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Everything posted by c_major

  1. Could you shared the vpj file (on DropBox or Google Driver)?
  2. Gap between clips on the same track are automatically closed by dragging clips around (unless Alt is held). While moving a clip on a track, its boundary (begin/end) will also snaps to the clips boundary on the other track. Dragging the clips around will very unlikely to have gaps. Are the back space visible in sequence preview or only in exported videos? Could you post a screen shot here let us see how you arrange your project? Best Regards,
  3. Here's what I've got in v4.11, looks all right?
  4. Thanks for sharing the experience. I always thinking the CPU was the bottle neck. This is eye opening! The upcoming version will use multi-core for video processing. It will utilize more CPU and Memory resource and trade them for speed.
  5. We'll release the next version as soon as the testing is finished. We've done quite a few improvements to speed up the video processing pipeline. I just tried loading a 1080p video and also preview at 1080p on my computer here. It is the same as yours (i5 3.1GHz). The new version runs much more smoother then v4.11. None of the versions got "building preview" though. Maybe you can check if any background process (e.g. anti-virus) making the CPU busy?
  6. "Building Preview" often happens while loading long videos. It take sometime to generates the cache. After caching is finished the performance should back to normal. We constantly improving VP for each new release. You can try out and compare. We also did some major speed optimizations for the upcoming release (in testing now). Best Regards,
  7. I'm sending you a diagnostic build via PM.
  8. I can't reproduce it here. Strange that in the second screenshot (http://prntscr.com/8gf7kl) the effects dialog opened without any clip being selected. Which clip you applying the effect on? In the Bin or the Sequence?
  9. Hi Peter, ffmpeg19.exe is just an installer. The components including multiple dll files will be installed in C:\Program Files\NCH Software\Components\ffmpeg19 folder. It could be one or more files in the component folder is corrupted. Please delete the components folder and ffmpeg19.exe and run VP again. It should download and install all the files automatically. Best regards,
  10. Have you tried clear the cache (Option->Disk->Clear Unused Cache Files) before you open the file?
  11. Hi, I think this is a good question since it exposed some usability issues in VideoPad. We are working on a new way to make cutting easier, which you can highlight a section of the video by dragging the red line (instead of the scrubber) and delete it by press the 'delete' button or the 'delete' key. It's working at the currently version but did not exposed well. We are working on it to make it more intuitive. Thanks all for the posts,
  12. Please check if ToolBar->Audio->Scrubbing is pressed down. The newer version disabled audio scrubbing by default.
  13. There are a lot of things changed since this thread started 3 years ago. There are huge performance improvements in later versions. We are constantly putting effort on making VP faster. Best regards,
  14. We are using GPU acceleration for some of the effects. GPU is not going to help video processing much since the hardware architecture is mainly for games - imagine you need the amount of work as same as loading a game level to process each video frame.
  15. Hi, We've addressed this issue recently and exporting now uses multiple CPU cores. The change is applied to the next version which will be released in 1-2 weeks. Best regards,
  16. Thanks for letting us know the issue. We'll fix it.
  17. They are different features but yes, you don't have to create the same curve again if you can save/load effects. In fact, you can save/load effects using "File" menu on the effect dialog. We are working on improve and expose this feature better.
  18. By looking at the project, I think I know what the problem is now. I've found the effects you've added are saved as "vfc" files but none of them are applied to the clips. I think what happen was: In Video Effects dialog (activated by clicking the "FX" icon on the sequence clip), you choose File->Save Effect Chain to File to create the effect chain (vfc) files. And then you close the window without apply the effects to the clip (by clicking the "Apply" button. You can fix it pretty easily: Open the Video Effects dialog for the clip by clicking the "FX" button. In Video Effects dialog, choose File->Load Effect Chain from File and opens the correspoinding effect (vfc) file. After the effect is loaded, you should be able to see the effect on the preview. Press "Apply" button. Do the above steps for all clips with effects. You should be able to see the effects on Sequence Preview and will exported correctly. Hope this helps. Best Regards,
  19. We are working on save/Load effect chains. Should be available in the next version.
  20. Hi Nat, Yes, you can do that with straight lines, no visual difference vs curve or at least very close. But it will be tedious if you have to it for 10s of effects in one project. Best regards,
  21. Thanks for the suggestion, we can make Ease In/Out as presets. We already think about adding an option to change the key frame line to spline curve. Ease In/Out can be implemented by splines.
  22. c_major


    Thanks Daorus, we'll refine the ideas and put them in.
  23. Could you please upload your project (vpj with the media files if possible) on DropBox / Google Drive so we can take a look?
  24. If you import a long video, VP will take a while to generates the cache (for both video and audio). The longer the video the longer it takes. Before the caching finish the preview will be choppy. We are working on improve the caching mechanism. For now you have to wait but it shouldn't take too long though. Best regards,
  25. For quality issue please try X264 (encoder settings). We just found the default setting for MPEG codec was in really low quality - we'll change that in the next version.
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