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Everything posted by Fred28

  1. En ese caso debes contactar al equipo de soporte de NCH para que ellos pasen tu solicitud al departamento correcto. Puedes crear un tiquete de soporte desde el siguiente enlace: https://www.nch.com.au/support/es/index.html
  2. Hello, In that case all you need to do is right click on the note you need to change the stem on and a menu with many options will pop-up one of the options is ¨Stem¨ if you hover over it you will get the options ¨Up¨ or ¨Down¨.
  3. When you import from a CSV you are supposed to match the columns with what the program has you will need to allocate that but basically you will need to test and see in what position it will show as you want it when the import is done.
  4. Hello, I think it would be best if you reach out to NCH tech team and see if they can provide you the correct version and license to use with it so you can register successfully. You can create a support ticket for them on the following link: https://www.nch.com.au/support/index.html 
  5. Hello I don´t think it does. The media bin has several tabs to store all media you load (images, audio files, videos) and they will all be divided but there is no option to load files in order following the folder structure of where you have them saved. You can reach to NCH tech support and see if they have more information. https://www.nch.com.au/support/index.html 
  6. Hello, If you no longer have access to the old laptop and you are getting a "Too many installs" error message when registering your license on the new one, try entering the numeric portion of your registration code at http://www.nch.com.au/kb/10078.html and try again. If that does not work you might want to contact NCH Tech support at: https://www.nch.com.au/support/index.html  When installing on the new laptop you also need to make sure you installed the version compatible with your license or you will not be able to register it. NCH tech support can provide you the link to download the correct version if you need it
  7. Hello, First, go to ¨Options¨ and under the Playback tab make sure you do have the correct playback device selected and that the programs volume is set to max and then click ¨OK¨. On the main page if you have a small window called ¨Channels¨ make sure both the ¨0¨ and ¨1¨ are blue, this means both channels are on. Then test again and see if you get audio. If you do not I think your next step is to contact NCH tech support. You can create a support ticket for them on the link below: https://www.nch.com.au/support/index.html 
  8. Hello, You should be able to download free versions of NCH programs from the link below: https://www.nchsoftware.com/software/free-downloads.html I do know that free versions will ask you from time to time if you are using the program for non-commercial home use only or for commercial use, if you do not choose the first option or close the message the free version deactivates and it activates the trial version which will then block after a couple of uses or right away. NCH Software says that as per company policy they do not list the differences between their paid and free versions.
  9. Hola, Puedes tratar de cambiar el formato la resolucion y el FPS para ver si mejora. Si no es el caso talvez sea bueno que reinstales el programa. Si compraste una licencia y no sabes que version bajar ponte en contacto con el equipo de soporte de NCH Software para que te ayuden. Puedes crear un tiquete de soporte para ellos desde el siguiente enlace: https://www.nch.com.au/support/es/index.html
  10. Fred28


    Can you tell me what are the exact steps you are taking to create the account and add the opening balance and what exactly are you trying to enter in the opening balance? You can also try reaching out to NCH support for assistance by creating a support request for them on the link https://www.nch.com.au/support/index.html 
  11. Fred28


    Hello, I checked but it looks like it is not an option. You might want to confirm with NCH Technical Support if you like. Just create a support ticket for them through the link below: https://www.nch.com.au/support/index.html 
  12. Hello, I´m pretty sure that is not possible, you either delete it or it will add up to the invoices balance. You can confirm with NCH tech support by creating a ticket for them through this link: https://www.nch.com.au/support/index.html 
  13. Hola, Entiendo, lamento que el programa no cumpla con tus expectativas.
  14. Hola, Lo mejor que puedes hacer es contactar al servicio de soporte técnico de NCH usando este enlace: https://www.nch.com.au/support/es/index.html
  15. Hola, Cuando mueves el video al Timeline (Seccion inferior) si haces click derecho en el video puedes escoger la opción ¨Desvincular del Audio¨ o si haces click derecho en el track de audio puedes escoger la opción ¨Desvincular del Video¨.
  16. Hello, Assuming you are using a Windows PC you can right-click on the video file and then click on properties and you will be able to see the file size in bytes and MB. hope that helps
  17. Fred28

    credit card

    Hello, Maybe you can share what you did to correct the issue in case anyone else has the same problem. Thank you
  18. Hello, First of all, are you using a Mac or Windows PC. If you are using Mac, the Speech-To-Text feature is not available in Mac only Windows. If you are using windows I will suggest you visit the links below to learn how to setup the Speech-To-Text feature: https://www.nch.com.au/kb/10019.html https://www.nch.com.au/scribe/kb/657.html https://www.nch.com.au/scribe/kb/691.html
  19. Para acceder al link debe copiarlo y pegarlo en su buscador web: https://www.nch.com.au/support/es/index.html
  20. Fred28


    Yes, you should be able to rip the CD using Express Rip
  21. Por favor cree un tiquete de soporte atravez del siguiente enlace: https://www.nch.com.au/support/es/index.html
  22. Please contact NCH Technical Support by creating a support ticket using the link below: https://www.nch.com.au/support/index.html 
  23. Fred28

    Gary Walker

    Could you share a screenshot here so we can have a better idea of what you are describing.
  24. It seems there is not a way to make the program ignore that gap. NCH Software formally takes suggestions or feedback about their products through the form at http://www.nch.com.au/suggestions/ You can also contact NCH support and see what they say https://www.nch.com.au/support/index.html 
  25. The only options that can come close to what you are asking are the ¨FFT¨ and the ¨TFFT¨ tools, you can access them by going to the ¨TOOLS¨ tab. NCH Software formally takes suggestions or feedback about their products through the form at http://www.nch.com.au/suggestions/
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