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Everything posted by borate

  1. What version of VP is installed? Save your project. Then try this one.
  2. As Jimmy notes, 6.2x is due any time now. When it arrives you can replace 6.10 with that version.
  3. Simply download and over-install the version now be offered here. At the time of this response, that version was 6.10. The revised 6.2x should be along shortly.
  4. This, from the NCH FAQ... "What restrictions apply to the license? If the license is named as an "Installation License" the main restriction is you need to purchase one license serial number for each computer that the program runs on. Can I move the software or reinstall the software in future? Within reason - yes. As long as the software does not continue to run on the old computer you can install the software on a new computer. As a piracy control measure we do limit the number of installations to 2 times in any 12 month period. Note: we do run an anti-piracy system which can detect multiple installs. But as long as the software (with one serial number) runs on one PC at any one time, you will not have problems." True. Once downloaded, the version # appears when the install begins...and can be aborted. It would be handy to have the info beforehand.
  5. Under the preview window click the chevron to the right of the VIEW icon. Make the CLIP AND BACKGROUND choice.
  6. As there are but five clips, please share them, and someone will check it out. Here's how... 1. Save your project. Then, with it on the timeline, click the FILE menu. SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS to any convenient folder. 2. Open the folder that contains the saved files and ZIP them all. 3. Upload the zip file to DropBox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like. It's free. 4. Make the uploaded file public (share it) and copy the shared link. 5. Paste the link into this forum.
  7. Best to stick with the release version. 6.2x should be out shortly at the VP site.
  8. That issue has been reported, but is not yet resolved in 6.21.
  9. Good advice from Nat. A variation is to grab a colored horizontal line from an image site, or create one of your own - as a PNG file. The background image is track one. This initial line will be track 2 Use the POSITION effect to move it to the desired location. Track 3 and 4 will be the second and third positions for the line, respectively. Now ADD SIMPLE TEXT files, which will be positioned over the lines in the same fashion. These will show up on the timeline as tracks 5, 6 and 7. Not only the line, but text too can be animated. Slide out can be plotted, or the text can be left static. Transparency can be applied to each line. Presets, like FADE OUT, can be tweaked for the text. -0- Yet another approach might be to place the background on track one. Click the HOME menu item, then ADD OBJECTS|ADD ANIMATED TITLES|ADD HORIZONTAL LINE. Size, color and position the line. Set start and end points or, If a slide out is to be programmed, animate start/end points with the POSITION EFFECT. This is track two. Then ADD SIMPLE TEXT. Or, perhaps, ADD OBJECTS|ADD ANIMATED TITLES and choose TYPEWRITER. Use the POSITION effect to place the text on the line. That's track 3. Follow the same procedure for additional lines, changing only the vertical offset. Insert other media
  10. What version of VP is being used? If the 6.2x series, try a download once again and see if the currently offered 6.10 (as of 9/3) has the issue.
  11. If you'd like someone to take a look, and perhaps come up with an answer, here's how... 1. Save your project. Then, with it on the timeline, click the FILE menu. SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS to any convenient folder. 2. Open the folder that contains the saved files and ZIP them all. 3. Upload the zip file to DropBox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like. It's free. 4. Make the uploaded file public (share it) and copy the shared link. 5. Paste the link into this forum.
  12. Be aware, if you purchased more than 6 months ago you may need to purchase an upgrade to use the current version. Never have seen an update/upgrade prompt, so a direct d/l from the site is likely your best bet. New versions are often announced here.
  13. Higher video tracks override lower tracks. If YOU are on track one, the images that you place on track two will take precedence over track one, so place them where you want them, above your track. It should not be necessary, but to ensure that no other tracks are disturbed, they can be locked - with the small lock icon at the left of each track.
  14. Check out this thread, which may relate to what you have experienced.
  15. You can update without charge. But wait a day; there's a transition bug in 6.21 that will soon be remedied.
  16. Testing with version 6.20, that behavior is seen intermittently, especially when changing the fade duration at the bottom-right of the transition effects window. The easy workaround has been to set the default transition time in OPTIONS|EDITING tab to the desired length prior to applying the trans, or to drag the edges of the transition bar on the timeline to the desired length. If an overlap does occur, hit <ctrl-Z> immediately, to backtrack. What version are you using? That isn't seen here.
  17. 6.21 transitions either go to black or do not work, as of 9/3/18.
  18. I suspect that Jimmy has something there, though there is no UI "beta" indication on the 6.20 being run here. Remember, too, that video editing is resource intensive. Some general thoughts... Use video cards or integrated graphics that are up to the task - with current video drivers Confirm that disk free space is adequate Run a recent, fast processor with ample RAM (8 minimum would be wise) When exporting, shut down other programs Pray
  19. VP 6.20. 1280x720 @ 60fps. Nary a glitch.
  20. Let someone to check out the issue... 1. With the project on the timeline, click the FILE menu. Then SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS. Save to any convenient folder. 2. Open the folder that contains the saved files and ZIP them all. 3. Upload the zip file to DropBox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like. It's free. 4. Make the uploaded file public (share it) and copy the shared link. 5. Paste the link into this forum.
  21. Unable to dupe your results in VP 6.20 here. Began with a 1920x1080i mp4, 59.94 frame rate seven-second clip. No audio. Added a textured 3:00 clip at the head. Programmed a FADE between them. Added a simple text clip overlay at the start - white letters, no background, no outline. The green cache indicator completes on both tracks and the clip exports at auto-detected settings.
  22. That Nat and my export succeeded does hint at an issue there. Clear Unused Cache Files, under OPTIONS|DISK tab, then reload the project. Be sure that you have ample free disk space. You might even over-install the program. And, though it may be unrelated, check the chip or card manufacturer for an updated video driver. At least now you have the completed project.
  23. Also exported fine here, but the detected resolution is too high for proper display. Suggest 1920x1080. There were three extraneous frames at the end of the project, which might be what was hanging it. They have been left intact (reason for brief flash at end). The spelling of the word "definitely" has been corrected. The brightness and color of images was shifting within some effects. This was caused by the overlays. To correct it, text clips have been changed to use "editor background." There's no need for a background color.
  24. If you'd like someone to check out the issue, here's how... 1. Save the project, then with it on the timeline, click the FILE menu. Then SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS. Save to any convenient folder. 2. Open the folder that contains the saved files and ZIP them all. 3. Upload the zip file to DropBox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like. It's free. 4. Make the uploaded file public (share it) and copy the shared link. 5. Paste the link into this forum.
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