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Everything posted by borate

  1. borate


    Did they open in an earlier version, on the same PC? Matroska is a container... It is NOT a video or audio compression format (video codec) It is an envelope for which there can be many audio, video and subtitles streams, allowing the user to store a complete movie or CD in a single file. The files may require conversion before VP recognizes them. Many tools that can handle that are available on line. Share your file; someone will check it out. Here's how... 1. Upload the file to DropBox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like. It's free. 2. Make the uploaded file public (share it) and copy the shared link. 3. Paste the link into this forum.
  2. A clip that's imported to the media bin can be trimmed with the red START [ and blue END ] buttons. The clip can be duplicated with a right-click|COPY on the clip itself, then a right-click in the empty part of the bin area|PASTE CLIP. The isolated section can be previewed. The new clip will have an incremented number, and it can be trimmed to isolate a new portion, without affecting the original. Copy as many times as needed.
  3. borate


    Have never known VP to crash. What are the PC's specs: RAM, disk free space, CPU, video. Upgrade to the latest video driver, if it is dated. Reinstall VP. Gain reduction via the methods outlined above always succeeds here. But there's no provision in VP for DAW integration, AFAIK. If possible, please upload a short project that exhibits these issues. Someone will look into them. Here's how... 1. In Videopad click the FILE menu, then SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS. Save to any convenient folder. 2. Open the folder that contains the saved files and ZIP them all. 3. Upload the zip file to DropBox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like. It's free. 4. Make the uploaded file public (share it) and copy the shared link. 5. Paste the link into this forum.
  4. Your corrected link Use the POSITION effect or, if applicable, PAN & ZOOM. Animate the effect. Here's how.
  5. borate


    "Blocking?" Does a track snap back to its original position? Hold down <alt> while dragging. What setting for audio fade out? Right-click on the audio track and click FADE OUT. Or double-click the audio clip and in the preview window drag the blue line, to set keyframes (dots)... Click the line at the far right and drag all the way down. That sets a key frame. Next, click on the line slightly to the left of the keyframe you just set and drag it back up to the middle - so the line is fully horizontal. That creates another keyframe. Now the audio plays at normal volume until it hits a key frame, then it slopes down to zero. The more space between these two frames, the longer the fade.
  6. Worth a try, as long as it doesn't lead to more sync problems. Someone else may chime in here with better ideas.
  7. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avid_DNxHD
  8. Nothing but noise on that file. Consider using an AAC (advanced audio codec) instead. COmpressorDECompressor.
  9. How do the audio files sound when played in Windows Media Player or the like. What's their format? What version of Videopad is being used?
  10. Try this. The inconsistencies are a puzzlement - for now. Agree...the cursor should not move and the target range should index into view when switched to storybook mode. Nor should the cursor move when switched back.
  11. The split-screen effect may not be what you want, as only a half frame of each camera will be shown side-by-side. If any track moves when it should not, immediately click <ctrl-Z> (UNDO). Then disable the track that moved by clicking its lock to the left of the track. If audio isn't to be affected when setting up the video sync, right-click on its track and UNLINK FROM VIDEO. Import the first set of clips to the media bin. Place the cursor (the red line) at the far left. Right-click the clip that you want on the right and PLACE ON TIMELINE. Right-click the clip that you want on the left (the overlay) and OVERLAY AT CURSOR. Only track two will be seen in timeline preview, as it overlays track one. Click the FX button on the track 2 clip. The effects window opens. Click the large green + sign at the top left and click the MOTION effect. With the preview window tab toggled to TIMELINE mode (not clip mode), move the SCALE slider in the effects window to 51%. Move the HORIZONTAL slider to -24%. The full image on track 2 should be visible in the left half of the frame. Click the FX button on the track 1 clip. Click the green +, then MOTION. Again, toggle the preview tab to TIMELINE mode. Move the SCALE slider to 51%. Move the HORIZONTAL slider to 24%. The full image on track one should now be immediately to the right of the image on track 2. Of course, since the full images have been reduced in size and positioned, they will no longer be full screen. Then, if necessary, drag the track that is early to the right, so it syncs up with the other track. This is easier and more precise if the timeline is expanded (stretched) using the horizontal slider at the bottom-right of the main window. If the track snaps back when moved, hold down <alt> while dragging. If the other track moves or splits, UNDO, then LOCK it. (An alternative to dragging might be to apply a speed effect, as Nat suggested.) When done with the pair of clips, trim the ends so they match up. Lock those tracks so they're not affected by the next steps, though they likely won't be. Input the next set of clips to the media bin. Drag the cursor to the end of tracks one and two. Right-click on the clip that is to be on the right and OVERLAY AT CURSOR. Right-click the clip that is to appear on the left and OVERLAY AT CURSOR. Then apply the same FX settings and procedures to that pair as described above. With the cursor positioned just above the END of tracks 3 and 4, the third pair of clips can be overlaid in similar fashion to tracks 5 and 6. And so forth...
  12. Humm... Here, most often it indexes as you desire. When it doesn't, and the inconsistency is hard to pin down, horizontal scrolling brings the target into view. ?? Version 6.11. 10 three-second text clips for the test.
  13. The cursor line stays put here when switching to storybook mode, but if positioned on a clip later than #8 it is at the far right, since only a limited number of thumbnails can be displayed at once. In that case the horizontal scrollbar will shift the line left, to show where it was originally placed. Toggling back to time line mode here, the line hasn't moved. Agree, it would be helpful if the storyboard stayed focused on the timeline target point. Also, the timeline/storybook toggle is just beneath the sequence tab, which is often clicked in error. Perhaps the toggle could be moved down - above the scrollbar?
  14. WMP and all others produced only noise from that file. Was this the original file? If not, link it - for further testing.
  15. That's true, Nat. To clarify how the prompt works, place two ten second or longer videos on the time line. Specify a two-second transition. The prompt appears. Trim out the last five seconds of the FROM clip or the first five of the TO clip and specify a trans. The prompt appears. Now trim both FROM and TO clips by five seconds, so that each clip has sufficient excess video at their tail and head respectively to cover the transition duration. No prompt.
  16. If you don't have the energy or time to follow the easy steps Nat has outlined, then you indeed may have wasted your money...but Videopad is not the cause of the sync problem. Info
  17. You might load the original file into VP and trim it there. Or load the out-of-sync file that you most recently linked. There are no special VP settings... Simply unlink audio from video in Videopad and drag the 'late' track into sync, as detailed earlier. As for this production, download the corrected mp4 linked above and you're set.
  18. There's something funky about the encoding of that file, though can't say what. MPC-HC plays it out of sync but there's no audio in Windows Media Player. VP plays it out of sync and after export as an mp4 it does play in WMP - still out of sync. So it's not Videopad that is at the core of this issue. Perhaps Freemake?
  19. The .flv that you linked earlier ... was it directly from Livestream, a conversion from Freemake or an export from VP? If not the former, link the original here.
  20. If the original Livestream file is out of sync when played in Windows Media Player or the like, then it's a Livestream issue. Check support, forums and your settings. In Videopad, audio can be unlinked from video. Right-click on the time line to see that option, then expand (stretch) the time line with the slider at the right-bottom of the VP window. Drag the 'late' track to the right, until it syncs with the other track. If it snaps back, hold down <alt> while dragging. Test it, with the earlier file.
  21. The linked video is an .flv, not an mp4, and it's out of sync. If that was the original output, then the problem isn't in VP. After synchronizing, enhancing video, and exporting as an mp4 it looked fine.
  22. Was this a case, when specifying the transition, you were offered the choice to overlap or freeze? Choose FREEZE and see if it exhibits the same behavior after trimming and removing the trans.
  23. Upload the file, if it's a single file, or the entire project. Someone will check it out. Here's how... 1. In Videopad click the FILE menu, then SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS. Save to any convenient folder. 2. Open the folder that contains the saved files and ZIP them all. 3. Upload the zip file to DropBox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like. It's free. 4. Make the uploaded file public (share it) and copy the shared link. 5. Paste the link into this forum.
  24. Your system appears to have ample resources. Check the chip or card maker's WEB site for an updated video driver. In Videopad, Clear Unused Cache Files, under the OPTIONS menu|Disk tab and see if that makes a difference.
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