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Everything posted by borate

  1. Perhaps the devs will look into this seldom reported oddity. The audio is approximately .500 faster than the video, but appears to vary by clip, which throws off the sync progressively. My take is that the fault is with the source, either the Livestream recording or the Freemake conversion.. Try it with a direct mp4 recording without Freemake. It was corrected. When specifying a new speed, enabling the "insert transition frames when speed is reduced" box seemed to help. Prior to checking that box, even after the offset was eliminated at the head of the longer clip ... and VP played it IN sync on the timeline - it still ran amok when exported.
  2. At the left bottom of a linked audio clip one of the icons looks like a sideways figure 8 (a link). Click it, to UNlink. A right-click on either the video or the audio of a clip on the timeline will list a RESTORE link choice as well.
  3. The sync problem is obvious in the exported file, but what's needed to pin this down is the project itself. Load it to the timeline, then follow these steps ... and someone will check it out. 1. In Videopad click the FILE menu, then SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS. Save to any convenient folder. 2. Open the folder that contains the saved files and ZIP them all. 3. Upload the zip file to MS OneDrive. 4. Make the uploaded file public (share it) and copy the shared link. 5. Paste the link into this forum.
  4. Far as I know, no. Splitting out chunks is easy. On track two, click the start of the segment and the split icon appears on the scrubber (red line). Click the icon. Do the same at the end of segment. Then right-click this new clip and CUT or DELETE. That should leave a gap where the lower track will be seen.
  5. One way... Place your video on track one and your son's on track two. Keep in mind that track two will overlay (override) the lower. So, initially only his video will be seen. Where you want your video to be visible, simply split out and delete those segments of track 2, leaving gaps. Your track one video will display in the gap area.
  6. borate

    Level Image

    Using the SCALE effect to make the image slightly bigger may suffice. The checkerboard pattern won't be visible in the export.
  7. You may want to route audio through an audio ducker prior to recording.
  8. Video editing is resource intensive. What are your PC's specs: free space, CPU, video card, RAM, etc.? If you'd like someone to check out the issue, here's how... 1. In Videopad click the FILE menu, then SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS. Save to any convenient folder. 2. Open the folder that contains the saved files and ZIP them all. 3. Upload the zip file to DropBox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like. It's free. 4. Make the uploaded file public (share it) and copy the shared link. 5. Paste the link into this forum.
  9. Yes, in this example the 15" clip duration in the bin did not change and the timeline replacement clip length remained at 15" while PROPERTIES lists one minute. The frozen end section would have to be trimmed.
  10. Speed change anomaly confirmed here. A low-res version of a 30" clip was placed on the time line and sped up X4. Then the high-res version was substituted via CHANGE CLIP. The result played at the high speed, but the clip on the time line (and the export) displayed the full thirty seconds - freeze framed at the end of the X4 video - while the length listed in PROPERTIES was two minutes.
  11. That's precisely how the files were 'changed, as outlined above, by right-clicking a file in the bin and choosing CHANGE FILE and selecting the clip that has a different resolution.
  12. As mentioned earlier, the default behavior is set in OPTIONS|EDITING tab. To clarify how the prompt works, place two ten second or longer videos on the time line. Specify a two-second transition. The prompt appears. Trim out the last five seconds of the FROM clip or the first five of the TO clip and specify a trans. The prompt appears. Now trim both FROM and TO clips by five seconds, so that each clip has sufficient excess video at their tail and head respectively to cover the transition duration. No prompt. If the default it set to FREEZE, the time line should not be shortened. Or set it to ASK ME and you should be prompted if the above conditions are met.
  13. Interesting. You might want to update the video driver to the latest - from the chip or card manufacturer's WEB site,
  14. What version of VP is being used? Here's the latest. When this occurs, try Clearing Unused Cache Files, under OPTIONS|DISK tab. Then set the fade again. Tested a layout similar to yours, above, and audio three faded out. Windows 10. Please upload your project, or a segment that fails, so someone can take a look... Here's how... 1. In Videopad click the FILE menu, then SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS. Save to any convenient folder. 2. Open the folder that contains the saved files and ZIP them all. 3. Upload the zip file to DropBox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like. It's free. 4. Make the uploaded file public (share it) and copy the shared link. 5. Paste the link into this forum.
  15. In a test here, dissolving from a 25ff to a 29.97ff clip, a dupe frame is apparent. Perhaps that's to be expected...
  16. A related thread from early June. If the issue is still evident the devs will catch wind of it here. To clarify how the prompt works, place two ten second or longer videos on the time line. Specify a two-second transition. The prompt appears. Trim out the last five seconds of the FROM clip or the first five of the TO clip and specify a trans. The prompt appears. Now trim both FROM and TO clips by five seconds, so that each clip has sufficient excess video at their tail and head respectively to cover the transition duration. No prompt. The OPTIONS setting determines the default, of course. As suggested in your earlier thread, please share a short project where the fault appears. 1. In Videopad click the FILE menu, then SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS. Save to any convenient folder. 2. Open the folder that contains the saved files and ZIP them all. 3. Upload the zip file to DropBox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like. It's free. 4. Make the uploaded file public (share it) and copy the shared link. 5. Paste the link into this forum. Someone will check it out for you.
  17. Placed two low-res clips on the timeline. Split-out a few sections. Increased speed of both to 150%. Changed their files to a higher res version ... and back, several times. No issues. What version of VP is being used? Were there effects on the clips? Specifically,, what do you mean by "bugged out everything?" Try the Clear Unused Cache Files choice, under OPTIONS|DISK tab and see if that makes a difference. Interestingly, after larger files were substituted their PROPERTIES sheet did not reflect the change. However, DETECT at export confirmed they were higher-res.
  18. Right-click the file in the media bin and ROTATE -90. Then apply the rotation effect, plotting keyframes.
  19. borate


    The first two MKV files from that site (6 and 13 seconds) played fine in MPC-HC and WMP. They are both MPEG4 encoded. The first displayed its entire six seconds in VP. The second behaved as you noted when loaded into - and outputted as an Mp4 from - a video converter. It also froze in Videopad and in another editor. ???
  20. borate


    Did they open in an earlier version, on the same PC? Matroska is a container... It is NOT a video or audio compression format (video codec) It is an envelope for which there can be many audio, video and subtitles streams, allowing the user to store a complete movie or CD in a single file. The files may require conversion before VP recognizes them. Many tools that can handle that are available on line. Share your file; someone will check it out. Here's how... 1. Upload the file to DropBox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like. It's free. 2. Make the uploaded file public (share it) and copy the shared link. 3. Paste the link into this forum.
  21. A clip that's imported to the media bin can be trimmed with the red START [ and blue END ] buttons. The clip can be duplicated with a right-click|COPY on the clip itself, then a right-click in the empty part of the bin area|PASTE CLIP. The isolated section can be previewed. The new clip will have an incremented number, and it can be trimmed to isolate a new portion, without affecting the original. Copy as many times as needed.
  22. borate


    Have never known VP to crash. What are the PC's specs: RAM, disk free space, CPU, video. Upgrade to the latest video driver, if it is dated. Reinstall VP. Gain reduction via the methods outlined above always succeeds here. But there's no provision in VP for DAW integration, AFAIK. If possible, please upload a short project that exhibits these issues. Someone will look into them. Here's how... 1. In Videopad click the FILE menu, then SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS. Save to any convenient folder. 2. Open the folder that contains the saved files and ZIP them all. 3. Upload the zip file to DropBox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like. It's free. 4. Make the uploaded file public (share it) and copy the shared link. 5. Paste the link into this forum.
  23. Your corrected link Use the POSITION effect or, if applicable, PAN & ZOOM. Animate the effect. Here's how.
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