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Everything posted by borate

  1. The FADE OUT choices simply don't work on slowed clips and Play is inactive in audio preview, except when initiated from clip start. It's been reported. To accomplish your goal... Split the track where you want the fade to begin. Double-click the ending clip to display the waveform in preview. Double-click the >| button under the PV window to scroll clip to the end. Click the |< button to scroll to the start of the fade. Click the cursor where it intersects with the blue line to set a keyframe. Click the >| button and at the far-right drag the blue line straight down to the bottom. fade.mp4
  2. You have tacked onto an old thread; best to begin anew with a descriptive subject and specifics in the body. What version is being used? Makes no difference if a release is a trial ('free') or licensed - it's the same program. Shake on png and jpg files in version 8.62 work well here - from preview through mp4 export.
  3. Upgrades are free for up to six-months after purchase - a reasonably generous policy. There are usually several releases within that time period. If there is an issue with the simple pairing described by pmcleanj then something is amiss. Submit the samples and it will be tracked down. Verified bugs are dealt with quickly, and users who discover them may receive a gratis license.
  4. Perhaps you have already discovered that the keyboard shortcut for an all-track split is <shift-L>.
  5. borate


  6. Check this out. A transparency effect can be applied to video on the top (higher track).
  7. You have tacked on to an old thread; best to start anew with a descriptive subject. There should be no issue with what you are attempting. You can select the clips and group them, but not link. Install this VP release which, even if unlicensed, may solve the problem. Some features and export formats may be unavailable at the outset or after the trial ends. For licensed users upgrades are free for up to six months from purchase date. After that, VP will continue to fully function but a fee will be required in order to register the newest. Retain your old install file and registration info. If still no go, please share the video and audio files. Upload them to a free server, such as Google Drive or MS OneDrive, get a shared, non-restricted, public link and post it here or in private. Someone will check it out.
  8. borate

    Virtual Choir

    Don't see why not. But, if using the unlicensed version, some effects and export choices may be unavailable at the outset, or after the trial period ends.
  9. Export with the Letterbox dot checked as a VIDEO FILE, not Portable Video. That may have been an oddity in version 8.45. In 8.63, recently released, both export modes succeeded here.
  10. In further testing, using v8.36, a 1:00 fade was applied both before and after speed change. Results appeared to be virtually identical.
  11. Have you perused the links here?
  12. Seems that the subtitles were not generated correctly? Try this, which has done well in the past with VP.
  13. Suggest that you first set the preview aspect ratio setting to Match Monitor. Then enable dual preview, under OPTIONS | GENERAL. When the VIEW icon is shown under the preview window, click its chevron to confirm it's displaying clip and background. Two 16:9 stills were used here... ZOOM into the desired area of track one (bird at the right). Choose the 9:16 preset. After the effects box is closed this is the result. Switch to track-two effects, CROP and POSITION the desired area. Alternatively, use ZOOM, then the SCALE effect to size and position. The export will be the same as what's shown in the sequence preview window.
  14. Did you look for C:\Program Files (x86)\ - as above? Whether there is an audio issue with your version cannot be confirmed in the English Windows releases tested here. Looks fine.
  15. One other thing you might test is under OPTIONS | EDITING tab. Toggle the "use hardware acceleration" box to see if that makes a difference. Conceivably this could be a video hardware issue. Shader model versions are built into your video card. If your video card doesn't support shader model 2.0 then hardware acceleration won't be available. The only way to get it is to buy a new video card. That's not to say that lack would cause your issue. The sites listed above have the video drivers and installation instructions for their respective systems. Updating occasionally isn't a bad idea. As noted, your 4K files export with blur effects just fine in tests here, which hints that Videopad isn't at fault.
  16. With the focus on the sequence, use the left and right arrow keys to move the cursor.
  17. 1. 16:9 to track one 2. 16:9 to track two 3. Add ZOOM effect with 9:16 aspect ratio preset to track 1 4. Use CROP if needed, and/or SCALE effect to size and position track 2. The "16x9" here is a very low-res insert, and it looks clean.
  18. For licensed users upgrades are free for up to six months from purchase date. After that, VP will continue to fully function but a fee will be required in order to register the newest. Retain your old install file and registration info. Use this version. If a virus checker flags it, ignore the warning. It's safe.
  19. Assuming that an older release is being used, upgrade to this version. For licensed users upgrades are free for up to six months from purchase date. After that, VP will continue to fully function but a fee will be required in order to register the newest. Retain your old install file and registration info.
  20. What version of VP is being used? Nothing will be lost if you use Save Project AS routinely, giving it a unique # or name so as to not overwrite earlier saves. If Save Project (no AS) is used, it will overwrite. To restore a project just double-click its VPJ control file, while is usually found in the same folder as the source files, unless you saved it elsewhere. When you make a mistake immediately press <ctrl-Z> (EDIT | UNDO) to backtrack step-by-step. What, specifically, do you mean by "all jumbled?" Share a project (not the export) where this occurs and someone here will look into it. Just follow this easy 4-step process. 1. With your project on the timeline, click the 3-lined 'hamburger' menu, top-left. Click FILE | BACK UP PROJECT FILES TO FOLDER. Specify a folder. Click SELECT FOLDER. 2. Using the PC file manager, go to where the numbered folder was saved and upload it to a free server - Google Drive, MS OneDrive, etc.* 3. Get a shared, public, non-restricted link. 4. Paste that link here, or click the folder, above top-right in this forum, and message it to me. This is private and won't be shared. * Before uploading, right-click the folder, click PROPERTIES. Look at the File Size to confirm that it's not too big for the free space on the server.
  21. Do not change the aspect ratio of track 1; use the ZOOM effect at 9:16, or crop and position effects. Then overlay track 2, crop and position and you will get a result like this...
  22. Apply your fade or crossfade first, then apply the speed change.
  23. TAB tabbing should be the same in any version. Standard Windows behavior. Keep in mind that your AVI file, when converted to WMV, loaded at 720x480 in the latest VP versions.
  24. The Chrome Music Lab clip has an audio track, but nothing is recorded there. No sound in any media player. The Minecraft audio plays fine in the latest VP version. Please install it, or the one linked earlier. Remember to retain your old install file and registration info. If still no audio at all, close the program and use your PC's file manager to delete all files in these folders... "C:\Users\<your PC name>\AppData\Roaming\NCH Software\Components" "C:\Program Files (x86)\NCH Software\Components" or ""C:\Program Files\NCH Software\Components" Reinstall Videopad.
  25. What version of Videopad is being used? 16:9 #1 was center-cropped and placed on track one. 16:9 #2 had its right side cropped (the walrus), the POSITION effect was used to center it, then it was placed on track two. Seems right. If the aspect ratio of track one image was not cropped, then the track two image would be larger. Version 8.63.
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