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Everything posted by borate

  1. The storyboard can be scrolled, with the horizontal scroll bar at the bottom of the window, but that's about it. It's not clear what you mean by "drag sequence to the end." If you want the entire sequence to move right, select all clips with <ctrl-A> then right-click and group the clips. Hold down the <alt> while dragging to prevent them from snapping back to their original postion.
  2. When a speed increase is applied to a linked clip, there will be no gap, but both audio and video will be sped up. If they are not linked, sped-up video will leave a gap, with audio unchanged. One approach would be to add the audio track after video speed changes have been made.
  3. What is the file format and encoding for the Livestream output? Hard to say why there was a sync loss, but this may correct it... Right-click the video track on the time line and UNLINK it from audio. Then drag either the audio or video track to the right, until they are in sync. If the track snaps back to its original position, hold down <alt> while dragging. Expanding (stretching) the time line with the horizontal slider near the right-bottom of the window will help in making fine adjustments.
  4. It's not clear here whether you want to move the text itself - from within the preview window - or whether your goal is to position the text clip on the time line, as Nat describes. In 6.10 text can definitely be positioned in the preview window as described earlier. With the text compose window open, or after clicking FX on the text clip, or clicking on the text clip in the bin, drag the text.
  5. Click the FX icon on the text clip or double-click the clip. Then left-click | drag the text in the preview window.
  6. Share a file that doesn't work, or upload the project. Here's how... 1. In Videopad click the FILE menu, then SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS. Save to any convenient folder. 2. Open the folder that contains the saved files and ZIP them all. 3. Upload the zip file to DropBox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like. It's free. 4. Make the uploaded file public (share it) and copy the shared link. 5. Paste the link into this forum.
  7. To add to Nat's good words, it helps to expand (stretch) the time line when making minute increments. Use the horizontal slider near the bottom-right of the window.
  8. It may not be 'normal' but it appears to be the way the line displays on slo-mo. Start a new project and load a single video clip onto the time line. The green line will span the entire clip, confirming that it is cached. Now slo-mo the project. The preview line is short. Reset to 100% and the preview line again covers all video. Perhaps a developer will weigh in to explain this behavior.
  9. If this isn't a stereo mic, or has not been bridged, it will record left channel only in Windows Voice Recorder. Confirm that the mic is feeding both left and right. What you want from a mono microphone is 'center-channel' mono, where the mono signal is fed to both channels. As noted earlier, if a left-only recording alone is brought into Videopad it will be heard on both channels, until a stereo source is added to the time line.
  10. Ran a test here, similar to Nat's approach... Imported clips appear in the clip bin at the upper left. Tabs reveal each type of clip - video, audio, etc. - and a new bin can be created by clicking the + sign. There's also a sequence tab, which lists the sequences on the time line. The green preview line doesn't show as being complete due to the slo-mo. I believe that's normal. Perhaps the conversion from an earlier version caused problems; there have been many changes since 2.x. 1. Dropped the Untitled 5110.avi from the bin to the time line. 2. SPLIT out the unwanted beginning and ending portions, leaving only the little girl. 3. Added 1.0 sharpening. 4. Added your CROP figures. 5. Copied/pasted the timeline as Nat did above, to create a dupe clip. 6. Reduced clip two speed to 65%. 5. Created a blank space between the two clips, just for convenience. Both clips played seamlessly on the timeline and when exported.
  11. When professionals use tape recorders for an event, the machines are slaved to the master recorder or time source, to ensure that time codes match. That's a function that is usually unavailable in consumer products. Isolated cameras can record a slightly different speeds, though this may not be an issue with those using digital media. If cam 1 is late, drag the cam 2 track to the right, to make it just as late as cam 1. Dragging clips a small distance can make a big difference. Expand (stretch) the tracks using the slider near the bottom-right of the window. This will make it easier to move a track in very small increments until the sync is correct. If a dragged clip snaps back to its original position, hold down the <alt>key as it's being dragged. If you make a mistake, press <ctrl--Z> - same as EDIT menu|UNDO. This can be done repeatedly, to undo earlier changes.
  12. The developers are likely monitoring this thread. One way to isolate a speed change from other effects is to export sequence that contains only that speed-altered clip then add it back into the media bin. The speed change will now be embedded.
  13. Drop camera one onto the timeline (track one). Make any needed effects on each - crop, position, scale, etc. Drop camera two just above - onto the overlay track (track 2). Make any needed effects. That may be all that's needed, if the clips have been sized and scaled to fit nicely side-by-side. But to ensure a clean split screen... Click the FX button on track one and click SPLIT SCREEN. Exit the effects editor. That clip will now be LEFT screen. Do the same for track two, but click on B in the effects box. To sync them, drag either track horizontally. Unless the two cams were sync locked, they may not have recorded at precisely the same speed. In that case, even if they're synced at the start they may drift apart. About the only way to fix that is to drop (cut out) a few frames occasionally - a real pain.
  14. The original clip had points of hesitation when viewed in several players, including when the gal raises her palm during the portion you isolated. So the clip itself may have problems. Rebuilt the project as follows... No effects were applied to the clip in the bin. Dropped the clip onto the time line. A thumbnail was displayed in storybook mode, though it did vanish from time to time. Isolated the approximate twelve seconds that you had used. Added 1.00 sharpening and your zoom numbers with 16:9 restraint. Right-clicked the clip on the time line and reduced speed to 60.000. Preview audio was muted after applying speed effect. Advise doing this step last. No crashes. The only anomaly was the brief pause mentioned above that was evident in the raw clip.
  15. To insert a screen grab, see "Tips for getting help on this forum" - the 'sticky' post that is near the top of this forum.
  16. To be expected. The GoPro file is MONO, and plays on both channels until a stereo sound is added. VP then switches to stereo, leaving the MONO track on the left channel only. Here's how to fix it.
  17. If feasible put that twelve-second clip on a server, and let someone take a look... 1. In Videopad click the FILE menu, then SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS. Save to any convenient folder. 2. Open the folder that contains the saved files and ZIP them all. 3. Upload the zip file to DropBox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like. It's free. 4. Make the uploaded file public (share it) and copy the shared link. 5. Paste the link into this forum.
  18. This is true, and likely by design - to maintain the 16X9 aspect.
  19. In 6.10 here all eight ZOOM handles, including the corners, function as expected.
  20. My mistake: that indeed was a help file for Wavepad. Take a look at the thread above. VP documentation is via the ? button at the top-right of the interface, or use the search box. And click on the Videopad Tutorials 'sticky' link towards the top of the thread index page.
  21. A keyframe is a point in time - from the start to the end of a clip. The graph displays a plot of the multiple keyframes for a specific parameter. http://help.nchsoftware.com/help/en/videopad/win/effects_animating.html
  22. Did it simply play okay in W10 and not in 7 ... or did it not export from 7, but succeed in 10?
  23. Clear Unused Cache Files, under the OPTIONS menu|DISK tab (the location in Windows - the Mac version may be different)...and see if that has an effect.
  24. If feasible, share your project so someone can check out your issue. Here's how... 1. In Videopad click the FILE menu, then SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS. Save to any convenient folder. 2. Open the folder that contains the saved files and ZIP them all. 3. Upload the zip file to DropBox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like. It's free. 4. Make the uploaded file public (share it) and copy the shared link. 5. Paste the link into this forum.
  25. What version? Here, using 6.10 on Windows, a clip can be reversed by either right-clicking it in the media bin or on the timeline ... and clicking REVERSE CLIP.
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