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Everything posted by c_major

  1. c_major


    New: Transitions - Bounce, Blinds, Tile Flip, Doors. Exporting in a background queue. Mark to indicated if a clip has been added to the sequence. In-place tool bar for timeline cursor. Improved preview control panel. Fixed: Ocationally freeze in the middle of transitions. Default qulity is low for MPEG codec.
  2. Could you please let me know: What kind of camcorder are you using? VideoPad version? Have you tried upgrade the camcorder driver? Does it happen all the time?
  3. Hi, Yes, I've found that every clip has exact one frame longer after exported. i.e. 0.033 seconds longer for 30 FPS and 0.016 seconds for 60 FPS. It was very hard to notice in motion pictures. I fingered it out by exporting a few 10s blank clips and import the video back and then overlay it on top of the bank clips. We'll try to fix the problem in next release. It is still unclear what causing it at this point. Thank you for reporting the issue.
  4. In fact I'm still trying to understand what your problem is... From my understanding you were trying to join some clips together and then export. Could you please pick which one below is problem: The exported video longer then all the clips adds together Every clip in the exported video appear longer If none of these is your problem than could you tell me how could you compare the exported video and the original clip and seeing they are different?
  5. Do you mean join together multiple Sequences? You can use File->Import Clips From Another Project which opens another project and adds the Sequences into your current project. After you have multiple Sequences in on project, you can put them into a new Sequence as video clips.
  6. Yes, next Windows release will come out shortly. Next version will mainly includes some new 3D transitions and a few bug fixes. Also you can export in a background queue so you don't have to wait while exporting. Best Regards,
  7. c_major


    Thanks for the suggestion!
  8. Yes, you can treat it that way - so you can apply effects to the whole lot and further overlaying with other clips. Do you have gaps between Sequence 1's clips?
  9. Hi jstineh, Is the quality drops after export? Could you try change the bitrate settings (as shown in the previous post)? Best Regards,
  10. Please upgrade to the latest version and try. It could be a bug that we've fixed long ago. Best Regards,
  11. Padding only happens at the end of exporting. So if you edit the clips one by one in different projects, they all going to have more or less padding at the end. To avoid this, you can put all clips in one project, arrange them the way you want and export only once. If that doesn't make sense to you I might misunderstood your question. In this case could you upload some screen shot to show how it happens? Here's a link where you can upload pictures: http://pictr.com/ You can use the URL in your post after uploaded the screen shot.
  12. The exported length can be slightly longer because the padding for a full frame duration. This depends on container format (AVI, MPEG4 etc.). For example if your final video is ended at 101.5 frame you'll have a 102 frame long output. The padding only happen at the end of the output. If you connect a few different clips in one project there will be no gap between them.
  13. Yes, please share the file. If you are not using the latest English version, please try it first: http://www.nchsoftware.com/videopad/vppsetup.exe
  14. Please check out: http://www.nch.com.au/action/reginfo.html#videopad
  15. Please wait for a few days, we are trying to release VP again in next week or so. The bug will be fixed in the new release. Unfortunately there is no workaround for this bug.
  16. c_major

    Need Help

    Our YouTube channel would also be a great place to get started: https://www.youtube.com/user/nchsoftware There are many experienced users active in this forum. Post questions here would be the most effective way to get help.
  17. c_major

    Text editing

    To edit a text clip, just click on the text box on the Clip Preview control panel:
  18. There was a bug we found causing freeze in v4.14. Before the next official release you can download the fixed version here: http://nch.invisionz...__20#entry53305 Best Regards,
  19. VP did had a problem with long videos but was fixed a few months ago. We tested a number of 8-10 hour videos without problem. Are you using the latest version?
  20. Please check how many disk space you have? Could you share the captured video so we can take a look? Best Regards,
  21. Hi Daorus, We'll add an option to turn off the animation. We added the animation in not just because it looks cool. We are trying make the effects being understood easier by first time users.
  22. c_major


    Hi gaab, Thanks for the report. I re-post the new build here in case someone else caught by the same problem.
  23. c_major


    Hi Gaab, Sorry it seems that the attachments only can be downloaded via PM in this forum. Please check your PM. Anyone who has the same problem please PM me for the download.
  24. c_major


    We've found the problem. The problem was fixed but we couldn't find a workaround for it. I've attached a new build here, please try it and confirm if the problem was fixed. Please be aware that this build includes a few new features (e.g. background exporting) have not been tested extensively. At the meantime we'll try to get VP tested and released ASAP. Many thanks,
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