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Everything posted by borate

  1. Exported to an ISO file here using default settings and couldn't spot a freeze. Here's that ISO, which can be burned to DVD. To test it, right-clicked|BURN TO DVD was chosen (Windows 10). The DVD disc did not freeze during the 4:45-6:00 segment. After download, clicking on the ISO in Windows 10 may open a player. Or look in the folder of the virtual drive that 10 spawns. VIDEO_VOB should be playable. If using another operating system, opening the ISO with 7Zip will display the files.
  2. Link #1 is the VPJ only - the data file. Link #2 is the Mp4 produced file. Neither contains the source files, which should be in the folder when exporting to a portable project. That said, there was no freeze here between five and six minutes.
  3. Upload all the project files by clicking the FILE menu and Saving a Portable Project. Then upload and link that folder.
  4. If you want Windows Media Player to handle VP's Mp4 format, check the CONSTANT FRAMERATE box before exporting. Works fine here on Rowerfal's production.
  5. What you're (not) seeing is likely an encoding or codec issue. Linked downloads, below, should help speed your mission. Exported your project as an Mp4, NTSC 640 x 480 with default encodings. Okay in Media Player Classic/HC, but no video in Windows Media Player. Exported as an MPG file type with default encodings and it played fine everywhere. That file is Jonathan.mpg Also, here is Jonathan.iso which can be used to burn a DVD. (The VOB files therein are the ones that will play directly.)
  6. If possible share your project on a server - DropBox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive, etc. - and post a public link here. Someone will take a look. To do this click the file menu and SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT. Upload that folder.
  7. Not seeing that behavior here, whether repositioning a timeline clip or inserting one from the media bin. If inserting a media bin clip, did you try the methods outlined in my initial reply? It still overwrote? Use the FILE menu and save the project as a portable project, then upload it to a server (DropBox, MS OneDrive, Google Drive, etc.) and link it here if possible. Someone will attempt to duplicate your results. Suggest also that you clear the CACHE, in OPTIONS|DISK. If all else fails, delete and reload the program.
  8. In the sequence, move the scrubber (red line) to the insert point. Click on the clip to be inserted. Right-click and Place Clip on Sequence. If that doesn't do the job... Click the chevron to the right of the green downward arrow that's just above the media area or on the chevron to the right of the PLACE button and Place on Sequence at Cursor..
  9. If feasible use the FILE menu and SAVE AS A PORTABLE PROJECT. Upload that folder to a server - DropBox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive, etc. - and post a public link here. Someone will check it out. Indicate the precise time that it freezes.
  10. hebrew videos wrote: > When I copy and paste from Word into the subtitles section of videopad, sometimes it doesn't copy the apostrophes... > it copies them into the dialogue box, but they don't show up on the video and i have to delete them from the dialogue box and type them in again manually. Try COPYing from a text (.txt) file, not a Word .doc and see if that retains the '.
  11. Likely a codec issue. Try first converting the audio file to WAV or Mp3, then import that file into VP. You might even try converting the audio in VP itself, which would result in a WAV file that could be dropped onto an audio track. Right-click the file in the media bin area (top-left). If no joy, upload your .WEBM to a server (Google Drive, MS OneDrive, etc.) and paste a public link here. Someone will check it out for you.
  12. Detritus fixed. Creating custom presets has apparently been superseded by Effects Chain.
  13. That's what I'd like to know, Nat. "Test" is my usual name for same, but there appears to be no option for creating/deleting custom presets.
  14. Under the ZOOM effect, along with the Default Preset there is a custom "test" preset listed. How was it created and how can it be deleted? This is not an effect chain VFC.
  15. In the Effects ZOOM animation editor, make certain that the X1 and Y1 coordinates are identical. Same for X2 and Y2. Zoom
  16. Can you upload the project and its files to a server, so someone can examine it? In Videopad, click the FILE menu. Save a portable project. Zip it if large and upload to Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive or the like and post a public link here.
  17. The limitations of the non-licensed version after a trial period are not readily apparent. Perhaps marketing will see fit to clarify. License your copy and you.should have no problem. Or you might over-install with the latest incarnation and see if exporting is available. It may not be. In any case, first click FILE menu and back up the project.
  18. Issue resolved
  19. Using VP 5.01, exported your files: Mp4, 320 X 240 NTSC with H264 codec default settings. Took about two minutes. Audio was normalized. No hitches.
  20. Created a transparent "test_template" just like yours, Here's the path: "C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\NCH Software\VideoPad\EffectTemplate\test_template.vfc" You should be able to delete there. The effect showed up below most others, in the TEMPLATES section. Clicking on it applied only that effect to the clip - there was no "fade in/out." "Clear Mask" was also listed, but it didn't appear to alter the effect.
  21. That appears to be only the VPJ file. The individual files (video/audio/etc.) will be needed in order to reconstruct the project. Test it with the latest VP version.
  22. Worked here on non-contiguous titles. When they are, clicking the PREVIOUS FRAME button after clicking the title brings them up, but that is an extra step.
  23. To see the subtitle text, first click on the top entry THEN on the title you want. Odd, but it seems to do the job.
  24. Nat's observation is echoed here; I've experienced the same. You might test a deletion of the temp cache files, under OPTIONS|DISK. And be sure you're using the latest version.
  25. VPJ is data - it tells Videopad what to do. It's not a video file and cannot be converted to Mp4. EXPORT (produce) the project as Video File, then choose Mp4. SAVE your project for later retrieval an editing. THAT will be a VPJ file. You can upload directly to YouTube as well. Check out the HELP (?) menu for particulars.
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