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Everything posted by c_major

  1. You can unlink the video and audio and re-sync them in VideoPad. If the parts you wanted aren't corrupted.
  2. Thanks for sharing the files. The original clip didn't play well on other players(Windows Media Player, VLC etc.). Which video player are you using to play the clip?
  3. We've examined the first video (on Google Drive). In fact it has two sound tracks and one of them is silent. For some reason VideoPad selected the silent track. There is no indication which one should be used (or should be mixed).
  4. Cloud you please upload the clips on Google driver? We can't get original file from YouTube.
  5. Have you tried cleaning the cache as mentioned above? It that doesn't work could you please upload a project and the media files on DropBox so we can investigate?
  6. Yes, we'll make an option for it. Thanks guys!
  7. Yes, I've noticed the click in the original clip as well. I'm still downloading the clip, will analyse it afterward. Thanks for uploading the clips.
  8. There is no "official" way to do so, but we can do what we called a "hack": Click the FX button of the clip you want to re-cache. Add a Border effect, set the Width to 0. Click Apply and the cache for that section will be rebuilt. If you want to cache it again later: Remove the Border effect, and Apply. When the project still open, select Option->Disk->Clear Unused Cache FIles. Re-apply the Border effect same as above. Hope that helps.
  9. Yes, the glitch is obvious. We need more information to investigate the problem. Could you please do this: Run "dxdiag" by type it in you windows search program box Select "Save All Information" and save the information to a text file. Copy the information from the text file and post it here. Also, if you can, please upload the project files including the original footage to DropBox. Thank you.
  10. Thanks for the comment. Yes, 4h of audio takes a long time to cache.
  11. You can upload your clip on YouTube or DropBox and post the link here. Thanks.
  12. What version of VideoPad are you using? Have you upgraded to a newer version recently?
  13. Please upgrade to v4.10 (just released).
  14. This is a bug fix release for bugs occurred in v4.08 and v4.05.
  15. Unfortunately you can't do it in VideoPad. It's actually the same problem - to support multi-sound track we'll need both import and export work. You maybe able to find a 3rd-part application that puts the video and the separated audio track together. After finish eding, you can export the audio track of a Sequence by right click on the sequence icon (in Sequences folder, top-left of the screen) and then select Save Sequence Audio as New File. You can mute the irrelevant track and save only the track you wanted and do it again for the second track.
  16. Even you guys (the most experienced users) didn't know this feature meaning that it need to be worked on. We'll review this feature and expose it properly. This is how it works by design: User Ctrl + Click to add the clip to current selection. User Shift + Click to select all clips between current selected clip and the clip you clicked on. If the selected clip and the clip you clicked on are in different track, all clip inside the rectangle forming by the two clips are selected. To have the grouping option on the right click menu, you must right click on one of the selected clip. As Nat pointed out, it seems to be a bug Shift + Right Click will clear current selection and no grouping option.
  17. Just grabbed a few DVDs and tried out, none of them need to be converted to avi. It's all automatically we only convert vob to avi only if we detect problems in the vob file, for example too long between keyframes which can slow down editing a lot. If the same vob file before doesn't need convert but now does, please clean up the cache and try again: Options->Disk->Clear Unused Cache FIle (when no project is loaded).
  18. Hmm... Have you tried clear the cache: Open VideoPad without loading and project. Select Options->Disk->Clear Unused Cache Files. And then restart VideoPad and try import clips again. If you still have the problem, there is a new version of VideoPad will be released in couple of days with some important bug fixes. I suggest please wait to try out the latest version and then report back to us. Also the 25 seconds issue looks strange, does anyone else noticed this problem? I have a feeling you might have an invisible sound track - that can change your exporting length. Could you provide a few screenshots let us see how you arrange your project?
  19. You can also try grouping the video and audio clip: Select both clips by holding [Ctrl] and click on them. Right click on one of the clips and choose Group Selected Clips. The result will be same as linked in editing respect.
  20. Google Drive have 15G free space. But it can never be fast for files have a size of gigs. I wouldn't recommend you to upload those files. Could you just shard the .vpj file first (without the media clips)? I assume the issue doesn't related to what clip you are using.
  21. We are running background threads to decode the video for generating cache. Before the caching finish I would expect CPU is fully used - so we can finish caching faster. To identify and fix the crash we need to reproduce it. It would be the best if we can get the problem project to try on. Do you have a smaller project that can re-produce the crash?
  22. This problem is fixed in the upcoming version. We delayed the releasing (supposed to be last week) of the new version since there was another issue that has to be solved before the release. All known issues are fixed now and I hope it can pass the testing early this week.
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