to get images of that AR. VP should then export with no borders (apart from portrait images) if 16:( options are selected or you use Match Content. Using Wide screen TV setting as Borate recommends is fine ...it sets the export to a 16:9 AR like my top image Nat
  16. Nationalsolo

    Pan Only

    Hi Obviously to pan your clip you must have some zoom for a start. You mention you have 150% zoom preset...How have you set this? Did you mean Scale at 1.50?? (The VP zoom option doesn't work in %.) If you mean Scale then you won't be able to pan using Position as even though the image seems larger....it is, in effect cropped and you will move the image out of the frame.. To Pan use just use the ZOOM effect.. No need to have any preset zoom as it gets what you give it... For example..To pan left to right.... Click the FX and select the Zoom effect. This places a rectangle on the Clip preview image and opens an effects pane Move the Preview Cursor Line to the left side of the Clip Preview screen which is the start of the clip. In the Effects pane set the Restraint for the Zoom AR to value you want....e,g. 16:9 Resize and position the rectangle to your starting place for the pan......Note the Vertical Y1 value in the settings Set a keyframe (Click the small green + above the graph area on the effect window) Move the Clip screen cursor line (or the graph cursor line) to the right..the end of the clip Without changing the size of the rectangle drag it to the finishing point for your pan.In this case over to the right. Move it so that the Y1 value is the same as at the start. This ensures that the pan will be horizontal. Create a second keyframe. The graph will look something like this.... Close the effects window. Your sequence should now pan left to right across the clip.Obviously you can start and stop it where you wish and alter its size and AR if you want. Nat
  17. Hi What was the resolution of the landscape images...pixel x pixel? What were your export settings? If it's not too large upload and someone will take a look. Instructions are here... http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/ Nat
  18. Nationalsolo


    Hi Yes of course! keyframes are a simpler answer (VP is pretty versatile) but they don't leave a dot trail. With each image on a separate overlay track and extended to the end of the clip that is possible...the dots moving along the map but remaining visible... Still a bit of phaffing about though! Go for Borates Keyframes. Nat
  19. Nationalsolo


    Hi This is quite a difficult and time consuming thing to do in VP. One way would to simply film the map and every few frames draw a line ON the map extending along your route. i.e create an animation. This is what used to be done in the old days when using film. The resulting clip could then be placed in its relevant place in your project. For novelty you might use a little model of your car! One approach using VP would be to .. Film your map for the requisite duration, or use an image. Create a transparent png image (or use a jpg) of a suitable indicator..e.g an arrow.or a circle etc (It would be very difficult to try to use a continuous line) Place the map image on Video track 1 and adjust the duration to the required value. In the example below I am using a jpg of a red dot (circle) on a white background. This has a green screen set to white so the background to the dot is transparent. This is set on Video Track 2 The overlay image is now set to a duration of say, 1 second and is scaled down so the red dot is of a suitable size for the map. The red cursor line is moved to the right hand edge of this image on the timeline. The image is then copied and pasted repeatedly (using Paste( insert)) This repeatedly places the dot image one after another forming a continuous line of 1 second mage clips on the overlay track ....each one of 1 second duration......... Initially the dot is not in the correct position relative to the map, so starting with the first image, use the Position effect to place each of the dots on the map at the correct point, one after another.. Do this with the guide rectangle on the Clip Preview screen and monitor the result with the Sequence preview screen. This made much easier if you set up the Dual preview displays in the Options menu. This is shown on the image above. The following gives you an idea of what you are aiming at. A lot depends on your patience..... 1st position 2nd Position 3rd position 4th Position 5th Position etc. The red marker now moves at one second intervals along the route as you play the sequence. This is just explaining the principle. You can refine it by using shorter intervals or a different shaped marker. With a lot of patience and a bit of ingenuity you can almost achieve a solid line if each overlay is placed on a separate track with the lower ones extending always to the end of the clip from the place where they start. As I said it's a bit time consuming doing this but it works. Nat
  20. Hi Your image relates to VP 7.51..same as mine but here audio files from the library (and elsewhere) work as expected. There is an odd thing with your posted image using the same version...... The audio file you show (apparently downloaded from the Sound library) shows the "Note" thumbnail ... .......whilst mine shows the "Waveform" thumbnail...... Question....Do ALL your non-playable files show the same thumbnail? This thumbnail normally shows when Audio files are being converted by VP. .........With small files it may not even be noticed but with bigger files it appears for a longer time..... if you load a large file (In the above case it's an mp3 of a recent concert) do you get the "processing" tab with the egg timer? If it sticks at just the "Notes" thumbnail it may be something not working at that point for you...although my 7.51 works OK. I've asked NCH to have a look at this post Nat
  21. Hi Marc Really enjoyed watching that..and listening......again! Nat
  22. Hi Even in later versions of VP the green line sometimes stops when there are many clips being cached. No idea why (as caching still seems to be happening) but often, just placing the red cursor over the clip that has stopped gets it going again. (Just drag it along and see if it continues) Puzzling...as is the order that audio files are loaded to the timeline. Nat
  23. Hi If the audio is a separate audio file then add it to the timeline. Right click it and change the clip speed to 66.666. Keep the audio pitch unchanged. Nat
  24. Hi Marc Your Dropbox project downloaded fine here. All the files loaded to VP via the vpj file and non of the problems you listed in your DOC file were evident. All the zooms/fades etc were present. 6 Video files (including Texts) 2 Audio files 106 images Some image clips and text clips were loaded to the respective clip bins but were not used in the project. I exported this projectto my PC as a letter boxed mp4 Video file 1280 x 720 H264 at Default quality video. Although this was smaller resolution than the majority of the downloaded files, I did it to save rendering time. The result looked good and played perfectly in VLC. In fact I made an almost identical photo/video record of a trip to Rome, (but I set it to Tchaikovsky's Capriccio Italien ) so I can appreciate the editing in this. So all in all i couldn't find anything going wrong here. I can only suggest that you wait fully for the timeline to load before you export or possibly try the setting I used above. Nat
  25. Hi Had a play with this....It's a compromise...e.g. Using project 1 and project 2... Load Project 1 to the timeline With cursor at start AddObjects/Add Placeholder Add the Placeholder at cursor position. Click Templates and Save the project as a template Clear VP Load Project 2 Save as Sequence 1 (Click the + that follows Sequence 1 X) This clears the timeline and creates Sequence 1 in the sequence bin. Click the Templates tab and select the Template Project 1 It should open on the timeline with a blue Placeholder. If not then open it from the clip bin. Open the Sequence bin and drag Sequence 1 (i.e. Project 1) to the placeholder and drop it. You should now have Project 1 and Project 2 on the timeline. It's far from perfect as Project1 is a single sequence clip and I don't know how multiple tracks might work but at least it a way of combining 2 projects.. Nat
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