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Everything posted by Nationalsolo

  1. Hi Normal steps for PIP.... (Version 7.25) Place your video on Video Track 1 Place your image on Video Track 2 (overlay track)............... Apply a Scale effect to the image and reduce it to the desired size................... Apply a Position effect to the scaled image. Monitor your result in Clip preview (or use dual preview windows...Sequence preview will show the complete result) In the Clip preview window drag the white rectangle surrounding the image to any position required. If everything is working correctly you should be able to move the reduced overlay image to any point in the frame......... .......Even off the frame...... Note: Logically you can't move the white frame completely off the video image which is logical. (The white frame would be better seen if the it was actually a RED frame - It would be more visible against the chequerboard. Nat
  2. Hi You don't need to unlink and delete your audio track. You can simply mute the track (or mute the individual clip audio) and record your commentary. The recorded clip will be placed on a lower track automatically as well as in the bin and the default save folder set up under Options. Nat
  3. Hi Dangerfreak Your suggested scenario also exports OK here as well using Version 7.25. Borate's example also saved and played normally (although he was using Letterbox to AR 16:9 and not Auto). If you have a short example which displays this fault, upload it to Google Drive or Dropbox and someone will take a look. Nat
  4. Hi This is a VERY old thread (5 years) ........ However, what version of VP are you using; the latest is 7.24 for Windows How are you adding your clips and images and what format are they? Exactly what are you seeing when the clip/image is loaded to the clip bin or the timeline? If you don't see a clip preview once you have added it to the clip bin and selected it, there is a problem The same applies if you drag/drop (or otherwise place) the clip on the timeline and you don't see a clip preview or a sequence preview. You could try.... Open the file User/AppData/Roaming/NCHSoftware and delete the folder Components. When you re-open VP the components folder will be re-downloaded. If any folder had been corrupted it should have been restored. Worth a try. If you still have the same problem, completely uninstall VP (including program Data) and then reload it from your vpsetup.exe file which you have kept from your original install. You may need to re-enter your registration code. If that fails to get you back to normal then uninstall it once more and download the latest version. https://www.nchsoftware.com/videopad/versions.html Nat
  5. Hi Borate That is true for the clips/images on track 1 which don't normally have gaps, but I really meant for texts /titles set up on the overlay track and which are mostly separated and each of which have the Fade-in f. (and usually if you fade-in a text in you also fade it out.) Nat
  6. Hi Exports still don't export the fade-out effect in images when fade-in is present. Nat
  7. Hi I have suggested in the past that if the developers can add a Fade-in f box at the start of a clip (image or video) they could also put an f box at the the end of a clip. It would save a lot of messing about adding an effect. Nat
  8. Hi The closest you will get (at present) is.. Click the f for each text clip and set fade in time for each. (Can be done as they are created.) Select ALL the text clips Click Video Effects tab on the top toolbar. Select Transparency effect and then Select Preset. Choose Fade out from the list (or you can set up your own Fade-out) Now click Append effect chain to all selected clips. (7th button along top of the effects window....looks like a piece of film in green) This applies your fade out to all other text clips. Different times etc for each text does make things a bit phaffy though Nat
  9. HI Until NCH gets to look at this use the transparency effect as Borate described. That works on all clips/images. Nat
  10. Hi "... Try the fades on an OVERLAY, not the main track, and see what you get. ..." Ah!............ VIDEO CLIPS on the overlay track work correctly with both fades (f and effect) both in preview and exported .avi IMAGE CLIPS on the Video Track 2 work correctly with both fades (f and effect) IN PREVIEW but the Effect fade is not seen in the export IMAGE CLIPS on Video Track 1 work correctly with both fades (f and effect) IN PREVIEW but the Effect fade is not seen in the export Problem seems to be with Image clips/Text clips and not the track they are on. Even if a blank is added after the image clip the effect is not exported. Several images with crossfades between them (like a slideshow) preview and export OK Add a fade-in to first one and it loses its crossfade.whilst the the remaining images are unaffected and still cossfade. Nat
  11. Hi You imported a video.........Did you save a copy? Closing the project (effectively shutting down VP) and selecting "Discard" removes all the editing you did. Had you selected "Save" VP would have saved a vpj file which would have enabled you to reload your work. (The video + editing) As, (presumably) you did not do a "Save Project" or "Save project as" whilst you were editing you won't have anything to fall back on. In effect you will have to start again with the imported video. How did you import your ScanDisc video into VP without having created a copy first? Nat
  12. Hi all Version 7.23 New Project Added Fade effect to end of clip(MP4) Added Fade-in to start of clip (f box). Clip previews correctly Exported clip as .avi Played .avi in WMP Both fades worked OK. New Project Same clip Added Fade-in to start of the clip Added Fade effect to end of clip. Clip previewed correctly Exported clip as .avi Played .avi in WMP Both fades worked OK. New Project Same clip Load clip and split clip. Deleted right hand section Added Fade effect to end of clip(MP4) Added Fade-in to start of clip (f box). Clip previews correctly Exported clip as .avi Played .avi in WMP Both fades worked OK New Project Same clip Load clip and split clip. Deleted right hand section Added Fade-in to start of clip Added Fade effect to end of truncated clip Clip previewed correctly Exported clip as .avi Both fades worked OK in WMP Sorry if my findings are not what you are seeing...They work here...Am I missing something? I also checked these variations exporting as mp4 which also worked OK and I Also checked these variations using Cross fade.........All exports worked as well here.. In fact I couldn't make it NOT work! I can only suggest you download and try VP 7.23 But out of curiosity you could also try a COMPLETE uninstall and then a reload of your current version with the vpsetup.exe as files may have become corrupted. They have done here on occasion as I swap versions quite frequently. Nat
  13. Hi Check you haven't inadvertently clicked the "eye" icon at the left end of the video track. This would prevent the track from exporting. (You probably haven't so uploading the project would be useful.) Nat
  14. Hi Keith No, you are not missing anything. Zoom on its own will work just fine. Nat
  15. Hi Latest version is 7.21 (or 7.22 Beta) https://www.nchsoftware.com/videopad/versions.html There have been a lot of changes since 6.xxx Nat
  16. Hi Noise reduction is available in version 7.22 in the effects filter section.... It seems to work OK I de-noised a clip exported with the Old film effect (minus shake) as a test. As mentioned it was very slow. Flicker was eliminated by adding the Auto level effect. Here is an frame from an exported video BEFORE Noise reduction Here is an image of a similar frame from the same video exported AFTER Noise reduction... Slightly soft but markedly better. Nat
  17. Hi Woodsy ".... I'm a beginner, & don't know what 'scrub thro the clip' means. ..." It's just a phrase which means grabbing the red cursor line on the timeline and dragging it left or right so the clip/project can be viewed more rapidly than by simply playing it. In the context of the discussion re. Stabilization, the process of adjusting each video frame so it lines up with the next frame and so on, (which is basically what the stabilization plug-in does) can leave variable borders to all four sides of the resulting clip. For a nice smooth edge to the video these borders need to be removed. The plug-in can do this but the settings are a little complicated. So once you have stabilized a clip you can Crop the borders off. As the borders can vary in width throughout the clip depending on how much shake there has been when the clip was filmed, you can crop a little, guessing the amount required and then "scrub through the clip" with the red cursor line. Any borders still visible can then be eliminated by increasing the cropped area. (It's quicker than playing the clip) Once you have eliminated all the borders the frame will be smaller than normal so by using the Zoom effect you can bring it back to full frame again. Normally the stabilization is very good and borders are in most cases are entirely eliminated without the need to crop. ".... Using a tripod ?? Most of my vids are when I'm walking, or holding the cam whilst driving a Salang (motorcycle/ sidecar combo) about in Thailand. Holding the tripod as well as the camera might have been even more difficult. ..." I was being a bit facetious I filmed some sailing from my dinghy some years ago......didn't work then either! Nat
  18. Hi Woodsy ".. I don't use the mouse. Typing numbers into the Scale - popup window - small slider number windows - I find quick, precise, and repeatable. Am I just an awkward person .... ? ..." No. Not at all!. (I prefer to change values with the up/down arrows) Note: To remove any borders left after stabilizing use Crop and Zoom. Add the effect and scrub through the clip and alter the crop if borders are still seen. The zoom will keep the frame filled. The internal parameters for stabilizing with the VDub add-on actually include a border adjustment but these are somewhat mind boggling to follow . VP has a setting but it's related to the Quality of the output I think. Even using the original VDub program from the site, it took time to do the stabilizing but it was fun watching each frame being examined where movement and direction of pixel blocks were marked with arrows and values stored during the first pass of the program. The second pass showed each frame being shifted...... Of course if you had used a tripod.................. Nat
  19. Hi Borate The difficulty here is that whatever one does to in the way of slicing up the clip or creating copy bits, the software still stabilizes the whole clip which, from the Woodsy's point of view , is the thing that is taking up the time.So, apart from chopping-exporting-reloading I can't see a way of getting around this. With regards to my "Failed" message,; this is with 7.21 but I shall wipe it and reload 7.22 and see how that behaves. Nat
  20. Nationalsolo

    text editing

    Hi Note that the small Text box appears under the Clip Preview window. and shows just "Title Text" as in the image below. The text box does not appear under the Clip Sequence window. However if things are working as they should VP will switch to Clip Preview when Add Text is used. At the start, the text image is placed in the clip image bin and a text clip is placed at the cursor on the timeline overlay track.as shown. if you left click the small text box it will open in a larger window with parameter controls...... In version 7.21 this usually happens automatically. You can now swipe (right click) the existing text, delete it and add your own. Both the clip bin image and the timeline clip are updated as you do this and the result is seen in the preview window. When adding text/titles etc. I usually have Dual displays set up as you can monitor the result more easily.(File/Tools/Options/Display/Show dual previews) Nat
  21. Hi Woodsy The method suggested by NCH is the same as I suggested but is time consuming if you have lots of sections to stabilise. @Borate.......Although method 2 isolates a section of a clip, when you drag it to the bin does VP STILL stabilise all of the "new " clip? i.e. does the process take the same time as stabilizing the FULL clip. I haven't timed this to compare them (at the same quality) as I continually get a "Stabilization has failed" message as "There are insufficient Frames" warning. (Version 7.21) although the clip is adequately long. Nat
  22. Hi "... Surely it has to be one tremendous design flaw that I can't cut a piece out of a video and stabilize that piece...." As it stands the option to stabilize a clip is only accessed from the clip bin. This means ALL the clip in question has to be treated. Even though you may split the clip on the timeline into separate pieces there is no option available for these segments to be treated. Even converted to a sequence and right clicked there there is no stabilize option. It has to be borne in mind that the ACTUAL clip is not split---VP is a non destructive editor. Split points etc. are in essence just stored a data points. The clip remains whole. The second thing is that the Stabilization software is a plug-in designed essentially to treat clips. I don't see another work-around except for my suggestion. Nat
  23. Hi OK... Try this... Switch into Storyboard mode. Your clips will now appear as slides. Grab the one one you want to insert in the clip bin Drag it to the timeline and move it to a point between the slides where you want to insert it. Move it left/right until a green vertical arrow appears at the join Release your new clip It will insert itself between the two slides. If VP is behaving normally it should not overwrite any of the neighboring clips when inserted. "... cant drag the 2nd clip back to put my clip inbetween them because it will overwright the stuff i have there ..." This seems to be the case. even in VP 7.21 In fact doing this can leave bits of the "overwritten clips behind on the timeline. Also reversing the movement of the moved clip does not restore the timeline either. I have reported this as a ?bug and await a reply. Nat
  24. Hi "... ok say i have 2 clips on my time line and i have changed my mind and want to add a third in btween them ....."i Borate's solution is the way to INSERT a clip at any point. (including between clips) If you are working on a single Video track (Video Track 1) then here is another way to obtain what you want...... Grab the right hand clip and drag it up and drop it on Video track 2 Grab your new clip in the bin and drop it onto Video Track 1 so it follows the first clip Grab the clip on Video Track 2 and pull it down to Video Track 1 so it follows the inserted clip. Here's another...... Grab the clip to be inserted and drag it down to the track containing the two clips. Move it left and right and when it is between the two clips you will see a vertical line with arrows appear when it is exactly between the clips. Release the clip when these are visible.It will be inserted between the clips at the joint Nat
  25. Hi Rob Had a look at your project. There were some odd things about it..texts running over other texts etc.Scrolling a bit erratic I have redone it along the lines I suggested originally. Renamed the files so I could better see what was happening and for this method had to copy the horse image. If you can open the link below and run the vpj file in 7.21 you should be able to work out what is happening.. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1B7hHclcfTwjfbkhe61Aw8I1fCbCOuC_v In essence I have used the main horse image on Track 1 to follow the intro image via the Image Curl transition. The first half of the text is above this (track 2) the second half of the text above this starting further to the right (Track 3) and at the top (Track 4), the second horse clip cropped to show the text below it at the bottom. Only 4 tracks then. No odd cropping or scaling. The lengths of the clips have been adjusted so scrolling keeps pace with the lyrics. Text 2 is positioned to start over text one at the point the latter disappears. Here is an avi (Hopefully) https://drive.google.com/open?id=1WhVtBGU7Pvrbss4Uo-eV-HAd04k-Amp0 Hope this is like what you were aiming for. Nat
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