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Everything posted by borate

  1. Makes sense. If the issue persists give the latest unlicensed version a try. Another thought is to break the project into several parts - perhaps ten minutes each - so there is less overload. Export each, then combine the exported files into VP for the final edit. There's also the Proxy method to consider, which can make large files/projects easier to handle.
  2. What is the project length, the resolution and format of the source files? Are there numerous effects? Several things to try... Save the project, then Clear Unused Cache Files, under OPTIONS|DISK menu and reload the project. Confirm on that menu page that the Cache Folder location points to a drive (usually C:\) that has ample free space. Under the EDITING tab, toggle the Hardware Acceleration item to the other state, to see if there is an improvement. Are the PC's video driver and Direct-X current? AMD / ATI users: http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/Pages/index.aspx Intel users: https://downloadcenter.intel.com/default.aspx nVidia users: http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us Update DirectX: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/179113 Your Videopad version was released in late February, so your registration key may be good for this version. Worth a test. You might also try the latest, unregistered edition, which should be fully featured for a trial period, though there may not be full backward compatibility.
  3. Damaged in what way? Any error messages? What format are the source files? What export format/settings are specified? What version of VP is in use? Try the latest. For licensed users upgrades are free for up to six months. After that, VP will continue to fully function but a fee will be required in order to register the newest. If this doesn't help, please share your project so someone can check it out. It isn't difficult. Here's how... http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/ If it contains sensitive material you can link it in a personal message (PM) to me, via the envelope above. Be sure to FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS, not simply SAVE PROJECT, and don't forget to share it.
  4. Ye another route: compose all tracks, then click the SEQUENCES tab above the bin. Right-click on Save Sequence Audio as New File. This saves all audio tracks of the active sequence as a single merged file. Individual tracks cannot be separated. If you want to save individual tracks, move each into a new sequence... Select a single audio track (all clips), press <ctrl-C> to copy. Click the + sign in the sequence tab above the timeline, to create a new sequence, then press <ctrl-V> to paste the track. Proceed as instructed above, to save a new audio file.
  5. The subtitles menu should always be available for adding titles ... or deleting those that are not embedded into video. Once embedded, on line 21 of video, they cannot be separated out. However, the player may be able to suppress them. If they are open captions - subtitles - they are superimposed as an integral element of the video. Don't believe that VP can display captions that are embedded in line 21, but don't quote me. When creating a project, save the subtitles as an SSA file. then export the project sans subtitles. Then the project can be restored, and the subs added via import of the SSA file.
  6. Sounds like a reasonable request. Please file it as a suggestion by clicking the chevron at the top-right of the Videopad window. Here's a method that might work for you... Configure EQ for all the clips, then click the SEQUENCES TAB above the bin. Right-click on the sequence and SAVE SEQUENCE AUDIO AS NEW FILE. That file will appear under the Audio Files tab in the bin. Set the cursor to the beginning of the project. Right-click on the newly created audio file and OVERLAY ON SEQUENCE AT CURSOR. Now mute the original audio track and re-save the project. When it's reloaded all EQ settings will be heard and the original audio track, now muted, will be left undisturbed.
  7. Here's how that works - using v7.50 for the test here... Create the curve, then SAVE PRESET and give it a name or clip #. When restoring the project, open the audio effects window and click on CONFIGURE EQUALIZER. Then click SELECT PRESET, choose the desired saved EQ and Apply.
  8. You might test the 5th button, which instead of REPLACE is APPEND. That should not wipe out other effects. Or, use the 4th button on clips to which only NORMALIZE effect is to be applied, then add that effect individually to clips that have other effects. OR go with Nat's method, below.
  9. Sorry, don't. Send an improvement suggestion by clicking the chevron at the top-right of the Videopad window.
  10. Perhaps that's why. The latest. For licensed users upgrades are free for up to six months. After that, VP will continue to fully function but a fee will be required in order to register the newest.
  11. Videopad supports some VST plug ins. Here's how, as stated in the HELP file... VST Plugins This feature allows you to use Virtual Studio Technology (VST) DLL plugins to apply effects to the audio you are working with in VideoPad. To use this feature, select Audio Effects menu -> VST Plugins, and in the window that appears, you can browse for the directory on your computer that contains VST plugins - note that the plugins must be DLL files! Once you have specified a directory name, you should see a list of VST plugin names appear in a list in the window. Press the "Refresh" button, if you don't see your desired plugin in the list, but it is in the selected folder. Next, click the "OK" button to see the selected VST plugin effect window.
  12. The Levalator may not be necessary if all VP audio ciips are normalized. To easily test that... Select all the clips with <ctrl-A>. Click the fx button on any audio clip. Click the large green + sign and choose NORMALIZE. Click the fourth button from the left on the effects toolbar, the one whose pop up reads Replace Effect Chain in Other Selected Clips. If you still desire an external app, export the project. Then open with WavePad, which will prompt if you want to continue as an audio file. Answer yes to discard the video. Once that's done, either tweak the audio with WP or SAVE AS in the format of your choice, which can then be passed along to other apps.
  13. What VP version is being used? Try the latest. For licensed users upgrades are free for up to six months. After that, VP will continue to fully function but a fee will be required in order to register the newest. Don't forget to save your project and retain your installer and code if you purchased VP. If you share your work, someone will check it out and find the answer. It's easy. Just follow the steps here... http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/ If it contains sensitive material you can link it in a personal message (PM) to me, via the envelope above. Be sure to FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS, not simply SAVE PROJECT, and don't forget to share it.
  14. By all means, if a portion of the project that demonstrates the slowdown can be isolated and saved as a PORTABLE project, please submit it. There's always room to isolate a clip. Select all clips to the right of the one to be isolated. (Click the first and hold <shift> while clicking the last.) Drag them to the right, then drag the leftmost of those clips to the left, to isolate it - leaving a gap to its right. Testing the latest beta here, selecting several clips and dragging them to the left (no <alt>) also leaves a gap. Once a clip is isolated, either handle can be dragged to alter its length, without employing <alt>.
  15. Select all the clips, Nat. Then drag right and nothing will be truncated. Record_2019_12_08_18_07_58_630.mp4
  16. Confirmed. That needs to be fixed and has been reported. We may disagree there, but your suggestion has been forwarded. First detaching the following clip (drag right) overcomes this, though it does add extra steps. Some very lengthy projects have been run here without delays. Does the caching drive (OPTIONS|DISK tab|Cache Folder) have ample free space? Toggle Hardware Acceleration, under OPTIONS|EDITING. The way to definitively get to the bottom of this issue is to test your project here. Please upload it, per the "Tips for getting help..." post at the top of this forum. The link can be sent to me privately via the envelope at the top-right of the window and won't be shared with anyone except the developers, if necessary. Tried a right-click on the audio track, then unchecking SHOW BEAT LINES ON WAVEFORM? If this fails to vanquish them file a bug report by clicking the chevron at the top-right of the VP window. If the buttons aren't there right-click|LOCK TRACK . For testing and marketing purposes (especially in beta), different builds with slight variations are offered. The version # doesn't reveal this. If you reinstall, the lock icons may appear. It can take several attempts. No need to re-download. Strikes me as a good feature, but might be improved if the 'gadget' blanked out after a few seconds instead of remaining on the scrubber line.
  17. A report has been filed outlining the 'overlay' issue Nat refers to above, if track two has been locked ... and even subsequently unlocked. To overcome this with audio unlocked, drag the insert clip from the bin to the desired joint on the sequence. When the arrows appear, drop it. Then close the audio track gaps.
  18. Grouping doesn't appear to be the issue. Leave all audio unlocked, make your insert, then right-click in any audio track gaps and CLOSE GAP. If the insert overlays (new track) when using a right-click|PLACE ON SEQUENCE AT CURSOR, instead drag the clip from the bin to the video track. When the arrows line up with the desired clip joint, let go of the mouse button.
  19. Suggest that you export at the suggested Smart Max setting, where the result should closely match the source frame rate. Or manually set the rate to match - from the drop-down list. In VP you can right-click on the clip, then PROPERTIES and click the SHOW button. Then right-click on the file, click PROPERTIES and the Details tab. Nat's suggestion, below, would save clicks.
  20. Checked with Google support? You can also file a Videopad bug report by clicking the chevron at the top-right of the VP window. As an alternative to a direct VP upload, export the project in a YouTube compatible format and use their uploader. If that doesn't work, it's surely their problem.
  21. Appears now to be saving correctly in the current 7.51 version.
  22. When VP cannot locate a file, because it has been renamed or moved, it prompts to resolve it. Click the prompt, find the revised file and double-click it. Then re-save the project. It's possible that you were trying to load an earlier save of your work, before you renamed the file??
  23. borate


    Experiment with applying an A/R (aspect ratio) effect to the clip or clips. Or try similar export A/R choices. Crop and Zoom may do what you want. To see exactly what you're working with, please share the project. Then someone can offer specifics. Here's how... http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/ If it contains sensitive material you can link it in a personal message (PM) to me, via the envelope above. Be sure to FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS, not simply SAVE PROJECT, and don't forget to share it.
  24. borate


    Use the TRANSPARENCY effect, applied to the overlay (higher) track. Click the fx button on the clip in the sequence. Then click the large green + sign to see the effect list.
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