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Everything posted by borate

  1. Humm... upload the video/image file itself and someone will check it out.
  2. First thing: click the VIEW menu in the toolbar and RESTORE DEFAULT SETTINGS. Having an image not centered in the preview window is odd. Please take a screenshot and link it here. The procedure is explained in the 'sticky' post at the top of this forum titled "Tips for getting help on this forum."
  3. The distinction between the home and master (licensed) editions is often a source of confusion. Trialware might be a more apt description for the unlicensed version, which also may limit available export formats. Here is what the company states. Here is a Wikipedia article.
  4. borate


    See the last entry in this thread.
  5. Switch to storybook mode and verify that there are no gaps. If that looks good, please use FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT to create a folder that you can place on a server, such as DropBox, Google Drive or MS OneDrive. Make the folder or files public and link them here. Someone will try to duplicate your results.
  6. Click on a clip in an audio track and it will open in the preview window. You can then drag the blue horizontal line downwards, to decrease volume. Click any point in the line and drag down or up, to create keyframes. The blue line on the audio track will echo the results, so you can see where the audio dips vs. narration. You might also test the HIGH PASS audio effect, which may screen out some undesirable lower frequency notes.
  7. Right-click on the track and CUT or DELETE. The clips in the media bin (top-left) won't be affected.
  8. It does. Loading will be affected by project complexity and the PC's available resources.
  9. Click on the clip in the media bin prior to each 'slice' and you will see the PLACE button. So someone can duplicate your results please use FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT. Upload the result to Google Drive, MS OneDrive or similar server, create a shared or public link and post it here.
  10. Seemingly similar behavior has been mentioned. Search here for "Export Effects." Does it make a difference which export format is chosen? To rule out cache problems, open OPTIONS|DISK tab and clear unused files. What are the specs of your PC: RAM, CPU, GPU, free disk space, and the like? Video editing is resource intensive.
  11. If possible let someone take a look at your project. Click FILE|SAVE AS PORTABLE PROJECT. Upload the result to Google Drive, MS OneDrive, DropBox or the like and publicly link it here.
  12. Try a lower preview resolution as well, to tax PC resources less. Right-click in the preview window. While the presentation may degrade somewhat, it could render more smoothly.
  13. Even though you're on a Mac, please share your project if possible, as noted above. Someone will check it.
  14. Over-install the latest VP version. If your project is essentially complete, but won't play, please use FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT and upload it to Dropbox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like, and share a public link here.
  15. Click the audio file in the media bin (top-left). Click the preview window PLAY button. Does audio play there - but not when the timeline is played? If so, SOLO might have been inadvertently enabled on audio track one (the video sound). Click the icon is at the left of the track (just right of the 'speaker.') to disable solo.
  16. Might it help to create subtitles with an external text editor, then import then into VP? http://www.nchsoftware.com/videopad/subtitles.html
  17. Drop the audio onto its own track. It can be slid by holding down the left mouse button and dragging, to position it where desired. You can also click the audio clip in the media bin (top-left of the interface) and "place clip on sequence. Yet another option is to select a clip in the media bin, then click the small chevron to the right of the green arrow in the media bin toolbar. That offers several placement options.
  18. You tried Uninstalling - via Control Panel|ADD/REMOVE programs - and installing the latest version?
  19. Good job on the link to the VPJ file, Bob. Please do the same for the AVI (or a snippet thereof, as it's a lengthy file). The VPJ is a data instruction file, and contains no video or audio.
  20. Bob, The link would be an http:// address. Instead of mailing it to someone, paste it into your message here. If it isn't apparent what that link is, mail it to yourself. It will appear in the message and you can copy/paste it here.
  21. If a clip is MONO, it will be heard on both channels IF there are no stereo clips. If so, it will play on the left channel only. To convert the MONO clip to stereo... Download and install WAVEpad free trial. In Videopad, right-click the audio track and SAVE AUDIO CLIP AS NEW FILE. Click the AUDIO tab in the media bin (top-left of screen). Right-click this new file and click OPEN FILE WITH|WAVEPAD AUDIO EDITOR. The file loads into Wavepad. At the bottom of its screen the word "stereo" should be seen. Click on it and answer "yes" when prompted to switch to mono. Then FILE|SAVE AS with a new name to a convenient folder. Back in Videopad, right-click on the audio track and UNLINK FRIOM VIDEO if necessary. Click ADD FILE in the toolbar and import the file from where you saved it. Delete the old audio track on the VP timeline and substitute the new mono file.
  22. https://www.dropbox.com/help/files-folders/share-with-others Post the link here and we'll take a look.
  23. Consider... Placing the AVI on the timeline, then splitting it and deleting most of the file, so only a single thirty-second segment remains. Click FILE|SAVE AS PORTABLE PROJECT, saving to a convenient folder on your PC. Sign up for a free account at GoogleDrive or DropBox, then upload the file you saved and publicly share it, posting the link here. This will allow folks to duplicate your efforts, and note whether the saturation issue appears.
  24. Perhaps. Why not test the latest version and report back. Your earlier version can be reinstalled, if desired. Its installer may be found in this path... "C:\Program Files (x86)\NCH Software\Videopad"
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