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Everything posted by c_major

  1. You can toggle audio on/off while dragging form: Main Tool Bar->Audio tab->Scrubbing.
  2. A toggle button for audio scrubbing has been put on to Audio tab of the main tool bar.
  3. The drop-down list includes some of the common used presets. You can see them as quality settings form low to high. You can also type in whatever number. Bitrate settings have direct impact on output quality. However the quality may various for different video even they use the same bitrate settings. It depends on how complex and how much motion in the scene. If you interested in details you can search for words like "variable bitrate", "dvd bitrate calculator" on the internet. For my own experience, it required a bit trail and error to get a good result. I would suggest select a few minutes of the typical scene in the video and try with a few different settings to see if they look alright. Multiply the time to estimate the file size and allow some extra space. Best Regards,
  4. Update: The bug has been fixed and will be included in the next release. We'll contact you for a free upgrade for the release. The problems (can't rotate, color massed up etc.) were caused by two clips next to each that both used hardware accelerated effects. So it can be avoided by move the second clip on to a separated track (workaround for now). Thank you again for reporting the issue and uploading the files!
  5. Thank you for providing the files! The problems are reproducible. We are working on the fix now.
  6. The actual size of the output can only be obtained after the video is encoded. The output size for each frame are different depend on the complexity of the scene. Automatic bitrate calculation is an estimation for average videos. If that doesn't work you'll have to set the bitrate manually. Also there is no way to compute actual output size without doing the compression.
  7. Thanks for the suggestion. We'll review the DVD Menu creation procedure and try to improve it.
  8. The images works on mine too. Could you please try clear the cache? Restart VideoPad without loading anything. Choose Option->Disk->Clear Unused Cache Files.
  9. Hi, Which version of VIdeoPad are you using? Could you share the project and the media files (on DropBox, Google Drive etc.)?
  10. Yes, please upload the jpg files on to DropBox or Google Drive so we can try.
  11. You can choose cache folder from Options->Disk->Cache. You can also set a size limit such that VideoPad will clean up unused cache files when the limit is hit. Other options also including clean up all caches on exit or remove all caches except the ones using by the current project. Best Regards,
  12. Thanks for sending the files. Just noticed you are using a fairly old version. Could you please try on the latest version (http://www.nchsoftwa...ad/vppsetup.exe)? I've tried and without any problem.
  13. This bug has been fixed and will be applied to the next release.
  14. Would you mind share the .mov file on DropBox or Google Drive so we can have a look?
  15. There is an known issue that if the video has multiple audio tracks. VideoPad will pick one automatically. There is a chance that it will pick up a silence track. In that case external tool is needed to remove the extra audio track.
  16. Have you tried play the .mov file on other software e.g. Windows Media Player, VLC etc.?
  17. Thanks for the suggestion. I found it could be easily done by dragging the clips around in Storyboard mode. Have you tried that?
  18. How long is your video trying to export? If the video is too long it will not fit in the DVD even used lowest acceptable bitrate.
  19. Thanks for trying out VideoPad. We've already fixed the hue issue since other users reported it (http://nch.invisionz...ve-found-a-bug/).
  20. Thanks Borate, but I still can't reproduce even use your project. Could you please PM me your dxdiag report?
  21. Yes, we aware of the issue and working on optimizations. It is the decoding that take most of the time therefore none of the software can play it smoothly. For the moment the only way is to wait for the cache to finish. Once the cache is generated, VP plays the clip without decoding. The cache can be used every time you load the same clip and in multiple projects (for the same resolution).
  22. VideoPad's design will not take advantage of high-end hardware. We aim for the most popular hardware and the ability to work under low end equipments. Have high-end gear will boost the performance in a generic manner. Please note that VideoPad is currently built 32bit so the maximum memory it can access is 4GB. Best Regards,
  23. Thanks for reporting the bug. @borate: I've tried but couldn't reproduce it. Could you please upload the test project somewhere so I can download? Thanks!
  24. I could not reproduce the problem. Could you please post some screen shot? Or upload the project files on DropBox or Google Drive. You can remove the clips without problem and save as a smaller project.
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