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Everything posted by c_major

  1. http://www.nchsoftware.com/videopad/index.html
  2. The reason to make it so that all lines are in the same space is that you can select multiple keyframes and manipulate (move, delete etc.) them together. For example we can change this simple zoom effect ending at the half of the duration instead of at the end by select (drag a rectangle) the last keyframes and move them to the middle of the time line. We are working on further improve the editing by adding grid lines, snapping and short-cut keys etc.. All suggestions are welcome.
  3. Hi Nat, When you added the zoom effect: 1. Check the "Show/hide animation line" button on the right side of the parameters (x1, y1, x2, y2). 2. Move the red cursor to the beginning and press "Add key frame at current position" button. 3. Move the red cursor to the end, resize and move the widget in Clip Preview to the desire size and position. I can see step one is something new and sort of cumbersome. We'll try make that step easier. Maybe add a button to show/hide all parameter lines by one click. Best Regards,
  4. This is a Windows version. Thanks for remind me the OS issue.
  5. Please check out v4.40. We did a lot of improvements and polishing for the new effect UI.
  6. Hi, I agree that the old effects dialog box is simpler then the current one. However it has it's limitation and sometimes confuse first time users. Please check out a previous discussion which including a comparison: http://nch.invisionzone.com/index.php?/topic/23314-new-effects-menu-layout/ We considered it carefully, the benefit of the new UI well worth the slightly steeper learn curve. I really hope you would enjoy the new features once you get used to it. Best Regards,
  7. Could you post a screenshot showing how your timeline was arranged?
  8. New: Added zooming and scrolling controls to effect animation editor. Added right click context menu to effect animation editor. Added "Append effect chain to selected" (instead of replace) button. Changed effect mask behavious. Now the mask itself are also effected by transformation (i.e. position, rotation, scale and motion) effects. Added Clear Mask effect which clear previous mask in the effect chain. Fixed: Hardware accelerated effects causing crash on some display drivers. Fixed audio position is incorrect when export only a section of the sequence. Fixed transparent pictures with soft edge are displayed incorrectly. Help pages are updated.
  9. This is not a bug however it is a problem. I saw other users had that too. The tiny gaps normally introduced by moving the red cursor by the mouse. When you zoomed out, one pixel on the screen can covers a few hundred milliseconds on the timeline. When you move the red cursor to a pixel on the screen (it's one pixel width no matter how you zoomed), the program could not determine the exact position where the red cursor so it has to choose a position for you. If the same pixel covering a clip edge (start/end) the red cursor position will likely to have a tiny gap to the edge. The gap is invisible since it's covered by a single pixel. So if you cut at the cursor position it will create a very short clip. This is why the "Go to next/previous clip edge" buttons are introduced. These buttons will put the cursor to the exact position (millisecond) where the clip edge is. Another way to see the invisible clips/gaps is zoom in (to maximum) until each pixel covers less then 1 millisecond. Millisecond (1/1000 seconds) is the smallest time unit used in VP.
  10. It is possible that there is a few ms tiny gap and they are invisible when you zoomed out. Switch to storyboard mode you can easily find out those gaps or very short clips. It also sounds like it would be easier for you to apply crossfade in storyboard mode. It's a simplified timeline for people want to do something quick and simple. Please note that storyboard only works for track one clips. Best Regards,
  11. c_major


    Have you used the camcorder on the computer using other software (e.g. the software come with the camcorder)? What kind of camcorder you have ? Have you tried update the driver?
  12. The old "Apply to All" method is deprecated and will be removed soon. It adds the effect too all selected clip with the default parameters but has no effect after the parameters are changed. It's not a new bug though. In fact that's one of the reason we've re-done the UI for effect editing. Thanks borate for showing the correct steps.
  13. c_major


    You can change the camcorder for the first drop-down list on the left: To open the Capture Video dialog: Main Menu->Clip->Record->Capture Video... or Tool bar->Home tab->Record->Record Video... or Keyboard: Ctrl + I
  14. @HoosierKidsTV: Please check your PM and let me know if the new build has fixed your problem.
  15. If you tried the latest version and the problem still happening, you are eligible for a free upgrade when it's fixed. Since you reported it. Please note that you should keep the old installer if you want to go back to 3.12 later.
  16. Hi Rodney, Please check your PM. I've attached a new build with this problem fixed. The next official release version still under testing. We'll contact you and provide free upgrade to the new release when it's out. Best Regards,
  17. Please try out the latest version. It could be a bug we've already fixed.
  18. Thank you for reporting the issue!
  19. Does the upload progress look OK? YouTube might need longer time to process the video for higher resolution. Have you checked again later? Also, are you using the latest version? We've fixed a bug recently regarding YouTube uploading issues.
  20. To enable the icon you'll need to select multiple clips and have at least one effect in the current effect chain. We'll change that to enable the icon even there is no effect so you can effectively delete all effects in selected clips. Best Regards,
  21. Yes, sorry I forgot you can get that dialog from selecting the effect directly from the toolbar.
  22. @borate: There is no "apply to one". Effect changes are always applied to the clip on Clip Preview immediately. If there is confusion here please let me know.
  23. In VP, the H.264 encoder will generate at least 25 I-frames/second by default. The screenshot of the analyse software doesn't not show GOP settings (they are empty). Do you mind share the video (via DropBox or Google driver etc.) so we can investigate? I've tried export a few videos and playback with VLC. I didn't get the delay but I saw the pixelated after select "faster" the second time.
  24. You can change playback device from Options -> Audio -> Playback Device.
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