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Everything posted by borate

  1. Consider downloading, installing and running this. If it lists Videopad, it might provide a more thorough UNinstall.
  2. borate

    Effect bug

    What VP version are you using? Here is the latest.
  3. Did you uniinstall VP via ADD/REMOVE PROGRAMS. In the Windows 10 search box type "add" and a settings window will appear. Right-click the program and UNinstall.
  4. Confirmed: empty file, though it indeed does list nearly 88Kb. Looks like a redo is at hand.
  5. You can further streamline Nat's method by saving the zero transparency effect. In the effects window toolbar, click on the "save as effects chain" folder icon (forth from the left) and name it ZERO. Then scroll down and ZERO will be listed as an effect near the bottom, requiring but a single click to apply.
  6. What are the PC's specs: RAM, CPU, GPU, free drive space, etc.? If possible, use FILE|SAVE AS PORTABLE PROJECT and then upload the result to DropBox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the link and link it here. If lots of file, zip the result. Someone will take a look.
  7. Apply a SCALE, ZOOM or CROP effect - whatever looks best. Some of the image may be lost, but the POSITION effect should help achieve best results.
  8. One (of several) methods would be to first stack the tracks, in sync. Left = track 1, Center = track 2, Right = track 3. Then use video splits for specific tracks to choose what is displayed. Click the chevron to the right of the SPLIT button to see the many track-specific choices. Keep in mind that higher tracks override video of lower tracks... If track one is to be displayed, split out identical portions of tracks two and three, leaving a gap between the splits. If track two is to be displayed, split out the desired segment of track three, leaving a gap. If track three is to be displayed, don't split anything, as it will take precedence.
  9. What's the format and frame rate of the clips? Place two transitioning clips that have the problem on the time line. Then click FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT. Upload the result to a server and link it here, so folks can try to recreate what you see.
  10. What are the specs for the Mac? CPU, RAM, GPU, available disc space, etc.? What's your Videopad version? It might help if someone tried to construct the project. If possible, click FILE|SAVE AS PORTABLE PROJECT... Zip the files that result and upload them to DropBox, MS OneDrive, Google Drive or the like and post a public link here.
  11. Must be missing something here. Tested a 4:3 zoom in with both PV and zoom AR set to 4:3. Then set both to 16:9. Then mixed them, both ways. While borders varied at different settings, in no instance was the image on the timeline stretched? Circles always remained as circles.
  12. Just out of curiosity, is there a change when the "user hardware-accelerated video effects" box is UNchecked, under the Editing tab in OPTIONS? Try also UNchecking the "automatically exports non-destructively if possible" box, under the EXPORT tab.
  13. In OPTIONS for preview, click the chevron to the right of "Preset" and choose your setting. To change PV window size, place the pointer on the vertical dots that are between the media area and PV window - until double arrows appear. Drag left or right.
  14. Yes. There are several methods... Use STORYBOOK mode. Place the scrubber (red line) where you want the freeze to occur and click the SPLIT button. Under the preview window click the |> NEXT FRAME icon. SPLIT once again. Right-click the middle of the three clips now shown and CHANGE CLIP SPEED to zero. Click the time readout (below the FX and speaker buttons) and set the duration of the freeze, after which the video will continue. Or use Nat's method. Place the scrubber where you want the freeze and take a snapshot.. Don't move the scrubber. The snapshot will be in the IMAGES bin. To the right of the PLACE button, the chevron can be clicked to choose the appropriate resolution. Then click PLACE to insert the still. Set its duration.
  15. borate

    FX Management

    Not precisely what you want, but a workaround would be to save an effect template (fourth 'page' icon from the left in the effects window). Then delete the effect - in essence disabling it until it's needed again. When that time comes open the effects window, scroll down to the saved effect and click on it to restore.
  16. What kind of pictures? .JPG stills? Click ADD FILE on the VP toolbar, then locate the file and OPEN it. The image should appear in the Media area, at the top-left. Note the various tabs, which are bins that hold different types of media. If you right-click in the preview window there should also be a choice to change preview resolution.
  17. What version of VP is being used? Here's the latest.
  18. Please click the FILE menu and SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT. Then upload that folder to MS OneDrive, Google Drive, Dropbox or the like and link it here. Someone will take a look. If it's a large project, zip it prior to uploading.
  19. Just to be clear: effects, but not transitions, can be applied to clips in the media bin. Transitions are enabled only between clips on the timeline. Do your transitions display correctly in the preview window, prior to export? Try your project with the latest version and see if the problem persists.
  20. Using 5.03 and exporting an Mp4 with default settings at low res, the zoom and text are not lost here. Try it again with this latest version.
  21. Just in case there is some confusion on file types... A .vpj file is data; it tells VP how to set up and run a project. The vpj is created from within Videopad with FILE menu|SAVE, FILE|SAVE AS or FILE|SAVE AS PORTABLE PROJECT. These files cannot be loaded into Videopad, nor will they play with a media player. Clicking on a .vpj will open its project in VP, for further editing. On the other hand, EXPORT|VIDEO FILE is used to save a partial or complete VP project in one of many common video formats or containers: Mp4, FLV, AVI, MOV, etc. These are playable with compatible media players and can be loaded into VP's media area and timeline, as clips. A project cannot be reconstructed from a Video file, as it can with a .vpj data file.
  22. If you're working in VP for long periods, overall video might be tweaked to temporarily achieve a more pleasing saturation/brightness, Here, video card setup, accessible via the NVida control panel, offers an "adjust desktop color settings" configuration screen.
  23. Good suggestions. To achieve your results now, stack text clips, then select one to move it. Using the crosshatch in the preview window, its text can be dragged to any position.
  24. Above the media bin, click the SEQUENCE tab and click on your sequence. In the preview window, just below the thumbnails, you will see a red bracket (at the left of the selected area) and a blue bracket (at the right). Drag the red one far left. Drag the right one far right. This should remove the grey area and allow full export of the timeline.
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