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Everything posted by borate

  1. Yes, the originals in the media bins are always complete. That said, if you have trimmed one - from a bin and not the timeline - it will reflect that trim. Files in a bin can be copied, each individually trimmed, then dragged to the timeline where only the area that hasn't been trimmed out will appear. Or use the ADD button below the preview window. Click its chevron to see the options. Of course, trimming by dragging borders of a clip, or splitting and deleting portions, can be handled on the timeline. Check this out.
  2. Every clip, of any type, that's on the timeline must first be in a bin. Click the tabs above the bin to see its individual categories: sequences, video files, audio files, images. Click the + sign to the right of the tabs to create your own bin.
  3. If UNlinked, and the CLIP PREVIEW tab is active, audio will play if you first click on the clip itself in the bin (top-left). If SEQUENCE tab is active you will hear timeline audio, whether linked or not. If GMail doesn't have NCH whitelisted, it's understandable why it filters to the spam bucket. In GMail's settings create a filter for NCH/Videopad based on the FROM header in the message. Confirm that mail from NCH is not blocked. You do not have to register or sign in to this forum just to read threads. To post to one, yes.
  4. Check into the Express Burn forum. http://nch.invisionzone.com/forum/15-express-burn/
  5. borate

    Preview lags

    That's a good find - lowering preview frame rate - which does appear to decrease buffering. Still, when dealing with lengthy projects/HD files, the proxy method outlined earlier can significantly speed loading and caching. Whatever works.
  6. Let's see what you have - and indicate where you intend the crossfades, and their duration.. Here's how... 1. Save your project. Then, with it on the timeline, click the FILE menu. SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS to any convenient folder. 2. Open the folder that contains the saved files and ZIP them all. 3. Upload the zip file to DropBox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like. It's free. 4. Make the uploaded file public (share it) and copy the shared link. 5. Paste the link into this forum.
  7. Please see this thread.
  8. borate

    Preview lags

    Nice work on a lengthy video. Loaded the project. Even after considerable time, caching, as evidenced by the green lines, was incomplete and playback from random points on the timeline buffered. But not always. Lowering preview resolution can help. Right-click in the preview window to see that choice. Using smaller files and low PV resolution often improves performance. Converted the three mp4 and single apng to 320 X 240 to a unique folder. Moved the originals from the project folder to another. The process took about fifteen minutes. Using the PC file manager, copied the low-res files to VP's project folder. Reloaded and cached the project - both were comparatively quick. Timeline then played instantaneously, with no buffering no matter where playback was begun. Preview resolution was set at 768 X 432. The review now complete, In the VP bin right-clicked on each of the four files, one-by-one, and clicked CHANGE FILE. Located the hi-res versions and replaced each. Exported as an mp4 at 1920 X 1080. Spot checked the result and it looked very good. Chances are only the two mp4 files could have been proxied with the same result. Export speed may be affected by the hardware decoding setting - under the OPTIONS|EDITING tab. Toggling it resulted in different readings in the process monitor.
  9. Though caching has been improved in later versions, consider implementing the proxy file procedure outlined in this thread. A few minutes upfront and just prior to export saves time and frustration during the edit. It's good practice when dealing with large video files. You can install a newer version for testing and, if no improvement, reinstall the old one. The installer is usually saved to this path "C:\Program Files (x86)\NCH Software\VideoPad"
  10. Animated a thirty-second HD video with a spotlight effect here: no problem. 768 X 432 preview resolution. To see which setting works best for you, toggle HARDWARE DECODER on/off under OPTIONS|EDITING tab. Older installers of the program may be on your PC in this path. "C:\Program Files (x86)\NCH Software\VideoPad" Or do a search on the WEB for the version you prefer.
  11. borate

    Preview lags

    Not seeing TWO conversions with that procedure: batch convert video files once to low-res, use those for the edit, then replace them with the originals. No conversion at all for the final product. If you'd like someone to analyze your project, please follow these steps... 1. Save the project. Then, with it (or a problematic section of the project) on the timeline, click the FILE menu. SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS to any convenient folder. 2. Open the folder that contains the saved files and ZIP them all. 3. Upload the zip file to DropBox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like. It's free. 4. Make the uploaded file public (share it) and copy the shared link. 5. Paste the link into this forum.
  12. borate

    Preview lags

    You should get better results by first converting video files to low resolution, then using those proxy files - saved to a different folder than the originals - for your edit. When the project is complete, save the final. Then substitute the higher-res files for the export. To convert, use a tool like NCH Prism. Two replacement methods... Right-click the file/s in the bin, individually, and CHANGE FILE. Find the original file and click on it. Or, if the proxies have been given exactly the same names as the originals, use the PC file manager to replace them in the folder that VP uses, while retaining the proxies in their own folder. If, during the edit, there is a global effect such as Black and White, it might be better to export, as above, then add that effect to the file that results. That file will be a single clip, of course, and cannot be deconstructed. Under OPTIONS|EDITING tab, toggle the Hardware choice, to see if that improves editing speed. Also, be sure that your video card is up-to-date, from the chip or manufacturer's WEB site. Check Windows Direct-X as well for updates. See this FAQ.
  13. Loaded your file into VP 4.05. Same truncation. Just for kicks, the 60 fps original file was bumped to 119.88 fps, loaded into VP 6.29 and it played in its entirety.
  14. Try this... Choose storyboard view and select (highlight) a clip. Click the PREVIEW tab above the window, if necessary. Drag the preview window slider to the desired frame. Right-Click in the window and click USE THIS FRAME FOR THUMBNAIL . Wait a few seconds. If the clip's image does not update the thumb spontaneously, as it often doesn't when begun from storyboard mode, click on the selected storyboard clip. If instead, the process is initiated while in timeline mode, the thumbs will auto-update when switching to storyboard, as Nat outlines below.
  15. A clip in the bin is clicked. It shows up in the preview window. Scroll the window and right-click. Click USE THIS FRAME FOR THUMBNAIL. The thumbnail in the bin (still image that appears on the clip itself) will change to the frame you chose.
  16. Loaded five video clips into the bin. Selected one, then moved the line to the desired spot and right-clicked|USE THIS FRAME FOR THUMBNAIL. That changed the thumbnail in the bin to the chosen image. Tested this repeatedly on each clip and it worked every time, using VP beta 6.29.
  17. As it's loading, the splash screen should display the version #. After loading, click HELP in the menu bar, then About VideoPad.
  18. See later posts that outline the procedure.
  19. What VP version were you using when this succeeded - at 60fps? Tested several 6.x installs here, with your original file, but none loaded the missing snippet. Older versions can be reinstalled. The installer may have been stored in this path on the PC. "C:\Program Files (x86)\NCH Software\VideoPad"
  20. Prior to a fix, you could test creating videos at 30fps or less. That may avoid the truncation.
  21. Thanks for the link. It does seem to be the case that VP is not fully loading the content - chopping off approximately the last second. A report has been filed. A temporary workaround may be to convert the frame rate.
  22. Report a bug. https://www.nch.com.au/software/bug.html?software=VideoPad
  23. Jimmie, Unable to dupe the black frame on transitions here. A short fade in at the head of a clip is fine with the transparency effect, but not when using "F" on the clip.
  24. Link is good now, and the problem is evident. Please share the project, so someone can troubleshoot the issue. Here's how... 1. Save your project. Then, with it on the timeline, click the FILE menu. SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS to any convenient folder. 2. Open the folder that contains the saved files and ZIP them all. 3. Upload the zip file to DropBox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like. It's free. 4. Make the uploaded file public (share it) and copy the shared link. 5. Paste the link into this forum.
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