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Everything posted by Nationalsolo

  1. Hi You have your video clip on the timeline and you have clicked on the "Add Test" tab.This opens the text entry window. This window may have a default colour depending on the options mentioned below. In the centre at the top of the window is a block of three options. The top option allows you to add aText outline and the slider position determines the size of the outline. Clicking the square allows you to select an outline colour. The middle option allows you to have "Full Background" The text will appear in a full frame of the selected colour. "Text Background" The text will appear in a transparent frame but will have a background of the selected colour "Editor Only" The text will appear with the editor frame only coloured. When on the timeline it will be on a transparent frame So to put your text onto your clip so the it appears against your clip... Click "Add Text" Select your Font, size and colour. Enter your text. Select "Editor Only" and a suitable colour to contrast with the text so you can read it. (It won't show on the timeline) Add Shadow or Outline as required Add Justification (Right Centre Left) and basic position for the text (Top Middle Bottom) Add scrolling if required Your text will now appear on Video Track 2 (The Overlay track) You can select the text image from the Clip window image bin and re-edit the text and its attributes if they are not what you want. Nat
  2. Hi Either way you will have to work on each inserted or overlaid clip. You can speed up the process quite a bit however and still acheive what you want..It just needs a bit of prior work. :-) here is a reply I posted to a similar question some time ago........ ################################################################################### You have complete control of fade-in and fade-out of any clip/image placed any track.e.g. Place a clip/image on the Track in question. Click the FX button and choose the Transparency effect. Now click the Select Preset box and choose the Fade In and Out option. When you now click the keyframe graph button (green cross with the red line around it) you will see the fade in and fade out graph line........ This is a little abrupt as it is simply fades IN and OUT and as it stands it doesn't retain the image for any time at 100% opacity before it fades out again. But you can easily alter that. Grab the line just after the start of the clip (e.g. a couple of seconds in) and pull it straight up to the top. This creates a keyframe and the Fade-in now happens more quickly and the clip remains visible for longer. Do the same a short time before the end of the clip.The graph line should now look like this..... It is up to you to decide where to pull the graph line up. In this example the image/clip lasts for 10 seconds and will fade in for about 1 second from the start and fade out about 1 second before the end. ################################################################################## Once you have a decent fade-in and fade-out interval selected you can save it as a new effect. Click the 4th icon along at the top of the effects pane (looks like an old 3.5" diskette) and give your effect a name, then save. It will now appear at the bottom of the effects list when you click the green cross under the heading Templates. You can now use this as an effect for each of your overlaid cutaway clips Nat
  3. Hi When you create a sequence using the "Sequence" and "Add" tabs, the contents of the timeline is converted into a singe new clip which is copied to the appropriate bin. The timeline is emptied so work can continue with other unused clips If you look at the top of the Clip list window you will see the bin tabs....SequencesImage files/Audio files/Video files etc. I think the rational behind this is so the finished final editing of a section of a large project can be put to one side so that work can continue on another section without it slowing down the rendering of thumbnails etc. You can still of course, reload the sequence and incorporate it into the next part of the project. and continue to edit it but only in the form as another single clip. However if it is important for you to retain the arrangement prior to creating the sequence it would be prudent to save the project. This way you could always open the .vpj file and do more editing on the original clips/tracks. Nat
  4. Hi If you have created Sequences from a group of clips, they will appear in the Sequence bin and VP will empty the timeline. You now treat them just like clips that you have in the clip bin. You can add them to the any of the Tracks by dragging and dropping or by selecting them in the sequence bin and using the green down arrow option to place them in different positons on any track. If you cannot do this then what are you referring to when you say "Sequences" Nat
  5. Hi Just posted an little clip (TEST) on UTube showing a dinghy passing with a yellow square (Wingding "n") covering the helm in the way mentioned above. Here it is... The subject moves relatively steadily from right to left with little up and down motion so it was fairly easy to set up the keyframes and not many were needed. More complex or changing movement would require more work. Obviously you can use any of the graphic characters (webdings) for the text (pointer) character but the video has to be EXPORTED for it to retain the graphic...saving the project or Backing up the project changes them back to normal letters. Indeed you could use a normal characters like O or > or ^ etc. in which case there would be no problem. Nat
  6. Hi Aresby I have just realised that although using Dingbat characters (circles/squares/arrows etc) will work as pointers or to conceal small areas of a video that might move about as in your suggestion they will not Save as such in a project file, or Backup project file. If you load a project that used text composed of these characters they will revert back to normal alphanumeric characters. On the other hand they will export OK as Dingbat characters. I wonder if NCH can find a solution to this? i.e. Whateve the type of graphic character used in the text image, it is exported as such but in the project .vpj file it is re-loaded back as an alpha numeric character. Nat
  7. Hi Aresby "Even more important (for me) though is the ability to draw on screen (eg a nice red loop or box around some important aspect) and being able to move it around as the video shot moves around. I currently have to do this by importing a red, transparent box from PaintShop, really clunky. " I posted a reply quite some time ago with a solution to this problem. The effect you want can be acheived but is a bit labour intensive, as indeed yours would be also. You can use a text character for your target indicator, no need to import one. e.g. Wingdings 2 "8" This is a circle with a dot in it..but there are lots of others that would serve. Obviously they can easily be resized to cover the target. The phaffy bit is to using position to keep the "letter" on the target and create a keyframe. Stepping through the clip and readjusting the "letter" creates the keyframe automatically. If the movement is in a pretty straight line it's fairly easy, ypou only need a keyframe at the begining and end of the movement but a more complicated movement will require a lot of keyframes. Nevertheless it does work. Nat
  8. Hi I take it that the two .vpj files were from different video projects having different clips . If this is so you won't be able re-create your original project. This doesn't mean that your original video clips are not on your PC, just that your overwritten .vpj file will only create the second project despite having the same name. If you have exported an .avi from the first project (it seems you may have done this) that .avi will be, in effect a single video clip and cannot be used to re-create the original clips per se even though the .avi was created from them. All you can do is load the .avi and re-edit it. However, even if you could remember which bits of the .avi belonged to which original clip it would be a rather long and complicated process to split the avi up and obtain separate clips again. From what you say it appears you that you may have also deleted your original clips, probably after the project was completed, as you say you can't find them. Unfortunately, in this case even if you had the original .vpj project file, loading it would not recreate the project. You would simply see a message that the clips (which would be listed) could not be found. This would also be the case if you had moved the clips to a different folder. Under these circumstances you would have to do a manual search as prompted. It's a difficult position but does underline the need to use "Save as" with a number suffix each time, or to use "Backup project files to a folder" which creates a complete set of copy + a.vpj file in a selected folder.THIS IS THE BEST ONE TO USE as you can't in effect overwrite the folder in error as VP provides a date and number name each time. Nat
  9. Hi Note that if you use the Position effect you don't set up your text to scroll. You just move the text image using position keyframes as Borate shows. As an alternative to using Position.... Before you add anything to the video tracks..... Create your left to right scrolling text. It will save to the image bin. Place this image onto Video Track1 and adjust its scrolling speed by dragging the ends of the clip in/out. Save Video track 1 as a Sequence. Your scrolling text will now be in the sequence bin and Track 1 will now be empty. Drop the sequence (your scrolling text) back onto Video track 1 Play it to where it is central by sliding the cursor (or playing the clip) and take a snapshot. This will also arrive in the image bin. Don't move the cursor. Using the drop-down menu options, place the snapshot on the sequence at the cursor position. It will insert as a new clip. Drag the ends of the snapshot clip in or out until still phase is suitable. Your text will scroll across and stop and then scroll off. You can group the three clips together before moving them as a single unit up to the overlay track or you can create another sequence and place this on the overlay track. Note. You must use a sequence for this procedure or the scroll will restart from the left after the inserted still image. Nat
  10. Hi If you enter your export parameters (e.g. Export Video to file, Destination file/name, Preset, File format, Resolution and framerate, Encoder options etc. , those parameters remain entered for future exports until you change them. Nat
  11. Hi The time it takes to export a video depends on the format chosen and the processing capacity of the PC. Cutting out only 3 mins from what is apparently a fairly long video won't make a great differnece in the exporting time which could be long.. The size of the exported video is also dependant on the format and resolution chosen. What export settings did you use? Nat
  12. Hi Currently the only effects that directly affect text are text colour, outline colour/thickness, size, font, basic position and scrolling. Video effects of course can be applied to the text image in the same way as clips but only apply to the complete frame once the text has been written. I do think there is a need for more animation effects within the text application on VP. As an example I recently wanted to highlight individual letters in a title, making each in turn change colour or in someway highlight. There was no way of doing this except by creating a set of text images each with a consecutive individual letter in a different colour (yellow) and then adding them in order to the timeline....... In fact I applied the GLOW effect to each of the frames to make the highlighted yellow letter stand out. (almost white) I feel something like this could be implemented Another idea would be to have individual letters animate from different directions (controlled by the user) to form the final text. Dropping in or spiraling in or spinning in etc. Text could be animated to type in like a tickertape effect. Outwards from the centre or in from left or right etc. With some ingenuity such effects can be created somewhat laboriously using the video effects currently present but often require a lot of text frames and trial and error or movable masking to get them to work effectively. I think NCH asked for possible ideas so there's a couple or more... :-) Any thoughts anyone? Nat
  13. Hi Hadzi Your link shows the image a bit too small to make out. However This is your screen dump. Perhaps NCH can take a look at the messages in red and suggest a fix. Looks like a missing codec problem. I don't know if it will help but you could try downloading K-lite codec pack.(Basic) https://www.codecguide.com/download_kl.htm (Links are on the right of this screen) Nat
  14. Hi "Ability to shift selected subtitles would be handy." Individual subtitle entries can be selected as they have their own IN/OUT times listed as part of the SSA file that you can save and these appear on the right side of the subtitle entry screen as Show and Hide. To move or adjust a selected subtitle you can simply drag the red and blue IN/OUT markers to a different position relative to the thumbnail line and the preview image. The subtitle text is moved in accordance with the positioning of the markers and the Show and Hide values are updated accordingly. You can even overlap subtitles if required as there is no restraint on placing an IN marker to the left of a previous subtitle's OUT marker. HOWEVER...You can only select one subtitle to move at a time. Even though you can select and highlight any number of subtitles on the list using SHIFT, when more than one is selected the IN/OUT markers disappear.. It might be useful if one could select a group in the way mentioned and have the markers relate to the group selected which could then be moved together using the markers. Nat
  15. Hi Viszockij "is this solved? Is this in version 4.14... because I don't find. If not, then in which?" Latest version is 4.58 but the option is presumably under development for a future release. Nat
  16. Hi "jak moge wyslac skan komunikatu? bardzo jest mi potrzebny ten problem." = "How I can send a scan of the message?" When the message appears,copy the screen using Ctrl+ Alt + Print Screen. Open an image program (e.g. Photoshop etc) or simply use Windows Paint and paste the screenshot. (It will be just be the message window) Now save it as a .jpg image. Upload the image here... https://pictr.com/ Copy the direct link. (the URL) Go to your forum text and click the green photo icon (under the ) Paste the URL and the image will appear in your post at the cursor position. In Polish.... Nat
  17. Hi Place clip 1 on video track 1 Place clip 2 on the overlay track so it is above clip1. Clip 2 will overlay Clip1. Click the FX button for Clip 2 (on the overlay track)and select SCALE Adjust horizontal scale to 0.5. Maintain the AR and the vertical scale will also be 0.5 Now add the POSITION effect. Adjust the horizontal value to 25 The overlay clip will now cover half the frame. Click the FX button for Clip 1 (main track)and select SCALE Adjust horizontal scale to 0.5. Maintain the AR and vertical scale will also change to 0.5 Now add the POSITION effect. Adjust the horizontal value to -25 Both clips will now be seen side by side. The AR will have been maintained for each so there will be bars (or chequered areas) at the top and bottom of the frame. This isinevitable as you can't get two full 16:9 frames next to each other without cropping one or both clips. If you want the clips one above the other then enter the values into the vertical boxes. Nat
  18. Hi For what it may be worth.... Yes, the sound on the utube clip is clipped. I have just done a short test with a couple of clips to see what I get as narration with previous versions of VP have been OK.. These are the stting I have used...... In Audio Options....Normalized audio volume is ticked. I am using a small mike plugged into the "Microphone" socket (Pink) on the front panel of the PC I have muted the existing sound on the clips so as to hear the narration result better. Select Audio...Record...Narrate Settings:- (Default Sound In) Windows Record Mixer I have a Realtek microphone option but have selected the default option. Click red button and record the narration. The played back file sounds perfectly clear. (Microphone about 3" away) The recording level meter stayed in the yellow zone throughout. The played back video in VP sounded perfectly clear. Exported the video as a Video File (To PC) Preset to Custom File type .mp4 Resolution 1280 x 720 U tube 720 Encoder options: Compressor H264 Quality 10 (High) Audio average bitrate 320 The exported videoclip played back perfectly clearly without any clipping. The microphone level was set up via the control panel. Nat
  19. Hi You have complete control of fade-in and fade-out of any clip/image placed any track. e.g. Place a clip/image on the Track in question. Click the FX button and choose the Transparency effect. Now click the Select Preset box and choose the Fade In and Out option. When you now click the keyframe graph button (green cross with the red line around it) you will see the fade in and fade out graph line........ This is a little abrupt as it is simply fades IN and OUT and as it stands it doesn't retain the image for any time at 100% opacity before it fades out again. But you can easily alter that. Grab the line just after the start of the clip (e.g. a couple of seconds in) and pull it straight up to the top. This creates a keyframe and the Fade-in now happens more quickly and the clip remains visible for longer. Do the same a short time before the end of the clip.The graph line should now look like this..... It is up to you to decide where to pull the graph line up. In this example the image/clip lasts for 10 seconds and will fade in for about 1 second from the start and fade out about 1 second before the end. Nat
  20. Hi It may be that you have set up a high preview resolution. Even using the latest version of VP (4.58) which uses multiple threads to generate the preview image and thumbnails I find that "Building Preview" message will appear if the resolution is set too high.. I usually set the preview resolution at 768 x 432 pixels and this usually prevents the message appearing. So...Open VP. Load your project. Click Tools/Options/Display Change the Preset value for preview resolution to the lowest resolution (512 x 288) and see if this cures the problem. Note that VP 4.05 doesn't use the latest algorithms to generate the preview screen or thumbnails or transfer them to the cache so there may not be much of a change but try anyway. You could also try clearing the cache completely and reloading the project. (The first reload may take longer with the cache empty, but subsequent reloads should be faster. A lot of unused files in the cache from previous work can slow things down. Nat
  21. Hi Once you have created your text clip, it will behave exactly like any image clip and any of the Video Effects can be applied to it. If the text image is placed on Video Track 1 and followed or preceeded by a video clip or another image clip then any of the Transitions can be used between the clips. Nat
  22. Hi VP 4.11 doesn't have a Constant Frame Rate option. You can set a frame rate for your export, however this will be the maximum framerate and will not necessarily be consistant. Under the Preset option, if you click "Detect" the framerate of your video will comeup and this value will default to the "Maximum Framerate" box. You could try that and see if there is any difference. In practice however, I don't think you will see a lot of differ4ence between 48 and 50 fp. The only alternative is to download the latest version of VP 4.58 Nat
  23. Hi "I see an option for Video Clip Transitioning where the choices are "Generate Freeze Frames", "Move Clips to Overlap" or "Ask Me". I don't understand what those options mean." Prior to version 4.58, adding a transition (e.g. a Crossfade) meant that clips remained fixed in position and the effect was created (in this case) by fading out clip 1 over the first still frame of clip 2 and then fading in clip 2 over the last still frame of clip 1. The total length of the timeline did not change and consequently edited portions elswhere on the timeline were not disurbed. This method of transition however, worked very well for images where there was no actual movement but video clips would show the still frames as the clips faded in and out which was often commented on. The only way around this unwanted effect was to place clip 2 on the overlay track, pull it back over clip 1 to create an overlap it and then fade it in. The crossfade now was perfect but at the expense of making the timeline shorter and having to use two tracks. In version 4.58 adding a transition between clips now gives you the choice of.... 1) "Freeze the clip location." The transition behaves as in ealier versions of VP. The timeline is not shortened. Frames from the two clips are used to cover the effect as described above. This option is OK to use between image clips where there is no movement. 2) "Move clip location" The clips are overlapped by the required amount on the same track and the transition is made over the overlapped portion of both clips. The timeline is shortened as a consequence and clips further along the timeline may have their position disturbed and should be grouped or fixed to prevent this. This choice produces a smooth transition without any disturbing still images and is Ideal for video clips. The soundtracks can also be set to crossfade under Options. Of course there must be sufficient clip length to create the overlap for the transition's selected duration. Nat
  24. Hi If you are using images on the timeline, you can alter their durations by... 1) Setting the default duration in Tools/Options/Media/Default still image duration (seconds). 2) Grabbing the edge of the image thumbnail on the timeline and then dragging it along to the right to extend the image clip. (Not video clips unless they have been already split and shortened) 3) Go into Storyboard mode and enter a new duration value in the box under each image thumbnail. As Borate explains, the duration of a selected transition can be set in the box at the bottom right of the Transition effects window and a default value can be set under Tools/Options/Editing/Default transition duration (seconds). Keep it simple for a start and practice with the various options. Make each of your images say, 5 seconds duration. Place a transition (e.g. Circle) between them of 4 seconds duration. (You can see this effect easily!) Opt to "Freeze Clip Location" when prompted. This will create a transition of 4 seconds duration equally divided between your image clips........i.e. 2 seconds at the end of image 1 and 2 seconds at the start of image 2. The blue band over the timeline will show the extent of the transition. If you increase the transition duration you will find that the maximum will be 10 seconds in this case, being the total duration of the image clips concerned..... Note you can directly alter the transition duration whilst in Storyboard mode. The value appears under the X and a new value can be entered directly here. If you opt to "Move clip location" (Normally used with video clips) the clips concerned are overlapped by the transition duration and hence the total length of the timeline is shortened. Consequently there must be enough of the two clips present to allow this. If not, the overlap is made as much as possible and the remaining transition time is made up with a still image from each clip. Nat
  25. Hi Looping a video clip is normally a feature of the video Player. VideoPad is an editor, and the only way you can loop a section of video is to repeatedly add it to itself......Clip1- Clip 1 - Clip 1 etc. and to continue dong this for the time required. Simply drop the clip onto the timeline as many times as required, or if it consists of several clips, highlight the group of clips on the timeline (select first and last with SHIFT pressed) and then Copy/Paste the selection. Nat
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