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Everything posted by borate

  1. Check out the functionality of "Automatically normalize audio volume." It's under the MEDIA tab in the options window. NCH Wavepad does a nice job of this as well.
  2. the I see where you're coming from now. There has been the suggestion that it would be handy to have the audio blue-line adjustable on the timeline as well as in the preview window. But in lieu of that enhancement, consider playing the timeline until it reaches the IN point where audio is to be adjusted. SPLIT the track at that point. Play to the OUT point and split again. Then click the newly split-out clip's audio track and you will see it isolated (in white) in the preview window, showing the precise IN/OUT points. Perhaps this approach will suffice for the time being. If you want to be selective, click the small chevron to the right of the split button to choose which tracks to split.
  3. Be sure to export as a DVD MOVIE file, not video. Are you running the latest VP version? You can also try burning with Express Burn. And this discussion might prove helpful..
  4. Please post a screenshot of the limitation that you're seeing. To do that see the "tips for getting help..." sticky post at the top of this forum.
  5. While VP will continue to function after 30 days, some features, such as the available number of export formats and audio channels, are disabled. http://www.nch.com.au/action/reginfo.html#videopad Marketing might consider clarifying these limitations in the FAQ, to avert user confusion and frustration.
  6. If you want a title over blank video, ADD BLANK from the toolbar and choose a color. Place it on track one. Then ADD TEXT, compose your title and place it on track two (just above track one). Use the same next-higher numbered track method for superimposing text over any video. The ADD TITLE configuration box has scroll options. There are various ways to isolate a portion of a clip. You could place the entire clip on the timeline, then SPLIT the start and SPLIT the end of the desired portion - in essence creating a new clip within the original. Then delete the undesired parts and right-click, close any gaps. Or you might click on the clip in the media bin (top-left area) drag the scrubber (red line) to where you want to first see the clip. Click the START button. Then drag the scrubber to where you want the clip to end and click the END button. Now click the small chevron to the right of the PLACE button - under the preview window - to see the choices of where to place the clip on the timeline. (Note that the same button displays SPLIT or PLACE, as needed.) To sum up, once the video clips are in place, titles/text be added on the next-higher track. Sound clips can be dragged below the video tracks, where it says "drag and drop your audio clips here to mix."
  7. The licensed version supports multiple audio tracks, and all will be heard unless you mute them. The trial version is limited to two audio tracks.
  8. Click anywhere on the timeline and a small graphic pops up. Click it to create a SPLIT. Or click the SPLIT button. Or click the chevron to the right of the split button and choose specific tracks to be split. If you split at your intended start point, and again at the end point - in essence, creating a new clip - then that clip can be excised. Right-click on the new clip to see the options or click the clip and press the DEL key. Audio and video tracks can be unliinked from each other by right-clicking either track to bring up a menu. Click the UNLINK item. Thereafter, each track is independent of the other.
  9. There's a difference in preview window size when toggling from CLIP to SEQUENCE mode, to make room for thumbnails. Otherwise, the window never changes size here, no matter what clips are added to the media area or to the sequence. Seek out an updated video driver from the supplier's WEBsite. Use the default/recommended/optimal value for DPI and resolution settings. You might try a reinstall of VP's latest as well.
  10. Another thread discussed the issue, and suggested right-clicking on the VP executable and clicking RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR. If that doesn't help, try deleting VP using this tool. Then install the latest VP version.
  11. A tad confused here as you note that "no other scene directly follows, yet there is a "break between two scenes." What are you changing within the video? Tested a single clip with a transition FADE and added an effect. Then cut out a portion of the clip. Neither the effect nor the cut altered the fade. Same result when a fade transition was between two clips. If a single clip has a fade, and another clip is added immediately following, the fade will vanish. To avoid that, add the fade after adding the second clip. In lieu of using a transition, try the TRANSPARENCY effect, plotting a keyframe curve to fade where desired. Here's how.
  12. Create splits at the points on the background (BG) audio track that correspond to the start and end of where narration is heard. Click on this split section. In the waveform window that opens drag the horizontal line downwards - to lower the BG gain.. Create keyframes by clicking anywhere on the line - to plot a slope that will make the volume level transition gradual. After doing this, the horizontal blue line in the BG track will reflect the audio adjustment. Also see this.
  13. Upload the elusive project and link it here, at suggested in the earlier post. Someone will take a look.
  14. If your video upload is in a format YouTube accepts it should work. Try the direct export and report back.
  15. Odd. You hint that you have exported video files in the past - with no issues. What happens if you again export this file, paying close attention to whether it completes in the usual way? If it fails, and the project isn't huge, please click FILE|SAVE AS PORTABLE PROJECT and upload to Dropbox, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive or the like. Make it public and link it here. Someone will attempt to duplicate your (non) result.
  16. The export path, unless you changed it, should be something along these lines... C:\Users\your_name\downloads\Untitled.mp4 Look for it there. Or try a search for *.mp4 or other file type that was exported.
  17. Are you running the latest version? Here's a link for Windows PCs. In the search box at the top of this forum, type "CPU" <enter> to see other posts on the same topic.
  18. Likely a missing codec on your PC. What player is being used? Chances are the file will play with the free MPC-HC. It has its own codecs for most video and audio formats. If this was an Mp4, try exporting again. Click the ENCODING button and tic the "constant frame rate" box if it's unchecked. Sometimes that brings better results. You might also test an export in another format. Export time depends upon many things: Resolution of the video, format, PC capabilities, etc. How long is your project? If you upload it to a server - such as Dropbox, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive - and make it public then link it here, someone will check it out. To create the folder for upload, in Videopad click FILE|SAVE AS PORTABLE PROJECT.
  19. Under OPTIONS|DISK tab, press the button to Clear Unused Cache Files. You tried installing the latest version?
  20. Subtitles, by their nature, are of varying lengths - user set. Check this out.
  21. It's a convoluted process, and someone may chime in here to suggest another route. Experimentation will be necessary. But, here's the general idea... 1. Go to http://images.google.com or other image site and search for "png underline." Pick a suitable PNG candidate, right click on it and SAVE AS. 2. In Videopad video track one will be the background. In this case it's your text. 3. ADD the PNG file to the media bin, then drag it onto video track two, immediately above track one, It should display as an overlay in the preview window. 4. To size and position it, click on FX at the bottom-left of the PNG clip on the timeline. That opens the effects box. Click the green + sign at the top-left. 5. Click the VIEW icon below the preview window and verify that CLIP AND BACKGROUND is checked. 6. In the effects box, click on the SCALE effect and UNcheck the "maintain aspect ratio" box. Move the sliders to size the line. 7. Click on the green + again and click the POSITION effect. In the preview window there will be a crosshatch. Click it and drag the line. Or use the sliders.
  22. Two approaches... On the left, using the U button in the VP's text editor toolbar. On the right, a .png image overlay (from Google images), that can be scaled, positioned, etc. with VP's effects tool. Circles work the same way
  23. What media is being used - DVD-R or DVD+R? -R is likely the most compatible with older players. Tried different brands?
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