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Everything posted by borate

  1. Upgrade your VP version and share your project, as suggested above, and someone will check it out. Even if Videopad says that YT is still processing, go to your YT page and check whether the upload has completed. Try the YouTube uploader for the video where the two cams were stitched together.
  2. Unable to replicate that result here. The Opacity control appears only when the Background box is checked. Tested at both 80 - and 20% (as in the demo below), the version 10.2 export looked fine. See if a different font behaves the same. Prior to export, Clear Unused Cache Files, under OPTIONS | DISK tab. Do this prior to starting a new project. test.mp4
  3. Drag the last piece down to a new track, and see if you can then position it where desired.
  4. Do a Net search for Videopad audio effects
  5. Under OPTIONS | DISK tab, Clear Unused Cache files. It's wise to do this prior to beginning a new project. Not all "processing audio" issues are the same. Update to the latest version. For licensed users upgrades are free for up to six months from purchase date. After that, VP will continue to fully function but a fee will be required in order to register the newest. Retain your old install file and registration info. If the issue persists please share your project. Someone will take a look and come up with a fix. The process is easy, quick and can be done privately. Just follow these steps... Back up --- With your project on the timeline, click on MENU at the top-left. Click FILE|BACK UP PROJECT FILES TO FOLDER. Choose a folder and SELECT FOLDER. Upload --- Use a free server - Google Drive, MS OneDrive, etc.* - to upload the saved, numbered FOLDER. Do NOT upload the individual VPJ or export file. Get link --- Get a public link. If using Google Drive click GET SHAREABLE LINK. If necessary change "restricted" to "anyone with the link can view" Share --- Click COPY LINK | DONE. Paste that link here, or click the folder at the top-right of this forum to message it privately to me. It won't be shared. * Before uploading, right-click the folder, click PROPERTIES. Look at the File Size to confirm that it's not too big for the free space on the server.
  6. Sounds as if Videopad is doing it right. Try YouTube's uploader for an approved file type that has been exported from Videopad. Their FAQ has the specs. Just tested a 360 direct YT upload and it succeeded. Share your project. Someone will check it out. The process is easy, quick and can be done privately. Just follow these steps... Back up --- With your project on the timeline, click on MENU at the top-left. Click FILE|BACK UP PROJECT FILES TO FOLDER. Choose a folder and SELECT FOLDER. Upload --- Use a free server - Google Drive, MS OneDrive, etc.* - to upload the saved, numbered FOLDER. Do NOT upload the individual VPJ or export file. Get link --- Get a public link. If using Google Drive click GET SHAREABLE LINK. If necessary change "restricted" to "anyone with the link can view" Share --- Click COPY LINK | DONE. Paste that link here, or click the folder at the top-right of this forum to message it privately to me. It won't be shared. * Before uploading, right-click the folder, click PROPERTIES. Look at the File Size to confirm that it's not too big for the free space on the server.
  7. Using YouTube's uploader isn't difficult. There are many tutorials on line. Search for "How to upload to YouTube." Here's their official support page... https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/57407?co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop&hl=en If that succeeds, but a direct Videopad upload doesn't, then perhaps something has changed, but no reports have been posted. The Videopad version # shows up when it starts and in the left-bottom corner when it's running. What version is being used and was an older one being used earlier?
  8. Not hearing distortion, but background noise can be lowered and voice peaked with the EQUALIZER effect, along these lines... Or try HIGH PASS, inputting the number 500 in the box.
  9. Have you changed Videopad versions since the time it worked? If so, what version was in use then and what release is installed now? There have been no reports of a change in the uploader. What happens if you export a file, per YT specs, then use their uploader?
  10. Hints at a Youtube problem. https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/6178631?hl=en
  11. Blur was just a suggestion, not a requirement. Place each image/video on a different track, one above the other. Crop, scale, position (or even mask) them so each is in a different screen area. Take a look at the SPLIT-SCREEN effect, where images are placed in a grid. For HELP click the ? at the top-right of the VP window. Use <ctrl-F> to search.
  12. One common approach to this... Place the image/video on track 1, then use SCALE or ZOOM to make it fill the screen. Higher tracks take precedence over lower tracks. So... Place the original image on track 2, just above. If it's smaller than what's on track 1, then the blurred image will show around the sides. (This is picture-in-picture.) Or use a different image for the track 1 background. You may need to apply the Letterbox Aspect Ratio Transform effect to track 2. Play around with it. The result should look something like this...
  13. What version of Videopad is being used? Install this one. For licensed users upgrades are free for up to six months from purchase date. After that, VP will continue to fully function but a fee will be required in order to register the newest. Retain your old install file and registration info. There's no mandate to update. Use what works for you. Newer releases can always be test driven, to discover new features and quirks. If one looks good after a period of testing, go for it. The 'chipmunks' have been banished - in an upcoming release. Be sure to Save Project File AS routinely, giving it a unique # or name, so as not to overwrite prior saves. Using Save Project Files (no AS) will overwrite.
  14. Clear Unused Cache Files, under OPTIONS | DISK tab, then reload the project. Save Project File AS routinely, giving it a unique # or name, so as not to overwrite prior saves. Using Save Project Files (no AS) will overwrite. Same crash? Install this version. For licensed users upgrades are free for up to six months from purchase date. After that, VP will continue to fully function but a fee will be required in order to register the newest. Retain your old install file and registration info. Still no joy? Share your project. Someone will take a look and come up with a fix. The process is easy, quick and can be done privately. Just follow these steps... Back up --- With your project on the timeline, click on MENU at the top-left. Click FILE|BACK UP PROJECT FILES TO FOLDER. Choose a folder and SELECT FOLDER. Upload --- Use a free server - Google Drive, MS OneDrive, etc.* - to upload the saved, numbered FOLDER. Do NOT upload the individual VPJ or export file. Get link --- Get a public link. If using Google Drive click GET SHAREABLE LINK. If necessary change "restricted" to "anyone with the link can view" Share --- Click COPY LINK | DONE. Paste that link here, or click the folder at the top-right of this forum to message it privately to me. It won't be shared. * Before uploading, right-click the folder, click PROPERTIES. Look at the File Size to confirm that it's not too big for the free space on the server.
  15. Fair question. Put it to tech support. https://tinyurl.com/r89tpcw
  16. Try exporting as AVI instead of mp4. If that fails, a reinstall may solve it. Or, better still purchase a license. The 'free' version will continue to function with limitations. For licensed users upgrades are free for up to six months from purchase date. After that, VP will continue to fully function but a fee will be required in order to register the newest. Retain your old install file and registration info.
  17. borate

    VideoPad v9.04

    Detected no hangups while massaging your project. One clip's POSITION effect was missing. Any double POSITION effects were eliminated and backgrounds that were two clips were consolidated by deleting #2 and extending #1. Track three background was deleted after repositioning several clips, as it was no longer needed. It's good practice to use as few tracks/effects as practicable. While these changes may not reflect precisely what you intend, they should serve to help you analyse what was done. Tweak as desired.😀 The project also works well using the horizontal-2 SPLIT-SCREEN (fill to fit) A for tracks 1 and 2 and B for track 3. Easy to build. After fully caching, no lag. For now, consider sticking with release 8.97 or 8.99.
  18. But for file size, the two SRTs do look identical in Notepad. Don't know what the issue is. That said, using an on-line converter to SSA format solved the issue. If the file converts to ASS just change the extension. MY.ssa
  19. Please install this version. For licensed users upgrades are free for up to six months from purchase date. After that, VP will continue to fully function but a fee will be required in order to register the newest. Retain your old install file and registration info. If the issue persists, share the shorter project that demonstrates it. Indicate how long it is supposed to be. Someone will check it out and come up with a fix. The process is easy, quick and can be done privately. Just follow these steps... Back up --- With your project on the timeline, click on MENU at the top-left. Click FILE|BACK UP PROJECT FILES TO FOLDER. Choose a folder and SELECT FOLDER. Upload --- Use a free server - Google Drive, MS OneDrive, etc.* - to upload the saved, numbered FOLDER. Do NOT upload the individual VPJ or export file. Get link --- Get a public link. If using Google Drive click GET SHAREABLE LINK. If necessary change "restricted" to "anyone with the link can view" Share --- Click COPY LINK | DONE. Paste that link here, or click the folder at the top-right of this forum to message it privately to me. It won't be shared. * Before uploading, right-click the folder, click PROPERTIES. Look at the File Size to confirm that it's not too big for the free space on the server.
  20. Share your original MY.srt - the one that doesn't load in VP - and someone will take a look at it. Just upload to a free server, get a shareable (public) link, copy the link and post it here or in a Private Message, via the envelope at the top-right of this forum.
  21. When a project is saved it creates a non-playable VPJ file. That's the instruction file that tells Videopad where to find source files and how to handle effects, transitions, etc. Save Project File AS routinely, giving it a unique # or name, so as not to overwrite prior saves. Save Project Files (no AS) will overwrite. Double-clicking a VPJ loads a VP project. To create the final product for playing in a viewer or uploading to YouTube, export as an Mp4 or other approved YT format. Video editing is resource intensive, so good hardware can make a considerable difference in smoothness and speed. Before beginning a new project, Clear Unused Cache Files - under OPTIONS | DISK tab.
  22. borate

    Audio is gone

    Under OPTIONS | DISK tab Clear Unused Cache Files. If that doesn't help, please follow the suggestions in the post above and share your project. Then others can attempt to replicate what you experience.
  23. The 9.09 Mac release note on 12/31 states "Complete VideoPad 64 bit build and prepare for the first release." It may be the same for Windows; a 64-bit release date has not yet been published. Update to the latest version.
  24. Be more specific about what you are doing when you "drag it down...or across." Is the video clip being dragged from the bin (top-left) to the timeline or being dragged on the timeline itself? A screen capture would help. Upload it to a free server, such as Google Drive of MS OneDrive, get a shareable (public) link, copy the link and post it here or to me in a Private Message via the envelope at the top-right. Someone will check it out. If using Google, be sure that the link isn't "restricted' but can be viewed by anyone. Suggest that you update to the latest release. For licensed users upgrades are free for up to six months from purchase date. After that, VP will continue to fully function but a fee will be required in order to register the newest. Retain your old install file and registration info.
  25. https://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/32619-stopwatch-speed-in-sync-with-video-speed/?tab=comments#comment-87856 The last post in that thread may also prove useful... https://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/32818-stopwatch-text-effect/?tab=comments#comment-88619
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