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Everything posted by borate

  1. borate


    What version of Videopad? Clear Unused Cache Files, under OPTIONS|DISK tab. Install the latest video driver from the card or chip manufacturer's WEB site. If you share the project someone will check it out. Here's how... 1. With the project on the timeline, click the FILE menu. Then SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS. Save to any convenient folder. 2. Open the folder that contains the saved files and ZIP them all. 3. Upload the zip file to DropBox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like. It's free. 4. Make the uploaded file public (share it) and copy the shared link. 5. Paste the link into this forum.
  2. borate


    What, precisely, do you mean by "apply the effect?" The background should be on track one. The PNG is overlaid on track 2. Under the preview window, confirm that the VIEW menu is set for CLIP AND BACKGROUND.
  3. Open OPTIONS|DISK tab and Clear Unused Cache Files. This is a good idea when starting a new project. What version of Videopad is being used? Try the latest. If still no joy, perhaps you can share a short project that has the issue. Here's how... 1. With the project on the timeline, click the FILE menu. Then SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS. Save to any convenient folder. 2. Open the folder that contains the saved files and ZIP them all. 3. Upload the zip file to DropBox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like. It's free. 4. Make the uploaded file public (share it) and copy the shared link. 5. Paste the link into this forum.
  4. That's been fixed in later versions, Nat. It's now readable once again.
  5. In Windows 10, the DAT extension is associated with VP. Can't say why. That means that VP will launch when the DAT file is clicked. Still, you should be able to install the DAT file mod from within the gaming app itself. Open the game and look for a FILE menu|open file option. Then open the DAT from there.
  6. In the instance here the low was 320 X 240. The substituted high-res clip was 1280 X 720. Though VP''s PROPERTIES showed both to be the smaller size, the export was correct.
  7. And, if a high-res clip is substituted (changed) for the identical low-res clip, PROPERTIES still lists its low-res dimensions.
  8. Try using separate sequences. Each can be exported independently.
  9. Did you try a right-click on the empty area, then CLOSE GAP? You might also click on the sequence and drag it to the left in its entirety.
  10. Odd. What file types are these clips? If you'd like to let someone take a look... 1. With the project on the timeline, click the FILE menu. Then SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS. Save to any convenient folder. 2. Open the folder that contains the saved files and ZIP them all. 3. Upload the zip file to DropBox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like. It's free. 4. Make the uploaded file public (share it) and copy the shared link. 5. Paste the link into this forum.
  11. It shouldn't appear, unless the FROM or TO side of the split has insufficient end or start 'slop' to cover the transition's length requirement. (8/1 post, above.) In this case the split is in the middle of the clip - with ample video on each side.
  12. Agree. Seems we followed the same procedure, using the VIDEO EFFECTS icon, but achieved different results. The "all" prompt appeared without using <shift>. Beats me???
  13. Did precisely the same, Nat, but used the X (not FX) icon. Because reveals, fades, circles, etc. add nothing, some won't be seen if applied where there is no video differential at the split point. But FADE THROUGH WHITE, SHATTER and BLINDS each add an element. CROSSFADE and FADE here both displayed a slight dip during the trans, confirming that they too are functional.
  14. Seems to be an inconsistency here. Loaded five clips onto the timeline. Selected all and grouped them. While holding down <shift>, clicked EFFECTS on the tabbed toolbar. Then clicked VIDEO EFFECTS on the icon toolbar, followed by the SCALE effect. Answered YES to the "all" query. Then adjusted the scale. The effect was applied to only a single clip. However, when a previously adjusted and saved chain effect template was chosen - SCALE - the result was applied to all clips. No grouping or <shift> required.
  15. Laid down a 55 second AVI clip, split it and tested FADE and FADE THROUGH WHITE. The options setting was Ask Me. (Repeated the test with a MOV clip.) Though the timeline thumbnails seemed to indicate that the clip had been abridged, its content was unaffected and the transition was shown.
  16. Create a video file, then follow Facebook's procedure.
  17. Tested two clips with fade transition between them. If OPTIONS is set to "freeze" - no overlap. If set to "ask" the query box appears. Choose "freeze - no overlap. Share your project and someone will test it. Here's how... 1. With the project on the timeline, click the FILE menu. Then SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS. Save to any convenient folder. 2. Open the folder that contains the saved files and ZIP them all. 3. Upload the zip file to DropBox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive or the like. It's free. 4. Make the uploaded file public (share it) and copy the shared link. 5. Paste the link into this forum.
  18. borate

    Shatter transition

    Yes, as in point #1 in Nat's post, above. Transitions apply only to contiguous clips. Glad you solved it.
  19. borate

    Shatter transition

    If you want a half-second transition make the length 0.500. Works well.
  20. Put in your request. https://www.nch.com.au/suggestions/index.html?software=VideoPad
  21. Videos were loaded into VP. From LIST view, click the view menu, then media bin|sort|creation. The result is that media bin LIST view showed them to be sorted by creation. When all were selected and dropped onto the timeline, they loaded in creation order. However, if those files were first copied to another folder their creation dates were updated by Windows to today's date, and VP, accordingly, loaded them in random order.
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