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Everything posted by borate

  1. On a Windows 10 2600K CPU with 8GB ram and NVidia 650 video card... Exporting a two-minute video as a WMV utilized 78-82% CPU, 2-4% GPU. Faster when exported as an Mp4 with CPU at 96-99%, GPU 2-4%. The hardware acceleration option did not impact results.
  2. You might burn an ISO file, then play it on your PC - to see if the behavior is the same. On Windows 10 PCs double-clicking the ISO should mount it as a drive letter. It can then be played as if it were a DVD. As for burning to disk - try other speeds and media brands.
  3. Assuming that these files are of a type that VP recognizes, three things to try... 1. Clear Unused Cache Files - under the OPTIONS menu|DISK tab (if that is available on a Mac). 2. Save your project. Then close and restart Videopad. 3. Uninstall and reinstall Videopad or test the latest edition..
  4. borate


    No. Sharing your files on those sites has nothing to do with Videopad. Just upload the zip file to the server, as instructed above and allow the file to be shared. That's usually accomplished by right-clicking on the file and clicking "share' link" or similar language,, which should copy it to your clipboard. Then paste that link here. You will have to sign up for an account with Google or Microsoft, if you don't have one already.
  5. Animate the text. Animation HELP.
  6. 5.20 is available here. Your registration may not work with that version. If that's the case, certain features, such as more than two audio tracks and some output formats may not be available. However, from 5.20, you could FILE menu'|SAVE AS A PORTABLE PROJECT and export it from within your registered version, if that becomes necessary. The install files are normally saved to the Program Files (x86)/NCH folder.
  7. borate


    Then sign up for another (free) service. Google Drive or Microsoft OneDrive work well. If you already have a Google or MS account, then simply log in - to drive.google.com or onedrive.live.com with your user ID and password.
  8. borate


    One more step, Ted. You need to make the link public (share it) for those who either do not have a DropBox account or don't want to link their Google email address.
  9. borate


    You have uploaded the completed project, Ted, but that's not what's needed in order to recreate it here. Please follow the above instructions to upload the result of clicking on the FILE menu, then on SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS. It it those files, including the VPJ file, that are needed in order to troubleshoot your issue. ZIP all the files, then upload the zip file.
  10. The white UI in Videopad itself is no longer an option. An alternative would be use of an older version, prior to the change, which may have been made about the time 6.x came out. Older incarnations may be available via a Net search.
  11. borate


    As suggested earlier, Upload every file that results from your portable save ... to DropBox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like. These servers can be used without charge; create an account. Make the link public and post it here. Someone will burn your file as a test, attempting to spot the problem. If there are many files, zip them first, then upload the ZIP file.
  12. Retested with longer fades and no overlap - to emphasize the effect - using version 6.10. Looks normal. http://hevanet.com/hb/VP_trans_key.mp4
  13. The underlying problems appears to be that the key and fill signal timings are different. But there are other issues with transitions on text files... After a trans is chosen it often cannot be changed to another transition. Sometimes this can be overcome by removing the initial transition, clearing cache, then specifying the new trans. Further, it appears that many transitions for this particular operation are simply not available. An alternative is to stagger and overlap the text files as demonstrated here and use the Transparency (opacity) effect with animation editor instead of a transition. For demo purposes, shown below, the first text has no fade up. The second has an up and out. The third has no fade out. For each file, presets were first specified, then the blue line was dragged to the desired position/s, creating keyframes. Dragging a keyframe dot horizontally changes the fade duration. For animation info see HELP (?).
  14. That's not keying correctly. Let someone test it ... With your project on the time time line, click FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT. Upload every file that results to DropBox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like. Make the link public and post it here. Someone will check things out. If there are many files, zip them first, then upload the ZIP file. If the file is lengthy, upload a segment that displays the issue.
  15. Instead of FADE, try CROSSFADE or BLUR (or other transition). If they don't work, Clear Unused Cache Files, under OPTIONS|DISK tab ... and try again.
  16. Export a sample file, then upload it to Dropbox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like. Link it publicly and post the link here. Have never seen this behavior mentioned. To post pics here, see the sticky post at the top of this forum... Tips for getting help on this forum
  17. Not seeing a color shift here. Both match the white background of this post.
  18. Run W7 in Safe Mode and see if the uninstall succeeds. If not... Try this free tool. As it presents you with the steps take care to uninstall only VP items.
  19. This could be a setting in VLC, Nat. Testing here, with exactly the same image and settings as above, produced this 450 X 800 file with no black borders. Looks correct in MPC-HC..
  20. borate


    Upload the project, as suggested, and someone will take a look.
  21. If possible, to confirm whether it's a hardware or config problem in your system, upload the project as suggested earlier. Did you follow Nat's suggestion to export as a VIDEO file, then place that file on the time line and attempt to burn a DVD in VP or with Express Burn?
  22. Confusion arises from the term DVD - a Diversified Versatile (or Video) Disk. It can store a number of formats, one of which is a 'DVD' format for standalone players. If you instead burn a Data DVD, as Nat notes, you have simply copied the file to the DVD disk. It should play on PC optical drives, but not on most standalone players. No menus.
  23. Under the AVI export choice, click the Advanced Encoder Options button, then on the Video Compressor field. Note the many options. One may fit your situation, though some may be disabled in the non-licensed version. And read this.
  24. borate


    What's the file format? What export settings were used? If feasible, with your project on the time time line, click FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT. Upload every file that results to DropBox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like. Make the link public and post it here. Someone will burn your file as a test, attempting to spot the problem. If there are many files, zip them first, then upload the ZIP file.
  25. Did you check the DVD? There have been instances where an export was successful, despite error messages. If feasible, share your work... With your project on the time time line, click FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT. Upload every file that results to DropBox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like. Make the link public and post it here. Someone will check things out. If there are many files, zip them first, then upload the ZIP file.
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