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Everything posted by Nationalsolo

  1. Hi ".... I'm trying to increase the height of the video track - there is no resizing bar above it as there is above the video track ..." Were you perhaps referring to the Audio Track?? This can be increased in height by dragging the white bar situated below the Video track upwards........ From the point of view of the Video track......If you just have Video Track 1 with a clip on it, the height of the track can be adjusted from quite narrow to quite large by grabbing and moving the white bar under the Preview Window , (marked below) up or down........ Note that these images are to the same scale. The white bar is the bar under the preview screen area. This increase in the height of the track is at the expense of the height of the preview windows. In some instances the height of the track can be very small.....There is a button that will expand or contract the track...... Note the position of the marked chevron. Clicking this will expand the track back to a "normal" height. If however, you have multiple tracks (2 or more) there is a limit to the height you can have for each track. Dragging the white bar mentioned previously up will enlarge then tracks up to a point. After that the grey area above the tracks will enlarge but the tracks will remain at that limit...(Below)... (I would prefer myself that the tracks enlarge to the maximum possible leaving the grey area very narrow.....but.....) The idea , I presume is to allow as many tracks as possible to be visible before scrolling becomes necessary.. With the white bar set as high as possible and the other white bar below the video tracks set as low as possible this will be 6 tracks........ ....any more than this and you will have to scroll them up and down with the scrollbar at the right hand end . THAT IS UNLESS you choose to contract the tracks (one or more) with the chevron mentioned above.... In that scenario you can have up to 13 tracks!.......(But that might impinge on your ability to rapidly edit or render your projects...) Anyway...there are a few hints Nat
  2. Hi BOB ".... What you need is drag red line, click begin, drag RED LINE AGAIN, click end. ...." No problem..........You can do that! (Do it either way.) If the clip you selected is on the timeline it will automatically update. Nat
  3. Hi Using the Rotate effect.. To rotate Clockwise, start with 0.00 and end with whatever angle value you want, setting keyframes as required. Here the image starts vertically and rotates to 180 deg clockwise... To rotate Anti-clockwise, start with 360.00 and end with any value you want. Here the image starts vertically and rotates 180 deg anti-clockwise.... Note the slopes of the keyframe lines. Of course you don't have to start with a vertical (0.00deg or 360.00 deg) image you can start it in any position so, for example you could animate a ticking stopwatch timing down (Clockwise from a particular angle) or timing up (Anti-clockwise from a particular angle.) It needs a transparent hand image that is animated over a blank clock face for this. Nat
  4. Hi Not seen this happen before. I take it that none of the FX boxes on the timeline are blue where you made cuts?? If this behavior happens every time you make a cut and export the project, set up a couple of unimportant clips on the timeline ; make some cuts in them and then check an export to see if the ?bug you are reporting is present. If the exported test video still shows the error go back to the project and from the File menu select Save Portable Project As Follow the prompts. This should save both the clips and a vpj file to the designated folder. Upload this folder to Dropbox etc. as mentioned in Borates link. Dropbox will supply a link for you to post to the forum. Include details of how you exported your project and the version of VP that you used. This will enable other forum users to load your test project, check it over for obvious errors and export it with your settings to see if they reproduce what you are getting. Nat
  5. Hi You could also ....... (VP 7.30) Add all your clips to the timeline in the order required Select one of them on the timeline that you wish to edit In the Clip Preview window use the START/END Markers to isolate the segment required. The clip on the timeline will be automatically split and shortened. Any gap created is automatically closed. . There is no need to split the timeline and close the gaps manually doing it this way. The edited clip can be re-edited in the same way if it is not correct. The edited timeline should now be what is exported. Nat
  6. Hi Rizman Also not quite sure what you mean by "Less than 1-2 min" and "auto-populate" However switch the timeline into Storyboard mode and check that you don't have a blank "frame" where you have split the clip and want to add the transition. (There would be no "X" in any case.) It's just a thought. There were some reports in earlier VP versions that a split caused a tiny gap in the project that was unnoticeable at normal zoom levels. Are you overlapping the clips or choosing to add a still frame? Obviously overlapping means that there must be adequate final clip length to accommodate the length of the transition. Could you clarify the problem. Nat
  7. Hi It's not a fault I have come across either (Yet). However you could try this approach and see if it works....(VP 7.30) Place the clips that make up your project on the timeline as you would normally do. On the timeline, Left click on the clip you want to shorten/edit. It will grey-out showing that you have selected it and It will appear in the Clip Preview window. (It's useful to display both preview windows...Options/Display/Show dual previews. Now when you drag your IN/OUT markers under Clip Preview image to isolate the section of the clip required , that clip on the timeline should update as you do it. As you release the each marker the clip will split and delete at the points selected. It will drop back to the preceding clip closing any gap created and any following clips will automatically drop back to fill any gap following the selection. Nat
  8. Hi There maybe a plug-in somewhere that will skew an image/clip in VP (Try the VirtualDub site. https://www.virtualdub-fr.org/category/plugins?lang=en but the normal VP effects do not include a transform effect.(AFAIK) You can scale and rotate but the frame remains rectangular.I don't think you can get a trapezoidal image. Depending on your foreground image you may be able to get something fairly close with a bit of fiddling....... e.g if the image contains an area that can be green screened out... This can be placed as an overlay on Video Track 2 and the area rendered transparent with the Green Screen effect.In this case picking Black. The clip or image to be "skewed" can then be placed on Video Track 1. With both Preview windows selected in Options, you can then monitor the adding of a Scale effect to size the clip and a Position effect to place the clip behind the "Blackboard window" in addition to a Rotation effect and .. The result, although not perfect with respect to a real skewed image will allow the the clip on Video Track1 to be seen "on" the Transparent blackboard area in the overlay... It's not perfect but it's workable. If the overlay area can't be green screened due to it having a mix of colours you can create a polygonal mask of the desired shape and render the area outlined transparent and proceed in a similar way. Nat
  9. Hi B Oh! Yes..Yes..Yes.......Doh!!!! Simple things for simple minds...I did know but that bit brain died before I could move the data!! Thanks!! EDIT Just looked at the reason why I didn't notice this prompt (as I had seen it before -and used it ) I came to this conclusion.... I had selected all the clips on the timeline in the normal way. I had clicked the transition X which brought up the Transition list window. Knowing that I wanted to add a crossfade between the clips I had instinctively clicked that option quickly without noticing the box below the list since it it is not very noticeable. The choice window of an Overlap/Still image transition immediately comes up which replaces the transition list so you have missed it totally by then as there is no Return option ... and lastly....... I expected to see the All Selected Clips option window to appear as I had selected multiple clips. I actually passed through the transition list window at least 7-8 times without noticing that box! A clear case of being familiar with doing something in a particular way and not seeing when a change has been made.. A bit like finding a large clear signpost has been removed and the direction written in small letters on the road! Nat
  10. Hi Checking things out with a freshly downloaded and installed VP 7.30. I have 100 short clips on the timeline (30 mins in total) They are all loaded and using Ctrl+A all are selected. The task is to add a crossfade transition to each clip. This has normally been a simple task. This process does not now seem to be working. Click the X and select Xfade just works on a single clip..There is no message asking if all selected clips are to have a xfade (as used to happen) Go via the Transition tab on the toolbar.....same result. No message regarding all the selected clips. Go via the FX box and try the Crossfade in the Fades section......same result. Only that particular clip is crossfaded. What has changed? I get the same result if I group all 100 clips as well. In my last install (Beta version of 7.30) this process worked correctly. Ideas anyone? Nat
  11. Hi There is a way you could have both clips playing simultaneously as well as a final result Track. It's a bit complicated so here is a scenario using images for simplicity. You should be able to extend this to video clips with a bit of concentration.... Put Clip1 (RED) on Track 1 and Track 3 Put Clip2 (GREEN) on Track 2 and Track 4 Scale all the clips to 0.5 keeping AR maintained. Use the Position effect to move the clips as follows... Track 1 (RED) and Track 2 (GREEN) Centre at bottom (Horizontal..0 Vertical 25) Track 3 (RED) Top left (Horizontal -25 Vertical -25) Track 4 (GREEN) Top right (Horizontal 25 Vertical -25. Tracks will now look something like this...... All the clips must start together obviously. In the Sequence preview pane will be seen Camera1 (RED) Camera 2 (GREEN) and underneath the result. Now...... Play through the timeline and where you want to see just Camera 1 (RED) Split Video Track 2 (GREEN) at the start of the section Split Video Track 2 (GREEN) at the end of the section. Delete the split out section from the GREEN Track 2 Continue along the timeline splitting and removing the relevant sections from Track 2 (GREEN).......... Playing the timeline, the top of the Sequence Preview screen will still show both Camera 1 (RED) and Camera 2 (GREEN) but at the bottom the sequence will now show each in turn where you have decided to swap views.You can now adjust the cut ends in Track 2 if required to set the cut-aways more precisely. When finished Save Project As (Do this regularly anyway) Return Track 1 and Track 2 to full size and re-centre them (i.e. remove the Scale and Position effects) and delete Track 3 and Track 4 plus any unwanted audio tracks (or mute them) Your timeline should now play as you required. Worth playing with. Nat
  12. Hi LeFouu ".... In v7.30, the frame rate of the preview cannot be changed anymore. Only the replay speed can be altered, while the number of frames remains unchanged....." Thanks. I realised that must have been the case.. "..(@Borate)..... What you posted is exactly the type of result I want to get out of VP but don't for whatever reason. I'm going to play with different versions now and see what I'll find out.... " Both Borate and myself loaded your test project and exported it (with VP 7.30) at a constant 60fps with the result that you thought was OK....It played pretty smooth here despite having the extra duplicated frames. See settings in the export Video window..... HOWEVER....Although your test looked OK at 60fps (which we both tried) you can set a maximum export fps to 144 fps If you select Custom (the bottom option) and enter 240 it defaults to 144fps. The export result is now (or seems to be here) absolutely great. Flecks of snow individually arcing from the skis with any trace of jerkiness. You can even see some particles actually turning. Worth trying. Load your camera clip Change speed to slow it down on the Video track (e.g. 12.5%) Export as mp4 at Custom 240 fps This will default to 144fps in the box (But I think there may be a slight difference if you actually enter 144....Give it a try. Nat
  13. Hi Main clip on Track 1 Map on Track2 Use Scale effect to resize the map maintaining the AR and then use Position effect to place the scaled result in the desired position. Nat
  14. Hi @Borate Your link eventually played OK (like my export here with the same settings.) But this is based on a 30fps short original clip..... Mediainfo shows that the original clip is indeed 240 fps./.. In VP it's 1.33 seconds long with 30 odd frames.???? @LeFouu "....... If you change the preview settings in VP to 240fps, you will see that the original clip in the bin contains about 240 unique frames, i.e. no copies, one every 4 milliseconds. ....." Where are those controls please I don't remember ever seeing them (VP 7.30) .....? Still only get a frame to frame of 0.033 sec. Nat
  15. HI A couple of ways.... Click the Add Title tab on the toolbar Select your type of title....e.g. Simple Text Overlay In the central control area of the Text Editor above the text entry box select Full Background To the right of this click the colour square and select the background colour (Black) required from the colour palette. (Use the eye dropper to select) .... The background to the editor will now change to the selected colour. Choose a contrasting colour for the text e.g. Yellow in this example and type in the text. Set the other parameters e.g Font/text size/position/scrolling etc. Close the editor and the title on a black background will appear on the overlay track at the cursor position. You can adjust the position of the underlying clip if required. Another way is to add a black blank clip to the timeline for the background and use any contrasting colour to the text as the Editor Background . This time the text will have a transparent background and you adjust it to be above the blank clip........ Hope this helps. If you want further advice or you have some difficulty please come back to the forum. Nat
  16. Sorry Borate I can't upload or view this this as I get a code error and your post shows it as Unavailable. Might be my old PC and old browser However, I re-exported the downloaded project at 60fps and the result is very smooth. So...what is actually happening during the export? The original one second clip with 30 frames is slowed down on the timeline by being given extra frames. In this case 7-8 copies of each frame are added. ( The copies after each original frame can be seen when the timeline is checked frame by frame) This makes it slow down but jerky when previewed at 30fps) If the export is going to have 60fps, and is going to retain its timeline duration are more frames being generated to keep the clip the same duration and if so why is it not just as jerky or even jerkier? (Or am I missing something?) Nat
  17. Hi Your clip downloaded OK.....Three files.. 6 Peer Hockey oben~2.mp4 Export.mp4 SlowMo Test.vpj Only 6 Peer Hockey oben~2.mp4 loaded to VP (7.3) with the vpj file In the bin the duration of the basic clip was 1.027 seconds. On the track it was slowed to 12.5% with a final duration of 8.215 seconds The original clip in the bin contained 32 frames. (i.e. 30fps approx) Slowing this down by 8X (12.5%) means 8 frames would need to be duplicated for each frame of the clip. This creates a jerky playback when the speed is reduced to this extent. A speed reduction of 50% (2X frame duplication) would appear much smoother. A 25% reduction is about as slow as you can make it without obvious jerkiness. The way around this problem is to shoot the original clip in Slo-Mo in the camera giving a longer clip duration for the short action time. (You may have done this...but the clip you uploaded is full speed at 30fps) Your mp4 export reflects this and is exactly what is seen in the VP preview of your fully slowed down clip. Try setting the speed change to around 25% and see the difference. (OK it's not as slow but it's less jerky) Nat
  18. Hi If everything is correctly working the Export Video option on the toolbar should be active (blue) once you have a clip/image on any of the tracks. I assume you have something on one of the tracks? If it still remains greyed out despite having a clip/image on any of the tracks there is a problem and your installation may be faulty. The best suggestion and providing you have saved your registration code and the original vpsetup.exe program (a good idea is to save these in a safe folder) and then to uninstall the current VP from the control panel including any data files and then re-install it from the vpsetup.exe file. If that stills fails to work correctly come back to the forum. Nat
  19. Hi ".... That is what VideoPad tutorials are about. General overview ommitting a critical detail which a person will take 90 minutes trying to figure out by trial and error. ....." I don't disagree at all with your statement, but keeping the tutorials up to date for every new/revised edition of VP where quite a lot of changes ) or only one or two) may have been made would be a big job I think and so I assume it's done on an ad-hoc basis. My post, I think answered your question regarding the non-appearance of Video Track 3 (and the disappearance/replacement of the contents of Track 2) . The AR difficulties are another item that has caused some confusion with users (including myself ...and it still does .) If possible I try to keep all clips/images I use to a 16:9 AR and avoid such problems.The preview is then WYSIWYG although in my case my monitor, being old is not 16:9 but close enough not to cause a problem. However I accept that other users often use a mixture of ARs.The only way I see with all the possible permutations is a degree of trial and error and if that fails post here. Someone will generally try to help. Nat
  20. Hi Edward "... I got an image in overlay over my video. Everything worked find. ....." Ok so far.......You have a clip on Track 1 and an image on Track2 which will overlay the clip. "......So i went to add another image in. ....." You don't say where you want to place this second image. If you want it to appear on a new track (Track 3) you simply drag it down from the clip bin and drop into the grey band above Track 2. (Labelled Drag and drop your video,text and image clips here to overlay) This will automatically generate Video Track 3.... It seems from your post that you may have dragged and dropped your second image onto Video Track 2. If this is the case it will apparently...(this may be a bug) overwrite the image om Track 2 and not insert. That's what happens here with VP 7.3. If you want to insert it into Track 2 by dragging and dropping you can first drag it to the new Track 3 ......... ....and then in a separate action drag it down into the required position on Track 2 where it should now insert.... This however creates a gap in Track 1.......which I don't think it should as the manipulations are strictly with the upper tracks ... but it can be easily closed. There are other ways of adding images or clips other than this. The options are accessed by clicking the clip in the respective bin and selecting the option from the list that appears. Nat
  21. Hi Try this...... Open Users/AppData/Roaming/NCH Software/ Delete the Components file. Reopen VP The components file will be restored (I think you will need to be on line) and that may cure the problem. Nat
  22. Hi You are correct....Crossfade does appear in the list of Video effects. ......... Crossfade/Fade/ etc are indeed classed as transitions and perhaps shouldn't be listed here. Selecting the fades from this section of the effects window menu does not activate the option to apply it to all the selected clips. In fact here on several occasions , with 7.30 VP has crashed when these Fades have been selected..... This happens here when Fade out is selected............. Nat
  23. Hi Versions 7.xxxx Select all the clips Click the FX on any clip Choose the effect Set parameters for the effect Click Append effect chain to other selected clips ............(7th button along at top of effects pane) All the selected clips will now get the effect applied. The option was also available in earlier versions in that I think you selected your clips and then added the effect via the Effects button on the top toolbar. (The effects pane did not have the options 6&7 if I remember rightly) Clicking the top toolbar tab then presented you with the option to add to all the selected or just one you clicked the FX on....This is no longer there in the latest version. Nat
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