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Everything posted by c_major

  1. Hi, VP does not maintain the original size of the imported images. You'll need to apply Scale effect to scale the images to the size you want. The reason for that is simple: If we maintain the pixel size of the image on the output, you would have different result when you export to different resolutions. For example, a 100x100 picture will look bigger when you export 480p and smaller when you export to 720p. Best Regards,
  2. Thank you very much! Your testing is most appreciated and very helpful. Although we still can't reproduce the issue. There is enough information for us to start. Please keep in touch as we might need more testing later. Cheers,
  3. There is another post here reported low quality blu-ray output as well. We'll look into it.
  4. Sorry forget to remind you have to clear the cache files when you swap to anther version. Please check Options -> Disk -> Cache -> Clear all cache files on exit. Could you try again with this option on? Also could you just try turn off the text shadow or outline see if it make any difference?
  5. Could you please: Try the project on a previous version. Upload the .vpj file (without media files) on DropBox so we can have closer look. Run "dxdiag" and upload the diagnostic report as well. Thank you!
  6. Try enable Enable lossless video Exporting in Option -> Export -> Other. Then export a project that only contains the portion of the clip. With the lossless option turned on, VP will try use the data packages from the original video stream if possible. Therefore, resolution, frame rate etc. must not changed. This feature currently only supports H264 codec. We are adding other codec into the feature.
  7. If you use 32 bit windows, it would be C:\Program Files\NCH Software\VideoPad
  8. @jacksonmacd: Could you try setting the system font size to 100%? You can do it by Right Click on the Desktop -> Display Settings -> Change the size of the text... (slider). Also dose it happen when using the particular font or always happens?
  9. The format for Blu-ray Movie Disc is hidden is intentional. That's because it automatically choose a format that can be played by blu-ray players.
  10. There should be no problem to keep multiple versions of VideoPad on your computer. However there will be only one can be running at a time. The easiest way is to run the installer for the version you want to switch to. It only takes a few seconds to install. You can find all the installers in the application folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\NCH Software\VideoPad
  11. Yes, each overlaying track will increase memory consumption a few times multiply the resolution. The only way to get it work now is to combine the tracks in separated projects and then merge them in the final project. But I wouldn't recommend since it will be a lot of work. It'll also take a lot longer and you'll have to use a lossless codec. We'll work on to find a way to reduce memory consumption but nothing I can tell at this point. I'll post the update here if we have any progress. Also, VideoPad was built 32bit so maximum memory it can use is 4G. I'll bring this issue to team see if we should release 64bit builds. Thank you for your post.
  12. Please try export to 59.94 fps which is the original frame rate.
  13. Hi Chanter, We've received the file. It helped us found a bug which cause the reading process failed in the middle and trigger the converting. We've fixed the bug. Please wait for the next release if it's not urgent. We'll contact you and provide free upgrade to the new version. Also, the video we got from the disc was in 720p 60 fps. I think the TV tuner converted the video (was interlaced 1080p 30 fps). Please try export at 60 fps see if it fix the dropping frame issue. Thanks,
  14. Hi, Our upgrade policy can be found here: http://www.nch.com.au/software/buyfaq.html Please check it out under Refunds and Upgrades section. Was the uploading successful? I've look at the bug/crash reports but couldn't finger out which one is yours. Could you post here what the message says?
  15. The system/video memory needed by VideoPad are depend on the complexity of the problem. Could you let us know how your project was arranged? Maybe we can find a way to do it in such a way that it require less memory to export. The first thing I'd like to find out is that if it ran out of system memory or video memory.
  16. We've removed the "Building Preview" screen from the latest version. The screen is just a waiting message and it will not be included in the video.
  17. It sounds like the quality setting in codec settings was low. This can be changed from Encoder Options when you export. Is your preview aspect ratio the same as your export aspect ratio?
  18. Yes, please try the latest version (4.22) as Borate suggested. Let us know if you still getting the problem. The version you are using (3.02) is very old.
  19. Hi Swifty, Have you tried change preview resolution in VideoPad which can be accessed from Options->Display?
  20. Hi Ivan, Thanks for the suggestion!
  21. We don't have audio transition at the moment but it is an to do item. Yes, have to do it by unlink the audio into separate tracks is awkward.
  22. c_major

    4k Video

    Hi, In fact 4k capability was there for a long time but was kind of unworkable two years ago due to performance issues and hardware limitations. We've done a lot of optimization recently and the performance is now much better. So yes, I would say we do support 4k videos. However it would require better hardware then the minimum spec. to work smoothly. Best Regards,
  23. Here's how I would do for making scene 1 fade to black and the sound keep going: Place the clip in to Sequence Split scene 1 into a separated clip and delete scene 2 - like what you did. Add "Fade" transition. Note that if you want to fade to pure black you don't need any additional clip. VideoPad would automatically fade to black if no clip behind to transit into. Now play the sequence preview. You should get what you wanted for the video but the audio stops. Now unlink the audio for scene 1. And then drag the end of the audio clip to the position you want to extend. Play the sequence preview now you should get want you wanted. Best Regards,
  24. Hi, You can change Options->Media->Default still image duration Best Regards,.
  25. Thank you very much! Should have told you just put "VideoPad Team" on it, sorry.
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