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Everything posted by borate

  1. The idea is to share the module that has the issue, so that part of your project can be tested by others... 1. With that module of the project on the timeline, click the FILE menu. Then SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS. Save to any convenient folder. 2. Open the folder that contains the saved files and ZIP them all. 3. Upload the zip file to DropBox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like. It's free. 4. Make the uploaded file public (share it) and copy the shared link. 5. Paste the link into this forum.
  2. Indeed, this does appear to be a bug that does not apply the effect to all selected clips. Yet It does work with some effects (mirror) and not others (scale/flip). For a workaround... On a single clip, specify the effect. SAVE AS CHAIN TEMPLATE and give it a name. Now select the desired clips, click the VIDEO EFFECTS icon on the toolbar, scroll down to the saved template, answer ALL to the prompt. May succeed.
  3. Be sure to have ample free disk space. Can you pin down a specific clip, effect or transition that may be causing the issue? Save the project, then isolate and export just the area where it's hanging. Does it still hang at the same spot? If so, share that part of the project, as follows... 1. With just that problematic segment on the timeline, click the FILE menu. Then SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS. Save to any convenient folder. 2. Open the folder that contains the saved files and ZIP them all. 3. Upload the zip file to DropBox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like. It's free. 4. Make the uploaded file public (share it) and copy the shared link. 5. Paste the link into this forum.
  4. Are you certain that the issue isn't being caused by the Windows copy? Check the properties sheet for a copied file to see if that's the case.
  5. You might submit the errant module for analysis here, via the procedure outlined above. Someone may spot something. What encodings/codecs are being used on the individual modules and on the final product?
  6. If you're referring to the end of the Atari opening as when the music "cuts out" ... that can be eased by extending the audio track. Place the pointer at the end of the clip until a ] bracket appears. Then drag right until the clip ends where the next sound begins. Changing the fade out to 2:00 will make for a gentler slope. Clicking DETECT on the export screen displays what VP thinks is the best output resolution, based on the project files. Confirm that the res box mirrors what DETECT indicates or click the ^ to the right of the resolution field and chose your poison. The still files here both display a thumbnail image, so it's unclear why that is not the case there. Suggestions... Clear the cache, as mentioned above. Be certain that there's adequate disk space of the drive. Update the video driver, if necessary, from the chip or card manufacturer's WEBsite.
  7. Exported as an mp4, using the DETECT settings. All seems to be intact? Click. Clear Unused Cache Files, under the OPTIONS menu|DISK tab and try the export again.
  8. Let's take a look. Here's how... 1. With the entire project on the timeline, click the FILE menu. Then SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS. Save to any convenient folder. 2. Open the folder that contains the saved files and ZIP them all. 3. Upload the zip file to DropBox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like. It's free. 4. Make the uploaded file public (share it) and copy the shared link. 5. Paste the link into this forum.
  9. borate

    Shatter transition

    What version of VP? Looks fine here with a four second shatter trans. Are the clips long enough to accommodate the transition?
  10. borate


    VPJ files are used strictly by Videopad, to delineate and store projects. They are not meant to be opened by anything other than Videopad itself. EXPORT is what you want. Export directly to YouTube. Or export to a YouTube compatible video formatted file and use the YouTube uploader.
  11. Yet another method to avoid a gap... Make the splits, then right-click on the segment to be excised and DELETE/RIPPLE.
  12. It's worth noting that a trimmed bin clip's edges can be dragged to original length after being dropped onto the timeline. IN/OUT buttons are never visible in sequence mode here, no matter what the window size, when the HOME UI is active from the toolbar. With CLIP chosen, they are.
  13. One simple method would be to create a text file in Videopad, which will appear under the images bin tab. Double-click it there and click EFFECTS. Create the desired effect. The text clip now contains the effect, which can be dropped onto the overlay track (usually track 2) repeatedly. The effect alone can be saved as a template - which will be an icon at the bottom of the effects window - to be applied to any clip. SAVE AN EFFECTS CHANGE TEMPLATE, which is the fourth button from the left in the effects toolbar. Click
  14. Understandable. You might test a small portion of your project to see if it produces the same duplication. Be sure to back up first.
  15. Strange. You are certain that the project wasn't inadvertently duplicated on the timeline? If that's not the case and you'd like someone to check out the issue, here's how... 1. With the project on the timeline, click the FILE menu. Then SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS. Save to any convenient folder. 2. Open the folder that contains the saved files and ZIP them all. 3. Upload the zip file to DropBox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like. It's free. 4. Make the uploaded file public (share it) and copy the shared link. 5. Paste the link into this forum.
  16. Nat, that's not the case here. Placed three A/V video clips - of varying lengths and formats - on the timeline. Chose sequence tab above the bin. Set START|END markers and exported. Only the unshaded, intended video was exported (to an mp4 in this case). In a second test five clips - total 2:20 - were on the timeline, with a ten-second overlay text clip in the middle. That overlay portion was trimmed and it alone was the result.
  17. Yes, tabbed toolbar - file|home|clips|sequence, etc. Start while in the Clips tab and the buttons are visible when clicking a clip in the timeline or bin. Clip preview is active either way. Switch to Home tab and the buttons stay visible in both, until the preview window is switched to sequence. And if Home tab is first working choice, clicking on the timeline won't show those buttons, period. Bottom line seems to be that the trim buttons don't appear when the preview window is in sequence mode, irrespective of window size, which pretty much explains why Nat's and my observations did not jibe.
  18. Same in 6.20. Placed low-res Windows Wildlife.wmv on timeline. Increased speed to 400.000. Right-click in timeline to change clip to the high-res version. Freeze at the end of the sped-up clip. And, after a 'change', the bin clip and timeline properties sheets still list the file as low res, though export|detect shows that it indeed is the high-res version.
  19. Using the latest beta, Nat's observations were confirmed here - repeatedly - until they were not. For no apparent reason, insert at cursor began to work correctly. CACHE wasn't cleared, project wasn't reloaded. Single clip on timeline with a short text overlay.
  20. The menu bar mode makes a difference, Jimmy. (Beta 6.20) My most recent post has been revised to explain more fully. A UI inconsistency, perhaps?
  21. Dropped back to 6.01 and isolated a portion of a single clip using the START|END brackets. (Same thing as if the red-line scrubber is positioned, then the START|END buttons used.) Exported. No prompt, but only the unshaded area was exported. This is consistent with past posts where export didn't result in the full clip because a portion of the sequence had been inadvertently isolated.
  22. The tabs at the top of the preview window confirm that both of your images are displaying clip preview mode. Why START|END are missing in the lower image is unclear, but the interface has changed some - as it always does - with subsequent versions. When the timeline clip is clicked here, the interface switches to sequence mode. No START|END tabs, which never appear when clicking on the timeline clip - only the bin clip. It acts this way when the HOME mode (on the menu bar) is active. However, when in CLIPS mode the buttons appear, whether a clip is clicked in the bin or on the timeline. In that mode the clip can be trimmed from the bin, which truncates the clip as you note, or it can be trimmed from the timeline, which does not. Perhaps that clears some confusion.
  23. Suggest that once the file is transferred directly in this manner that you export it as lossless and upload the result to a MS OneDrive or the like. Make the link public and post it here. The developers would be interested in that file.
  24. The version here is beta, so the confirmation prompt may not appear in your version. Still, only the unshaded area should be exported. Click.
  25. Humm... The opposite appears here. The START|END buttons are available only when the clip is selected from the bin, and not on the time line. Trimming from the bin does indeed leave the bin clip trimmed. Seems logical. START|END show up only when the viewing window is in clip preview mode here, not when in sequence mode.
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