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Everything posted by c_major

  1. Could you try a diagnostic build and send me the trace log? If so I'll PM you the link.
  2. Does the export failed at the beginning or in progress?
  3. Please note that the length of the video does not effect memory consumption, only the resolution is. My best bet is try export the project to a 480p video. If that works then we can rule out other issues.
  4. This problem most likely caused by ran out of memory. VideoPad is a 32bit program so the biggest memory it can access is 4GB no matter how much memory installed on your computer. There are ways to reduce memory consumption for example lower the resolution of the input images. Can you please check the size of your images and video clips used in the sequence?
  5. Please contact our support team for a refund.
  6. Can you please try a few things: Stop as many background processes as you can. Un-check Constant frame rate check box. Use a lower output resolution. e.g. 1080p.
  7. Hi Nat, I'll forward your idea to our UI specialist
  8. Hi Nat, Yes, we can also expose more parameters for the effect.
  9. Hi, We are working on a solution which will satisfy these requirements: Option for overlap clips in transition (no freeze frame) Be able to adjust the the portion of the clip inside transition area Option for automatically cross fading audio
  10. Yes, we can do that. Thanks for the suggestion.
  11. Hi Nat. There are some pre-defined presets that can not be deleted. Maybe that's one of them?
  12. Hi Nat, The newer versions can't create custom presets therefore can't delete them. You have to use one of the old versions (4.30 and earlier) to delete the presets. The reason for that was considering custom presets can't save animation keyframes. Effect templates seems to be a better solution.
  13. I see, at the moment you need insert a tiny gap or blank clip to do pre-cut and post cut.
  14. Hi Borate, Could you describe a use case (for example)?
  15. Hi, Yes, I can see there's room to improve for making transitions easier. What do you think about: Add an option to automatically adjust the start/end point of the clips such that no freeze during the transition. Add an option to automatically apply crossfade to audio.
  16. You just need to drag a sequence to another sequence from the Sequence tab of the media window:
  17. Hi Nat, Thanks for the suggestion. We can add options to the Border effect to allow users to change the inner shape. It could be useful to also have other shapes like a oval or diamond. P.S. Do you need this feature in urgent? We are adding some other new features to VideoPad so it would be a while until the next release.
  18. Help document pages can also be accessed through Help menu.
  19. Hi Nat, I'll do some testing on this...Is that only happen on Zoom or Zoom&Pan effect? Or maybe you can shard the project files to me so I can try myself. There is a small downward arrow next to the Place buttons. You can click on the arrow to choose where you want to place.
  20. Hi Nat, Have you tried matching the framerate of the preview and export to the shooting framerate? Preview/Export at different framerate might lead to the issue you've got. Try preview or export at a multiplication of the shooting framerate such that every frame in the shooting footage are in the output (no drop or unaligned frames). For example: 20fps: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 30fps: 1 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 8 9 10 20fps: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 40fps: 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 As you can see, output 20 fps to 30 lead to uneven duplicated frames. Effect don't duplicate frame and show exact state of given time position.
  21. The font size in VP is not points, it's a percentage number relative to the height of the output frame. Therefore no matter what resolution you export to, the text size will stay the same relative to the screen.
  22. Hi Serafin: This problem is fixed and applied to the next version. We'll contact you and offer free upgrade when it's released. Cheers,
  23. What about adding a Border option for the crop effect?
  24. I just realised we are not doing this, thanks for bringing it up.
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