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Everything posted by borate

  1. borate

    Audio distortion

    That's lousy all right; sounds over driven. Upload the undistorted original if possible. It's still no clear what program was used initially to make the recording into an AVI ... just Videopad?
  2. borate

    Audio distortion

    You say that you save an AVI, then bring it into VP to edit once again? With what program are you saving the file, prior to editing? Please post a sample of the original audio by uploading it to a server, such as Dropbox, GoogleDrive, Microsoft OneDrive, etc., and linking it here.
  3. You might be better off simply cropping, scaling or zooming the image, to get rid of the frame error at the bottom - unless that area contains essential material. In that case it's possible to cut the area and add it to the top, perhaps using a graphics app or the method that c_major outlined, but this can be tedious and the splice may be noticeable. This is a crop...
  4. If Nat's analysis doesn't address your problem, read through this thread.
  5. As for PREVIEW, under OPTIONS, a custom res of 540x512 was chosen and clicking OK closed the options window. This was in version 4.48. If you're not running that incarnation, consider testing it.
  6. If you must use separate tracks in lieu of transitions between clips, A/B roll them as Nat suggests, above. This will minimize track usage, while still accommodating overlaps.
  7. Review this thread for possible clues... http://nch.invisionz...ort/#entry57009
  8. This suggestion may not be practical, owing to the length of the production ... but if your original audio was Mp3 you might try a conversion to WAV, then replace the track with the new file.
  9. Have you tried deleting unused cache files, under OPTIONS|DISK tab? How about Windows temp files? How much space remains on the hard disk?
  10. Duplicated your results here Nat. The original audio (not seen on track one) appears to be embedded in the sequence and is no longer a discrete element.
  11. That explains it; never crossed my mind as I run almost full screen. Thanks.
  12. Perhaps. But on the demo sent to you I removed all fades, selected the middle clip and applied fades once again - and the result was the same.
  13. Humm, Suspected that, so dragged the preview window to its vertical size limits - both taller and compressed - and never saw sequence tab/s vanish. Overlooking something.
  14. It still unclear why there's a discrepancy between Nat's image of the 'phantom' split button, on the timeline to the right of where the SEQUENCE tab/s seem to be missing, and what I see. https://1drv.ms/i/s!...kIcz6-3cXK51LDw Here the button never covers any element of the UI.
  15. Confirmed, whether or not the FADE OUT is programmed via the right-click menu or within the PV window itself.
  16. Don't see that here Nat, no matter the size of the preview window. In either sequence or storybook mode the split icon is always directly to the right of the sequence tabs. That horizontal block seems to be missing in your illustration above??
  17. Select (highlight) the far left clip by clicking on it. Hold down the <shift> key and do the same for the far-right clip. That's a standard Windows procedure that should select ALL the clips. Press the DEL key. There are several other methods, but this should do the job.
  18. Yes. My mistake. And follow Nat's advice on clearing UNUSED files, and working in sequences in lieu of loading the entire large project.
  19. See if clearing the cache, under OPTIONS|GENERAL helps. After this is done, project/clip loading may be slower at first. An alternative might be to overlay TEXT clips in lieu of subtitles.
  20. Hold down the <ctrl> key. Click the text track. Click the video track. Drag - and both should move together. If you make a mistake press <ctrl-Z> (or EDIT|UNDO) to step back.
  21. You may be dragging video along with the audio. Try holding down <ctrl> while dragging. A file can be uploaded to Dropbox, Google DRIVE, Microsoft OneDrive, etc., made public and linked here. Do that with your file and someone may take a look.
  22. Right-click in the audio track and UNLINK it from video. Then drag the track to the right, to line up with the picture.
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