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Everything posted by borate

  1. https://tinyurl.com/rl55y6t
  2. borate

    Leaving Videopad

    As mentioned in the forum thread... 1. Have your full project on the timeline 2. Click the 'hamburger' 3-lined button at the top left of the window 3. Click FILE 4. Click SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS This will result in a numbered/dated folder 5. Upload that folder to MS OneDrive, Google Drive, etc. 6. Copy (share) the link to the folder and paste it into your forum post (or private post here)
  3. borate

    No audio at all

    As noted in my prior post, your project looks good here in v8.12 so could not replicate your issue. Is there sound in preview, but not in export? What are your PC's specs: CPU/GPU/RAM/free space? Try an uninstall/reinstall and report back, please.
  4. Very good. Now we see what happened. To analyse it, please attach the file itself, as suggested above, and someone will take a look.
  5. borate

    No audio at all

    Looks good in preview and a low-res mp4 test export. Audio is panned full right so perhaps that's why it appeared to be missing. Move the black slider square at the left of the audio track to the center, so both channels are heard. Then try an export.
  6. borate

    Leaving Videopad

    Test the beta version. As for FlyingNando...please share your project for analysis.
  7. Nice. Works for the 14Red project as well, which was linked to me in a PM. This should help the developers track down the issue.
  8. Not seeing what is believed to be what you describe - in v8.12. Pasted in a Russian word from BING translate, then in Videopad changed background, shadow and outline color. Text stayed the same. Even replaced a letter of text itself, and the rest was unaltered.
  9. Our research should lead to a fix as soon as the engineers can track it down. Check here for updates. Folks in the forum are users, for the most part - just like you. 7.02 lacks a few features of its successors, but should be fine for your current project. Just retain your license/registration info to use when the issue is solved.
  10. Thanks for sharing. Preview and export (default settings) of your project in v8.12 looked fine. No hang, no freeze, no crash. Restart VP, Clear Unused Cache Files, under OPTIONS | DISK and reload the project. If no joy, try a reinstall or this beta version. Report back.
  11. Confirmed and reported. In the interim, retain your old install file and license, if any, and install this version, which should do the job for you. If unlicensed, and it won't export an mp4, use AVI instead.
  12. You have added to a very old thread, and in the Videopad forum. Please check into http://nch.invisionzone.com/forum/15-express-burn/ Folks there may be able to resolve the issue.
  13. Is this a Videopad-created voice file or one that was imported? Please describe just how you attempted to create the clip. If there is a file available, share it for analysis.... Upload the file to Dropbox, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, etc. Copy (share) the URL and paste it into your post here.
  14. What are the specs of your PC? CPU/GPU/RAM/free space on the caching disk? Please submit the problem project for analysis. It's easy, takes but a few minutes and can usually help solve issues. Here's how... http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/ If it contains sensitive material link it in a personal message (PM). Click the envelope above. It won't be passed on or retained. Use FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS, not simply SAVE PROJECT, and don't forget to share it.
  15. borate

    Leaving Videopad

    List your hardware: CPU/GPU/RAM/free space on the drive. Please share the problem project. It's easy, takes but a few minutes and someone will be glad to check it out. Troubles are usually solved. Here's how... http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/ If it contains sensitive material link it in a personal message (PM). Click the envelope above. It won't be passed on or retained. Use FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS, not simply SAVE PROJECT, and don't forget to share it.
  16. Test the trial version to see if it is right for you. Most features will be usable for a period of time. If mp4 export does not work, try AVI.
  17. Your links will not load here at this time. Suggest editing in a word processor or a notepad, where changes can be made. When satisfied, paste it into Videopad's text editor, where it can be manipulated.
  18. borate

    Leaving Videopad

    While backwards compatibility is usually good, it isn't guaranteed. As Nat noted, there have been significant changes since the 6.x series. That's why it is suggested to edit and export with the same version. That said, please share the audio-less project with the group, or with me personally, for analysis. It's easy and takes but a few minutes. Just follow the steps outlined here. And be sure to SAVE AS PORTABLE PROJECT, not simply SAVE AS PROJECT. We'll be looking forward to seeing your production. http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/
  19. Test drive the latest version to see if it offers benefits for you. It should be pretty much fully featured for a short time. Retain your old installer and licensing info.
  20. It's not clear that your PORTABLE folder is available at that ad-infested download site. Try Google Drive or MS OneDrive instead, please. Be sure that you have saved from VP as a PORTABLE project, which will contain the VPJ control file + all your project's source files.
  21. As Nat notes, this is possible. If you instead click the 6th button on the bar, the effect will REPLACE all effects in selected clips. To apply a global effect after completing all the individual clip editing. 1) Open a new blank sequence by clicking the + sign at the right of the Sequence 1 tab, above the thumbnails. 2) Click the Sequences tab above the clip bin (top-left) and right-click on the Sequence 1 folder. 3) Click PLACE CLIP ON SEQUENCE. (Or simply drag Sequence 1 onto Sequence 2.) This is now a single clip of your entire project. The overlays and audio won't be seen on the sequence, they are all there. Apply the global effect, then export. If later changes are needed, go back to Sequence 1, make them, then redo the steps above.
  22. Did you reboot? Try that. Share your project and someone will be glad to test the export. It's easy and can be done privately. Here's how... http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/ If it contains sensitive material link it in a personal message (PM). Click the envelope above. It won't be passed on or retained. Use FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS, not simply SAVE PROJECT, and don't forget to share it.
  23. Prior to dragging the overlaid clip, click the timeline so the cursor is visible in the window. Then drag.
  24. Retrieved your three files, but the sequence gives little insight. It's about four minutes of audio. At :20 a brief intro clip appears, during which audio is silent. If you want the mp4 file to extend over the music, right-click in its audio track in the bin (top-left) and UNLINK FROM VIDEO. Now click the Video Files tab above the bin. That now video-only clip is in the video bin. Drop it onto the sequence repeatedly to create a loop that is as long as the audio track. A brief export of the result is shown below. Rollin.MOV has no video and wasn't used in your project. The alternative to looping is to initially create the font-over-flowers clip with a length that matches the desired audio length. Load it into the bin, then right-click and UNlink, click the Video Files tab and drop its single clip (which is video only) onto the video track. The audio appears to be over-driven and would benefit from using the AMPLIFY effect to lower it to about 75%. God is Good.mp4
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