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Everything posted by borate

  1. After the trial period some export and upload, and perhaps effect choices, like plugins, and audio tracks are disabled; can't recall precisely. VP offers many production choices, whereas WMM may not. File size depends upon several factors. Generally, the best quality is achieved when export settings match content. In Videopad's export menus try the "resolution" field's AUTO MATCH. In the "format" field, click the FILE SIZE link to see the quality options.
  2. What didn't work? Didn't come out as mono? Is centering of the voice track what you are attempting to do? Right-click the voice track and SAVE AUDIO AS NEW FILE. Upload that file to a free server, such as Dropbox, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, etc. Copy (share) the link to the file and paste it here. We'll take a look. In OneDrive, simply right-click the file and CREATE A SHARABLE LINK. Post that link.
  3. All audio - stereo music background and left-channel only voice - seem to be intact. If something is actually missing, perhaps the track is muted or the volume turned down?? One way to get the voice centered would be to right-click on its track and SAVE AUDIO AS NEW FILE. It will show up in the Windows MUSIC folder. Load that file into WavePad. Click the STEREO button at the bottom of the interface and choose MONO (single channel). Save that file and import it back into Videopad, replacing the original audio. Now the audio should be centered.
  4. You have inadvertently trimmed the sequence. The overlaid (dark) portion won't export. Click the chevron at the far left of the bin tabs (bin window, top-left) to reveal the SEQUENCE tab. Click on it. Under the preview window drag the scrubber (the red line) all the way to the right. Click the ] bracket, to set that as the out point. The overlay should vanish.
  5. As mentioned in the last post, you have to make the file shareable. The link that you provided only opens Google Drive; it doesn't point to your specific file.
  6. Once the image is uploaded to DRIVE, right-click it there and GET SHAREABLE LINK. Post that link here.
  7. Sounds as if a screenshot of the VP desktop would demonstrate the issue. Save it to a file, perhaps using your photo application. To take a screenshot in Windows, press the Windows key and the HOME key simultaneously. Paste it into the photo program with <ctrl-V> or use the EDIT menu|PASTE choice. Give the file a name and save it. Now upload that file to DropBox, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, IMGUR or the like. They're all free. Just sign up. Copy (share or "get a link") and paste that link into a post here.
  8. You cannot attach it, but you can upload the file to a server, then copy (share) the link to that file here. Photos, videos, text files - makes no difference.
  9. OPTIONS|DISK tab. Click the BROWSE button and specify the cache path there.
  10. Titles (text boxes) placed on the timeline always have IN and OUT points, automatically, and they export fine here. If possible, upload and link an image of your project timeline here. Instructions are near the top of this forum: "Tips for getting help on this forum."
  11. A transition of that length is very unlikely. .500 would be a half-second. Switch to Storyboard mode to see if there is an unwanted, short clip between those intended for the transition. Delete it. As for the "overlay" ... are you referring to the area that states: Drag clip here to add to end of sequence?" If so, cClick the double-headed arrow icon near the bottom-right of the VP screen to fit the entire project into the timeline. Or scroll it with the nearby slider.
  12. What is the resolution of the files and what export resolution and format have you chosen? Share the project and someone will check it out. For instructions on how, see the "Tips for getting help in this forum" post near the top of this forum.
  13. If possible please record the screen as you make these moves, upload it to Google Drive, DropBox, MS OneDrive or the like and link (share) it here. That will help folks sort out the issue.
  14. Perhaps you need a new device to interface the VHS with your USB computer port, in lieu of the grabber. Go here and watch the three videos, which include a Debut tutorial. Others, like Nat, are capturing successfully, so you WILL succeed.
  15. Shouldn't Debut BE the alternative to the grabber? Or is your need something that the grabber can do but Debut cannot? Check into their forum. Debut Video Capture Features Record videos as avi, wmv, flv, mpg, mp4, mov and more video formats Capture video from a webcam, network IP camera or video input device (e.g., VHS recorder) Screen capture software records the entire screen, a single window or any selected portion Mouse highlighting spotlights the location of the cursor when using screen recorder Record audio from your microphone and speakers with your video; ideal for recording video conferences and webinars
  16. Well, it's made by the same company, so if it doesn't do the job then something definitely needs more sleuthing.
  17. That pretty much pins down the hang to the grabber. If it's a VP issue someone may chime in here. In the interim, see what grabber support or forums have to offer. Or simply try another capture device. Would this do the job?
  18. To achieve the cleanest uninstall use this tool (the free version). Take care when deleting registry entries to remove only those associated with the app being uninstalled. And, of course, it always wise to make a back up, or at least a restore point, prior to taking this action.
  19. You might try uninstalling the grabber, then rebooting. Does VP function? If not, uninstall and reinstall VP but not the grabber. Any better? If success, reinstall the grabber.
  20. Setting FADE IN or OUT from the effects window doesn't create an entry there, as it does with other effects. The IN is similar to clicking the "F" on an individual clip (or the first of a series). The OUT is like clicking the X transition button. After those have been set, moving the clip doesn't affect them here: the fades remain, with the exception of what Nat and Jimmy confirm.
  21. By way of comparison... On a PC here, the CPU averages 25%, with rare peaks to 100% while playing back a lengthy HD project that contains transitions and effects. Threw several effects and transitions onto a short mixed HD and non-HD video. CPU never exceeded 10%. This is an older 2600K processor, 8G RAM, NVidia 650 video - less capable than your own. Videopad 6.30. Fan is not ramping up during playback, though it does on export.
  22. You put in lots of effort on documenting your priceless honeymoon... Did not test export of the project in its original form... 1. Deleted all unused files, just to clean things up. 2. Cleared unused cache files (OPTIONS|DISK tab) 3. Fixed position errors at approx 2:36 and 15:42. Excised black frames at appx 18:10 and 18:14. Eliminated flash frame at approx. 18:46. Exported at 1920 X 1080 as an Mp4. You may feel that the resolution reduction is a negative. Yet this cuts export time substantially and the finished HD product looks great, full screen on a 24-inch monitor. Editing and exporting can be sped up by first converting very high resolution video files to 1920 X 1080 or less, dependent upon how they will be ultimately viewed. Use a batch converter. NCH offers products for both video and still image files. In the future, consider pre-rendering complex effects, such as stabilizing, speed changes and rotation, and exporting each individually. They become clips. Then use those newly created clips in the project. This cuts the overhead, helps minimize buffering. Also check out the FAQ on "Proxy editing" post at the top of this forum. The reason behind the export failures you experienced are unknown, but keep in mind that video editing is resource intensive. A high-end CPU and GPU, generous open space on the cache drive and ample RAM are recommended. Always liked the pan flute. Cute couple; have a great life together!
  23. As suggested in your earlier thread, please share your project. Instructions here. It can be kept private, if you like. Then someone will try to pin down the problem. What are your system's specs - CPU, GPU, RAM, free storage space? What format and resolution is being exported?
  24. Sure does. Intermittent bug. May be related to <ctrl-shift-r>, which sometimes brings up the registration screen while a text box has focus. Windows 10, sticky keys not enabled. Press and let go of the <alt> key when this happens and see if that clears it..
  25. Check this out. Haven't used an unlicensed copy in some time so can't say whether these restrictions apply to that version during the trial period. To analyze your "whistle" headphones would have been ideal. Unfortunately that option is hard to employ here just now as the sound chip on the motherboard went south a few weeks ago.
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